Italian Culture for Foreign Students I
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course is designed to introduce foreign students to the fundamentals of Italian culture. To this end, lectures cover Italy's main historical events and social, economic and political phenomena, from the Risorgimento to today.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students are expected to demonstrate a good knowledge of the peculiarities of Italian culture, being able to autonomously read and understand texts included in the syllabus.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course is divided into three teaching units. Unit 1 examines one of the most famous italian book, Pinocchio (1883), in order to understand cultural ideals and social reality of a recently unified nation. Unit 2 addresses the key stages of the Italian history, politics and culture: the Risorgimento, the Giolitti era, the Great War, fascism, the Resistance, the economic boom, the protest of 68, the Years of Lead, the Second Republic. Unit 3 focuses on the houses of writers who played a key role in shaping Italian identity.
Prerequisites for admission
Good knowledge of written and spoken Italian language.
Teaching methods
Teaching takes place through lectures, supported by the vision of images and videos.
Teaching Resources
Unit 1. Pinocchio's Italy
Attending students will prepare for the exam the notes taken in class and the book by Collodi Pinocchio (only complete Italian edition; available free of charge on the website
In addition to Pinocchio's book, non-attending students will prepare for the exam the essay by V. Spinazzola Un burattino eroicomico, in Pinocchio & C., pp. 28-61; available free of charge at
Unit 2. Italian History, Culture and Society (1861-today)
Attending students will prepare for the exam the notes taken in class and the book by M. Isnenghi Breve storia d'Italia a uso dei perplessi (e non), Laterza,
Non-attending students will prepare for the exam the book of M. Isnenghi Breve storia d'Italia a uso dei perplessi (e non), Laterza, and three essays of your choice contained in the book Aa.Vv., Novecento italiano. Gli anni cruciali che hanno dato il volto all'Italia di oggi, Laterza.
Unit 3. Sites of Italian culture. Writers 'houses
Attending students will prepare for the exam the notes taken in class and 6 chapters of the book by M. Novelli La finestra di Leopardi. Viaggio nelle case dei grandi scrittori italiani, Feltrinelli.
Non-attending students will prepare the book by M. Novelli La finestra di Leopardi, Viaggio nelle case dei grandi scrittori italiani, Feltrinelli.
Attending students will prepare for the exam the notes taken in class and the book by Collodi Pinocchio (only complete Italian edition; available free of charge on the website
In addition to Pinocchio's book, non-attending students will prepare for the exam the essay by V. Spinazzola Un burattino eroicomico, in Pinocchio & C., pp. 28-61; available free of charge at
Unit 2. Italian History, Culture and Society (1861-today)
Attending students will prepare for the exam the notes taken in class and the book by M. Isnenghi Breve storia d'Italia a uso dei perplessi (e non), Laterza,
Non-attending students will prepare for the exam the book of M. Isnenghi Breve storia d'Italia a uso dei perplessi (e non), Laterza, and three essays of your choice contained in the book Aa.Vv., Novecento italiano. Gli anni cruciali che hanno dato il volto all'Italia di oggi, Laterza.
Unit 3. Sites of Italian culture. Writers 'houses
Attending students will prepare for the exam the notes taken in class and 6 chapters of the book by M. Novelli La finestra di Leopardi. Viaggio nelle case dei grandi scrittori italiani, Feltrinelli.
Non-attending students will prepare the book by M. Novelli La finestra di Leopardi, Viaggio nelle case dei grandi scrittori italiani, Feltrinelli.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral interview on the topics of the syllabus, whose purpose is to ascertain the knowledge of the main issues covered and in particular the acquisition of the fundamental notions relating to the cultural and literary identity of United Italy. Attendance at lessons is strongly recommended for better exam preparation. However, the syllabus already includes additions for students who could not attend.
There are no intermediate tests, nor partial exams: students must present all the teaching units to the exam, without exception. Students must register through the appropriate links on the University website: only in this case the exams can be regularly registered.
There are no intermediate tests, nor partial exams: students must present all the teaching units to the exam, without exception. Students must register through the appropriate links on the University website: only in this case the exams can be regularly registered.
Lessons: 60 hours
Novelli Mauro Giacomo
Educational website(s)