Introduction to the Sustainability of Food Production

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The teaching course contributes to the learning objectives of the undergraduate programme in Sustainable Food Science and Technology and is aimed at providing students with the basic knowledge necessary to understand food products, from raw materials to waste, including production, transformation, preservation and distribution of food, looking at the entire food system from a sustainability perspective.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the teaching course, the student will have acquired preliminary knowledge and basic understanding of the food system and of sustainability of food production. The student must be able to briefly describe specific examples of food products using a holistic approach, i.e. one that takes into account the knowledge and information coming from the various sectors of the Food Science and Technology area. This knowledge will represent the knowledge base to evaluate, make or direct choices of production, processing, preservation and recovery of food products.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The teaching program includes the presentation and discussion of the following topics:

- Introduction to the food system
- Sustainability of food production
- Study of specific cases of food products: from production to recovery of waste passing through processing and preservation.
Prerequisites for admission
Being a first year, first semester exam, there are no specific prerequisites different from those required for access to the degree course.
Teaching methods
Lectures through which to develop the basic concepts concerning the food system and the sustainability of food production. Consistent with the holistic approach proposed, the lectures will involve experts from various sectors of the Food Science and Technology area.
Information on the organization of the classes will be always made available in My Ariel: students are thus encouraged to have a look regularly.
Teaching Resources
Slides of the lessons and scientific articles proposed by the teacher.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment of the acquisition of preliminary knowledge and the basic understanding of the food system and the sustainability of food production will take place through a written exam (a test with both multiple-choice questions and open questions) which will focus on the topics discussed during the lessons. The duration of the exam will be one hour. The final evaluation will be made in consideration of the number of the correct answers (at least 75% of the total). The final judgment will be expressed as 'approved/not approved'.

Specific procedures for students with disabilities or specific learning disabilities (DSA) will be applied also for telematic exams. Here the complete information:
In case you need specific procedures, please inform the teacher by mail at least 15 days before the exam, including in the addresses [email protected] or [email protected].
AGR/15 - FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 24 hours
Professor: Farris Stefano
Professor: Farris Stefano
By appointment
Office (Building 21040 - entrance below the metallic staircase to Aula 4 - ground floor)