Introduction to Private Law

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
This course aims to equip students with knowledge and understanding of the most important concepts and institutions of private law and related problem solving techniques, as well as the structure of the Italian civil code, so that they can successfully attend the courses included in the International Trade curriculum and complement the methodological and learning skills previously acquired in the legal area.
In this frame, the aim of the course is to help students adopt the tools of legal studies to understand and autonomously deal with topics and problems related to private law, which may differ from the ones examined during lectures, but may be experienced while pursuing further education or future careers, either in the private or public sector.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course, students should have grasped the main institutions of private law and the structure of the Italian civil code, including the rules regulating statutory cases. They should also be able to discuss and make autonomous judgement on this topic by using the appropriate legal terminology.
Through their active participation in lectures, students will also autonomously apply methods of private law for solving problems in this field occurring in relationships between private citizens, and between private citizens and public administration. They will thus apply and expand their knowledge in their future studies or careers.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization


Lesson period
First trimester
Course syllabus
- The notion of Private Law. The sources; from customs to the Italian Civil Code.
- The legal relationship. Persons: natural persons and legal persons. Legal capacity and capacity to act. Legal incapacity.
- Legal entities. Associations, foundations.
- Difference between ius in re and ius in personam. Personal rights: name; image; reputation; privacy and so on.
- Rights in rem; ground. The right of ownership.
- For the acquisition of property. The actions for recovery property.
- Rights in rem other than ownership. Collateral securities: pledge, mortgage.
- Possession. The actions for recovery possession.
- The law of obligations: the sources of obligations and the main features.
- Due performance and non-performance. Obligation and liability (the relationship between art. 1218 and art. 1176 of Italian civil code).
- Damages concerning obligations.
- Circulation of rights and obligations.
- The law of contract. Nominate and innominate contracts. Essential elements. Proposal, approval, agreement. Public offer. Types of contract. General conditions of the contract.
- The form, the subject-matter, the causa.
- Pre-contract, option.
- Validity, invalidity, effectiveness. "Void" and "voidable" contracts.
- Termination of contract. Dissolution and rescission.
- Tort law
- Personal injury, non pecuniary damages.
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites for admission required. Only a good general knowledge is definitively necessary.
Teaching methods
The teaching exclusively provides for frontal lessons. During the lessons, the aim will constantly be that of improve the students' practice with the Italian civil code and the ability to find out in it the rules that allow them to deal with any kind of practical legal problem applying the knowledge acquired during the course.
Teaching Resources
E. Gabrielli (a cura di), Lineamenti di diritto privato, Giappichelli Editore, studying only the sections concerning the above mentioned matters.
The practice of Italian civil code is definitively necessary.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exams will take place orally during one of the indicated exam sessions. Students are supposed to take the oral examination only during the indicated exam sessions. The exam aims at verifying the knowledge acquired by the student during the course, his ability to understand legal problems and his ability to solve them in his professional life. Moreover, the exam verifies the ability of the student to make independent judgements and to communicate the acquired notions logically with legal language. Finally, the student is asked to demonstrate his practice with the structure of the Italian civil code as an indispensable tool for the solution of any Private Law problem.
In order to be admitted to the oral exam the student must be regularly enrolled to the indicated exam session. Students who are not regularly listed in the list provided by the SIFA will not be allowed to take the exam. The student is supposed to personally verify that the telematic system has regularly registered his/her enrollment. The mark for the exam will be communicated to the student immediately after the subsequent oral exam.
IUS/01 - PRIVATE LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Rimini Carlo Pirro


Lesson period
Second trimester
IUS/01 - PRIVATE LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Monday 2:30 PM
Via Passione, First floor