International Economic Geography

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
M-GGR/02 SPS/04
Learning objectives
The course aims to develop the theoretical and spatial analysis skills of the main economic phenomena of today's world in the students of the master's degree course. Students are enabled to interpret economic phenomena in a critical and personal way both through the acquisition of concepts and through the analysis of statistical and cartographic information. They are also enabled to identify the interrelationships and reciprocal influences between the phenomena of development and economic decline that exist between the different territories. Particular attention will be paid to the issues of cooperation and international economic competition, in harmony with the more general training provided for in the master's degree course. The fundamental purposes of the teaching are to arouse the autonomy of judgment and the ability to communicate about the main international economic relations.
Expected learning outcomes
Students must acquire the knowledge, language and conceptual and cartographic analysis skills to know and geographically analyze the current phase of international economic relations, with particular attention to the phenomena of take-off, decline and economic innovation.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First trimester
Course syllabus
The course is divided into two modules.
Module A:
the first module illustrates the fundamental concepts of political geography. It therefore deals with the historical development of the main world economic areas. The main development theories of emerging countries are then illustrated, as well as the causes of the failure to take off and the factors of stagnation and recovery of the economies of the oldest industrialized countries.
Module B:
the second didactic module illustrates the case study of China's economic take-off, the potential and fragility of its economy. Particular attention will be paid to the geographical aspects of the "Belt and Road"Initiative", its potential and its risks towards the main world economies.
Prerequisites for admission
Students must know the basic elements of economic and political geography.
Teaching methods
The lectures will illustrate the content and conceptual aspects; learning is also promoted through participatory discussion around papers, images, graphics and photographs that will be projected during the lesson and made available in Ariel; possible lessons by experts on specific topics.
Teaching Resources
for the didactic Module A:
attended students prepare lecture notes and materials illustrated in class and made available in Ariel. They also prepare the manual
- A. Vanolo, Geografia economica del sistema-mondo. Territories e reti in the global scenario, Utet, Turin, 2010.
For didactic module B, preparation of the text:
- R. Coase, N. Wang, Come la Cina è diventata un paese capitalista, IBL Libri, Torino, 2014.

Module A, preparation of the following texts:
- A. Vanolo, Geografia economica del sistema-mondo. Territori e reti nello scenario globale, Utet, Torino, 2010.
- C. Cerreti, M. Marconi, P. Sellari, C. Cerreti, M. Marconi, P. Sellari, Spazi e poteri. Geografia politica, geografia economica, geopolitica, Laterza, Bari 2019 (limited to Part Four, from p. 185 to p. 334).

Didactic Module B, preparation of the text:- R. Coase, N. Wang, Come la Cina è diventata un paese capitalista, IBL Libri, Torino, 2014.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam takes place entirely in oral mode. The exam consists of an oral interview aimed at verifying the knowledge of the main topics covered in class and present in the texts indicated in the course program. The following will be evaluated: the ability to grasp the spatial aspects of economic phenomena; ability to interpret and criticize the topics studied.
SPS/04 - POLITICAL SCIENCE - University credits: 3
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Rinauro Sandro
Professor: Rinauro Sandro