International and European Economic Law
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
International and European economic law is a field of international law that encompasses both the conduct of sovereign states, economic trade area such as EU in international economic relations and the conduct of private parties involved in cross-border economic and business transactions. This includes, among other things, international trade law, law of international financial and in particular economic and trade institutions (IMF, OECD, WB, WTO and the role of EU within said IOs) and traditional private international law fields.
Due to the interdisciplinary dimension of International and European Economic Law, we will address economic as well as political aspects and different fields of law such as economic law, human rights, environmental law, trade law. The lecture will provide an overview of the current issues with particular reference to the role of the main international organizations and institutions involved in the governance of the so called global economy and in the solution of the current economic and financial crisis.
In addition, a substantial part of the course will be dedicated to class room discussion of reading materials and cases.
Due to the interdisciplinary dimension of International and European Economic Law, we will address economic as well as political aspects and different fields of law such as economic law, human rights, environmental law, trade law. The lecture will provide an overview of the current issues with particular reference to the role of the main international organizations and institutions involved in the governance of the so called global economy and in the solution of the current economic and financial crisis.
In addition, a substantial part of the course will be dedicated to class room discussion of reading materials and cases.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, a student should be able
· to understand the International and European economic legal order as it operates;
· to understand the relevant international and supranational economic law treaties;
· to understand the phenomenon of international economic organizations
· to demonstrate a deep understanding of the normative and empirical underpinnings of international economic law;
· to demonstrate an ability to critically appraise International and European economic law.
· to understand the International and European economic legal order as it operates;
· to understand the relevant international and supranational economic law treaties;
· to understand the phenomenon of international economic organizations
· to demonstrate a deep understanding of the normative and empirical underpinnings of international economic law;
· to demonstrate an ability to critically appraise International and European economic law.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Course syllabus
The course provides for the development and detailed analysis of the topics indicated below according to a monographic reading that will mainly develop around the theme of the economic and financial stability as a global public good to which the international community and the EU are involved to produce and supply.
1. The subjects of international economic law.: States and International organizations, the role of the EU.
2. The International economic actors: Sovereign Funds, International banks, Rating agencies, Multinational enterprises, Hedge funds, hybrid networks and standard setters as new centers of international economic and financial power.
3. The sources of international economic law and the evolution of the international economic legal order.
4. The economic summits (G7-G20). Their structure and decision-making process.
5. The International Monetary Fund (IMF): structure and objectives. The financial resources of the Fund. The financial assistance function and its evolution with respect to the economic and financial crisis. The proposals for reforming the Fund: the revision of the calculation system and the allocation of units. The IMF's response to the current crisis: limits and remedies.
6. The World Bank Group (BM): origins and objectives. Structure. Loan activity analysis. Financial resources. The World Bank inspection panel. The World Bank's answer to the current crisis: limits and remedies of its action.
7. The OECD and the Bank for International Settlements.
8. Problems of coordination between the international economic organizations and relations with the multilateral trading system GATT 1994/ WTO.
9 The Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and the euro crisis. The European Semester, the Europlus Pact, the cd. Six pack, the European Stability Mechanism (MES), the Fiscal Compact Agreement, the cd. Two packs. The reform of the European economic governance and the reform of the stability growth pact.
10. The European Central Bank (ECB) and its intervention program to safeguard the European financial market and the action of the so-called economic "troika".
11. The European Banking Union.
12. Towards a new definition of economic and monetary sovereignty.
13. The protection of economic and social human rights in front of the current economic crisis and neo-financial liberalism.
14. The economic solidarity among states within the international and European dimension.
The course provides for the development and detailed analysis of the topics indicated below according to a monographic reading that will mainly develop around the theme of the economic and financial stability as a global public good to which the international community and the EU are involved to produce and supply.
1. The subjects of international economic law.: States and International organizations, the role of the EU.
2. The International economic actors: Sovereign Funds, International banks, Rating agencies, Multinational enterprises, Hedge funds, hybrid networks and standard setters as new centers of international economic and financial power.
3. The sources of international economic law and the evolution of the international economic legal order.
4. The economic summits (G7-G20). Their structure and decision-making process.
5. The International Monetary Fund (IMF): structure and objectives. The financial resources of the Fund. The financial assistance function and its evolution with respect to the economic and financial crisis. The proposals for reforming the Fund: the revision of the calculation system and the allocation of units. The IMF's response to the current crisis: limits and remedies.
6. The World Bank Group (BM): origins and objectives. Structure. Loan activity analysis. Financial resources. The World Bank inspection panel. The World Bank's answer to the current crisis: limits and remedies of its action.
7. The OECD and the Bank for International Settlements.
8. Problems of coordination between the international economic organizations and relations with the multilateral trading system GATT 1994/ WTO.
9 The Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and the euro crisis. The European Semester, the Europlus Pact, the cd. Six pack, the European Stability Mechanism (MES), the Fiscal Compact Agreement, the cd. Two packs. The reform of the European economic governance and the reform of the stability growth pact.
10. The European Central Bank (ECB) and its intervention program to safeguard the European financial market and the action of the so-called economic "troika".
11. The European Banking Union.
12. Towards a new definition of economic and monetary sovereignty.
13. The protection of economic and social human rights in front of the current economic crisis and neo-financial liberalism.
14. The economic solidarity among states within the international and European dimension.
Prerequisites for admission
To benefit fully from this course students should have a good knowledge of international public law.
Teaching methods
Lectures (42 hours), in classroom. Attendance is not mandatory but strongly encouraged. In classroom reflections and/ or practical exercises on case-studies will be organized.
Teaching Resources
In addition to the material suggested during the lessons and possibly made available on the Ariel platform, all students are invited to study the following volume:
Peroni Giulio, Stabilità economica e sostenibilità nel diritto internazionale, Giuffrè-Lefebvre, Milano, 2020.
Peroni Giulio, Stabilità economica e sostenibilità nel diritto internazionale, Giuffrè-Lefebvre, Milano, 2020.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam is only oral. The students will be asked to answer to three open questions, which are organized as follows: the first one is a wide question, the second is a more specific one, the third one is a reflection on a case-study.
Evaluation criteria: knowledge of the subject, mastery of language and ability to critically analyse the topic proposed in the reflection.
For students attending at least 75% of the lessons, alternative forms may be agreed upon.
Evaluation criteria: knowledge of the subject, mastery of language and ability to critically analyse the topic proposed in the reflection.
For students attending at least 75% of the lessons, alternative forms may be agreed upon.
IUS/13 - INTERNATIONAL LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Peroni Giulio
Peroni GiulioEducational website(s)