Interdisciplinary Clinical Sciences 2

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
MED/10 MED/11 MED/17 MED/32 MED/41
Learning objectives
- To learn the main infectious and non-infectious diseases associated with particular lifestyles, environmental and occupational risk factors;
- To learn the main occupational diseases in relation to the different work activities and the related prevention measures;
- To develop the ability to evaluate health and social epidemiological data and learn about their use for the purpose of constructing preventive-educational intervention and promoting health in the individual and in working and general communities;
- To develop the ability to intervene, in the immediacy of the event, in emergency situations of catastrophe and accidental environmental disaster, putting in place, as far as it is concerned, the necessary first aid measures, in order to guarantee safety.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will have to know the main infectious and non-infectious diseases associated with particular lifestyles, environmental and occupational risk factors, as well as the main occupational diseases in relation to the different work activities and the related prevention measures . At the end of the course the student must also be able to evaluate the epidemiological health and social data and learn about its use for the purpose of constructing the preventive-educational intervention and the promotion of health in the individual and in working and general communities. The student must also be able to intervene, in the immediacy of the event, in emergency situations of catastrophe and accidental environmental disaster, putting in place the necessary first aid measures, in order to guarantee safety.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
To understand the topics explained during frontal teaching, a series of basic knowledge is required.
Preliminary scientific knowledge corresponds to the notions of the first year based on the course of Anatomy, Biology, Physiology and Preventive sciences
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning assessment methods for students are based on a written test. The student can access only one of the 2 dates proposed for each exam session. There are no intermediate and / or ongoing tests. It is not possible to bring any instrument or didactic material during the test.
The written test consists of several questions with multiple choices, one of which is correct. The student will have to answer indicating his preference between four types of answers.
Respiratory diseases
Course syllabus
- Elements of anatomy of the respiratory system
-Respiratory physiopathology
-Acid-base balance
-Transportation of gases
-Respiratory failure
- Obstructive diseases: COPD, asthma, bronchiectasis
-Restrictive pneumopathies: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, professional pneumopathies
- Oncological pathology of the respiratory system
-Pleural pathology: pleurisy, mesothelioma
-Respiratory infections
Teaching methods
The lessons include only a frontal teaching model.
Teaching Resources
M. Loizzi- A. Oliaro Malattie dell'Apparato Respiratorio Minerva Medica, 2016
Cardiovascular diseases
Course syllabus
1. Physiology of the cardiovascular system
2. Cardiovascular risk factors: epidemiology and prevention in individuals and work communities:
- High blood pressure
- Hypercholesterolemia
- Diabetes mellitus
3. Atherosclerosis: etiopathogenesis and main clinical manifestations
4. Main cardiovascular diseases: acute and chronic clinical manifestations, diagnostic and therapeutic pathways, first intervention
- Ischemic heart disease
- Mitral and aortic valvulopathy
- Cardiomyopathies
5. The main cardiac arrhythmias: acute and chronic clinical manifestations, epidemiological impact, prevention and management of acute events.
Teaching methods
The lessons include only a frontal teaching model.
Teaching Resources
Braunwald's Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine
Infectious diseases
Course syllabus
- General principles of infectious diseases: pathogenicity, infection, virulence, infectious load, toxogenesis, host defense mechanisms, pathogenesis, diagnostics, epidemiology
- prevention and isolations: prevention, epidemiological surveillance, epidemiological investigation, isolation and default, disinfection and sterilization; types of insulation
- Viral hepatitis: A, B / D, C, E - epidemiology and principles of diagnosis / treatment
- Viral and bacterial meningitis: classification, epidemiological data, diagnosis and treatment (with focus on meningococcal, pneumococcal and herpetic meningitis)
- Respiratory tract infections: definition and pathogenesis
- Pneumonia: classification, pathogenesis, principles of diagnosis and treatment.
- Tuberculosis: definition and epidemiological data; diagnostic principles; isolation criteria; principles of treatment.
- HIV: epidemiology, pathogenesis, natural history of infection (including opportunistic pathologies), principles of diagnosis and treatment
- Viral and bacterial gastroenteritis: epidemiology, diagnostic principles and prevention
Teaching methods
The lessons include only a frontal teaching model.
Teaching Resources
Materiale fornito a lezione, diapositive, appunti
Course syllabus
Ear anatomy
- Acoustic physics review and physiology of the ear and of central audiovestibular pathways
- Audiology: diagnostic procedures
- Pure tone audiometry: rules and procedure
- Types of deafness
- Noise induced hearing loss
- Age-related hearing loss
- other diseases related to the noise
- Audiometric screening
-Hearing devices and otoprotection
- examples (vertigo, tinnitus etc)
Teaching methods
The lessons include only a frontal teaching model.
Teaching Resources
Cesarani A. AUDIOMETRIA PRATICA - Casi clinici. Ediomega Torino 2012.
Merluzzi F. et al., Linee guida per la prevenzione dei danni uditivi da rumore in ambiente di lavoro. Pavia : PI-Me, 2008
Ambrosetti U., Di Berardino F., Del Bo L. Audiologia protesica. 2° Edizione Minerva medica, 2018.
Ambrosetti U. Leggi in favore delle persone con problemi di udito & prevenzione del danno da rumore. Ascolta e vivi onlus
Di Berardino F., Zanetti D., Weinstein B. "Screening tools for otological function in older adults" Volume 2; Capitolo 7, in: "Advances in Audiology and hearing Science" a cura di Hatzopoulos S, Ciorba A, Krumm M. Eds. Apple Academic Press, May 2020; Palm Bay Florida, USA.
Zanetti D., Di Berardino F. Advances in Rehabilitation of Hearing Loss. Published: March 25th 2020 doi: 10.5772/intechopen.80097
European Association for hearing aid professionals guidelines
Course syllabus
Alterations in consciousness, coma, syncope: clinical and diagnostic framework
- Sepsis and septic shock: pathophysiology, clinic, principles of prevention and treatment
- Acute respiratory failure: mechanisms and assessment of severity
- Acute hemodynamic alterations: cardiogenic, obstructive, distributive, hypovolemic shock
- Cardiac arrest: diagnosis and resuscitation principles
Teaching methods
The lessons include only a frontal teaching model.
Teaching Resources
Materiale fornito a lezione, diapositive, appunti.
MED/41 - ANAESTHESIOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Mauri Tommaso
Professor: Mauri Tommaso
MED/32 - AUDIOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Di Berardino Federica
Cardiovascular diseases
MED/11 - CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Infectious diseases
MED/17 - INFECTIOUS DISEASES - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Bandera Alessandra
Professor: Bandera Alessandra
Respiratory diseases
MED/10 - RESPIRATORY DISEASES - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Piatti Gioia Maria Carla
Friday 11.00-12.00
Via Pace 9 - Audiology Unit - "Fondazione IRCCS Ca’ Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico" hospital