Inorganic Chemistry A

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course will furnish an advanced knowledge for understanding the role of organometallic complexes both in synthetic and catalytic reactions.
Expected learning outcomes
"Students will acquire theoretical competencies in the field of synthesis, characterization of organometallic complexes as well as in their chemical reactivity. Lessons are planned to actively involve students in scientific discussions in order to develop their proper and personal viewpoints on all treated topics.
Laboratory experiences will furnish skills, which are compulsory to fully understand the chemistry of organometallic compounds."
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course is planned in theoretical (6 CFU, 48 hours) and experimental (3 CFU, 48 hours) lessons. The theoretical part deals with the general properties of organometallic complexes, which are classified considering the nature of coordinated ligands. The course provides: i) general syntheses of organometallic complexes; ii) physical and chemical properties of organometallic complexes; iii) chemical reactions in which organometallic complexes are involved (oxidative addition and reductive elimination; insertion and elimination, nucleophilic and electrophilic addition and abstraction; iv) introduction to the homogeneous catalysis.
The course also deals with the synthesis and characterization of coordination complexes. The laboratory work focuses on some subjects illustrated during theoretical lectures: i) template synthesis; ii) synthesis of metal hydride complexes; iii) O2 activation; iv) substitution reactions; v) oxidative addition.
During a pre-laboratory lecture practical and theoretical aspects of all the synthesis will be given. The synthesis of air-sensitive complexes is performed under inert atmosphere using Schlenk technique (vacuum/nitrogen). Students will use combined N2-vacuum line and special glassware.
Prerequisites for admission
As a first-year/first-semester exam for the Master's degree in Chemistry, there are no specific prerequisites beyond those required for admission to the degree program. A good knowledge of basic organic and inorganic chemistry is recommended. The student should also have already acquired the fundamental principles of coordination chemistry and NMR spectroscopy.
Teaching methods
Lectures. All the material presented in the course and the procedures of the single-bench laboratory exercises are made available to students through the course Web page that is constantly updated.
Students are strongly invited attending theoretical lessons and obliged attending the experimental laboratory.
Teaching Resources
- Teachers' slides
- The Organometallic Chemistry of the Transition Metals, 7th Edition. R. H. Crabtree; J. Wiley & Sons, N.Y.
- Organometallics. Ch. Elschenbroich; VCH.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral (45 min.): The discussion of a laboratory experience is the starting point to fully analyze the student knowledge on the course contents.
Laboratories: 48 hours
Lessons: 48 hours
Professors: Caselli Alessandro, Gallo Emma
to be agreed via e-mail
Dipartimento di Chimica - Corpo A - Piano Rialzato - Studio R71