Information and Web Communication Science
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
Provide an overview of marketing and its general concepts, and then deepen the knowledge of digital channels and the operational tools useful for working in this area.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowing how to correctly define the fundamental concepts of marketing.
Being able to use the specialized language of the field.
Understanding the tools available to marketers for working on digital channels.
Learning some basic knowledge about the artificial intelligence tools available in the marketing field.
Being able to use the specialized language of the field.
Understanding the tools available to marketers for working on digital channels.
Learning some basic knowledge about the artificial intelligence tools available in the marketing field.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The fundamentals of marketing: definitions
Target audience
The 4Ps model
Positioning and pricing
Brand identity
Digital marketing and its channels
Email marketing
Social media marketing
Artificial intelligence applied to marketing: definitions and framework
AI tools applied to marketing
Working in an agency
Case study 1: Marketing in publishing with the presence of a guest speaker
Case study 2: Working in an advertising agency with the presence of a guest speaker
Case study 3: Marketing in fashion with the presence of a guest speaker
Target audience
The 4Ps model
Positioning and pricing
Brand identity
Digital marketing and its channels
Email marketing
Social media marketing
Artificial intelligence applied to marketing: definitions and framework
AI tools applied to marketing
Working in an agency
Case study 1: Marketing in publishing with the presence of a guest speaker
Case study 2: Working in an advertising agency with the presence of a guest speaker
Case study 3: Marketing in fashion with the presence of a guest speaker
Prerequisites for admission
No preliminary knowledge is required.
Teaching methods
Lectures are based on frontal teaching with the support of slides and handouts that are progressively published on the reference course website (Ariel platform). Throughout the lectures, the analysis of real case-studies is enforced with the aim at illustrating the application of theoretical course contents to concrete scenarios. Seminars are also planned with the participation of professional experts on web-communication topics.
Lecture attendance is not mandatory, but it is strongly recommended.
Lecture attendance is not mandatory, but it is strongly recommended.
Teaching Resources
Philip Kotler, Hermawan Kartajaya, Iwan Setiawan, Marketing 4.0. Moving from traditional to digital. John Wiley and sons, 2017
Suggested books to deepen the knowledge about channels:
Veronica Gentili, Professione social media manager, Hoepli, 2020
Veronica Gentili, La pubblicità su Facebook e su Instagram. 50 consigli pratici per ads di successo, Flaccovio 2021
Francesco Gavello, Google Ads. Annunci ricerca e display. Costruisci, converti e analizza le tue campagne pubblicitarie, Flaccovio 2020
Bonaventura di Bello, SEO e Social WordPress. Ottimizzare WordPress per posizionarsi su motori di ricerca e social media, Hoepli 2016
How to use Mailchimp -
Suggested books to deepen the knowledge about channels:
Veronica Gentili, Professione social media manager, Hoepli, 2020
Veronica Gentili, La pubblicità su Facebook e su Instagram. 50 consigli pratici per ads di successo, Flaccovio 2021
Francesco Gavello, Google Ads. Annunci ricerca e display. Costruisci, converti e analizza le tue campagne pubblicitarie, Flaccovio 2020
Bonaventura di Bello, SEO e Social WordPress. Ottimizzare WordPress per posizionarsi su motori di ricerca e social media, Hoepli 2016
How to use Mailchimp -
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment consists of an in-depth assignment on a topic or case study presented by the instructor.
The student will produce a presentation using PowerPoint, Canva, or another tool to present their in-depth analysis of the topic and submit it to the professor. There will be no oral discussion.
The evaluation criteria are:
· The ability to present their insights clearly and effectively in relation to the study conducted
· Competence in using specialized terminology
· Creativity and the ability to apply the concepts presented during the course coherently
The evaluation is expressed on a scale of thirty and summarizes the results achieved in both the written exam and the in-depth assignment.
The student will produce a presentation using PowerPoint, Canva, or another tool to present their in-depth analysis of the topic and submit it to the professor. There will be no oral discussion.
The evaluation criteria are:
· The ability to present their insights clearly and effectively in relation to the study conducted
· Competence in using specialized terminology
· Creativity and the ability to apply the concepts presented during the course coherently
The evaluation is expressed on a scale of thirty and summarizes the results achieved in both the written exam and the in-depth assignment.
Unita' didattica A
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Gagliardi Lorenzo
Unita' didattica B
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Bonavitacola Matteo
Educational website(s)