Industrial Relations

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course provides the students with the basic knowledge and analytical tools to understand the nature and functioning of industrial relations systems. Particular attention is devoted to analyse the collective representation of workers and employers, collective bargaining, participatory practices and social concertation, with a view to contribute to the acquisition of the specific competences, which are essential to work for economic interest organisations, to administer and develop human resources within profit and non-profit organisatons as well as to design, implement and manage labour market and employment policies.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will understand and will be able to present the basic features of interest organisations - trade unions and employer associations - their organisational dilemmas (whom represent and how) and strategic options (which interests may be pursued and their implications). Students will be able to distinguish between the various collective bargaining levels and analyse the bargaining structure to assess the degree of centralisation/decentralisation and the presence of forms of coordination. Students will know the different types of state intervention in the field of industrial relations. He or she will be able to present the general trends in the transformation of industrial relations in the latest decades in Italy and in the main European countries.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second trimester
Course syllabus
Industrial relations
- One subject, many disciplinary perspectives
- Actors, context, methods, rules

The actors of industrial relations
- Trade unions and employee representation
- Employer representation
- The state in IR

The relations between the actors
- Collective bargaining
- Conflict
- Tripartite concertation

Industrial relations models and their change over time

Industrial relations in the public sector

Beyond the national level
- Industrial relations at EU-level
- Globalisation and the regulation of labour standards

The outcomes of industrial relations: inequalities and economic performance
Prerequisites for admission
No specific prior requirements.
Teaching methods
Classes are a mix of frontal lecrturing e discussion of cases. Active participation through Q&As during classes in encouraged. Attendance is strongly encouraged.
Teaching Resources
Bordogna, L., Pedersini, R. (2019) Relazioni industriali. L'esperienza italiana nel contesto internazionale. Bologna: Il Mulino
Frege, C. and Kelly, J. (2020) Comparative Employment Relations in the Global Economy. London: Routledge, capitolo 13 (International regulation. Standards and voluntary practices, by Michael Ficher) e capitolo 8 (Employment relations and economic performance, by Damian Grimshaw and Susan Hayter)
Dorigatti, L. and Pedersini, R. (2021) Industrial relations and inequality: The many facets of a crucial relationship, Transfer, vol. 27, n. 1, pp. 11-27
Assessment methods and Criteria
Learning assessment takes place through a final written exam with open questions. Written answers are evaluated according to the following criteria: ability to respond in a focussed way to the question; capacity to provide a clear and exhaustive answer; proper utilisation of the relevant concepts; capacity to re-elaborate in an original and critical manner what the student has learnt. The final grade is in 30s and is communicated automatically through the registration system.
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Dorigatti Lisa
Professor: Dorigatti Lisa
Educational website(s)
Wednesday 10.00-13.00, in person or remotely (on MS Teams)
Room 11, second floor (Conservatorio side)