Individual Sports and Athletics: Training Theory and Methodology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
M-EDF/01 M-EDF/02
Learning objectives
The course provides theoretical and practical knowledge in achieving performance in the main sports types based on the concept of evidence-based training.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will acquire knowledge and skills in the realization and innovation of sports for diverse age groups, with special attention to elite sports, as concerns teaching, methodology, and techniques applicable to different types of sports.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
General topics
1. Why athletes train
2. Adaptation: basic elements
3. Stress, fatigue, supercompensation
4. Training: international terminology
5. Evolution of training: the major methods, the fundamental stages in the evolution of training theory and methodology
6. Modern methodology of training for elite competition: experience- and evidence-based training
7. Specificities of youth training
8. Warm-up: methodology and application in training and match preparation
9. Stretching: methodology and application in training and match preparation
10. Overtraining: classification and prevention
11. Match day: methodology and planning
12. Doping: cultural actions and methods to fight it
13. Functional models, performance models, physiological models
14. Models and means of didactic training
15. Models and means of technical training
16. Talent: identification, selection, development, maintenance, modern evidence-based approaches
17. Recovery: strategies and means for speeding up recovery time between training and tight scheduling and elite competition sports events
18. Injury prevention programs and methods

1. Endurance: definition, classification in relation to scientific evidence and field practice
2. Authors - the major schools - applications
3. Central and peripheral aerobic components: from the physiological model to training
4. Endurance training-induced modifications
5. Special endurance: content differentiated by sports type
6. Evolution of endurance training methodology
7. Endurance: training means and methods (short, medium, and long competitions and ultraendurance events)
8. Aerobic lipid power endurance: definition, scientific evidence, training
9. History and classification of intermittent training; its use for developing endurance in individual and team sports
10. Greater volume or greater intensity? Consequences and effects on performance in endurance athletes
11. Training at high altitude for enhancing endurance performance. Overview of training at high altitude.
12. Factors that differentiate the performance of high-altitude runners (Kenyans, Ethiopians) from "Caucasian" runners
13. High-intensity interval training (HIIT)
14. The importance of neuromuscular factors and combined strength-endurance training: methods and effects on performance
15. Periodization: examples of macrocycles for training for marathon running and cross-country skiing
16. Sensitive phases in the development of endurance
17. Peak high performance: basics of periodization in endurance sports
18. Preparation for indoor and outdoor endurance competition events: logistics, tactics, and strategies
19. Methodology and planning for endurance competition event day

Strength and Speed
1. General introduction to power sports
2. Strength and speed: scientific language and glossary of technical terms
3. Muscle strengthening: major authors and methods
4. Muscle strength: definition and classification in scientific, methodological, and technical contexts
5. Mechanisms of muscle strengthening: theoretical and practical aspects
6. Loading, overloading, and training intensity
7. Concepts of training, athletic preparation, and return to sports
8. Concepts of muscle strength and muscle power
9. Training means and methods in different expressions of strength
10. Training for maximum strength
11. Training for muscle power
12. Means and methods for increasing muscle mass in competition sports and fitness
13. Innovative aspects for improving muscle power
14. Training with blood flow restriction protocols
15. Means and methods of increasing muscle power in acyclical and cyclical sports
16. Intermittent and "intermittent-strength" training in individual sports and intermittent acyclical sports
17. Training capacity of acceleration, sprint, high-speed running, and factors that regulate strength, technique, and rhythm
18. Elements for planning and periodization of muscle strengthening
19. Monitoring muscle strengthening and strength training
20. Muscle strengthening in young persons
21. Track and Field (Throw events): didactics of learning Olympic lifting movements (theoretical and practical aspects)
Prerequisites for admission
No previous knowledge is necessary insofar as graduate students will have passed their admissions interview in which they demonstrated their knowledge level, as required by study regulations.
Teaching methods
The theoretical content is presented via frontal lectures with the aid of computers and multimedia support. The practical exercises in some topics are conducted at sports facilities.
Teaching Resources
Reference material
The scientific literature will be provided at each class.
As concerns the resistance training program, the book "50 MITI DEL FITNESS".
As concerns the endurance training program, the book "ALLENARE PER VINCERE".

Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam, 1.5 hours allowed. The questions will cover the entire course content, as described in the course program. Students will select one question from among the three on each topic (one for Strength and one for Endurance). The final grade is expressed in 30/30 and based on the mean of the grades for the two exams.
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 9
Lessons: 72 hours
Monday and Friday, from 9.00 to 17.00
Via Giuseppe Colombo 71, 2nd Building, mezzanine floor ; via Skype: emiliano_ce; via Teams: [email protected]
To be agreed via email.
Via Giuseppe Colombo 71, Edificio 2, Piano terra, Milano