Humanities (Science of education, General Psychology, History of Medicine, Sociology, Developmental and educational psyc
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The integrated course provides knowledge on current techniques of behaviour analysis and education for health promotion.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the integrated course, the student acquired knowledge of the current techniques of behaviour analysis and education for health promotion.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Prerequisites for admission
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam with multiple choice questions
Medical history
Course syllabus
Lecture 1
Why study the history of medicine? Paleopathology and the history of disease. From Prehistory to Antiquity. The sources for study.
Lecture 2
Medicine in the ancient Greek world. Greek myths. Early schools. Women's medicine.
Lecture 3
Medicine in the Hellenistic-Roman world. Domestic medicine. The figure of the physician. Medicine in the Arab world.
Lecture 4
The Middle Ages and monastic medicine. Birth of the hospital. Schools of medicine. The Black Death. The Renaissance. Knowing the body. The pandemic of syphilis. Medicine in the 16th century.
Lecture 5
The 17th century. Scientific birth: circulation, microscopy, obstetrics. The 18th century: vaccination and scurvy. The 19th century: advances, microbiology, semeiotics, and anesthesia. Florence Nightingale. X-rays.
Why study the history of medicine? Paleopathology and the history of disease. From Prehistory to Antiquity. The sources for study.
Lecture 2
Medicine in the ancient Greek world. Greek myths. Early schools. Women's medicine.
Lecture 3
Medicine in the Hellenistic-Roman world. Domestic medicine. The figure of the physician. Medicine in the Arab world.
Lecture 4
The Middle Ages and monastic medicine. Birth of the hospital. Schools of medicine. The Black Death. The Renaissance. Knowing the body. The pandemic of syphilis. Medicine in the 16th century.
Lecture 5
The 17th century. Scientific birth: circulation, microscopy, obstetrics. The 18th century: vaccination and scurvy. The 19th century: advances, microbiology, semeiotics, and anesthesia. Florence Nightingale. X-rays.
Teaching methods
Classroom lectures
Teaching Resources
- Materiale didattico fornito a lezione
- Biehler-Gomez L & Cattaneo C (2021). Interpreting Bone Lesions and Pathology for Forensic Practice. Academic Press.
- Porro A, Storia della medicina 1 (fino al XIX secolo) (2009). In appendice: Storia dell'odontoiatria, Rudiano, GAM editrice.
- Biehler-Gomez L & Cattaneo C (2021). Interpreting Bone Lesions and Pathology for Forensic Practice. Academic Press.
- Porro A, Storia della medicina 1 (fino al XIX secolo) (2009). In appendice: Storia dell'odontoiatria, Rudiano, GAM editrice.
Theories and science of education and social education
Course syllabus
The module will cover the following topics:
· Education in Healthcare Settings: The importance of the educational function in promoting and maintaining health.
· Patient Information/Teaching vs. Patient Education: Analysis of different models and tools for effective communication with patients, encouraging their active participation in preventing and managing their own health.
· Developing Professionalism with a Focus on the Educational Role: How pedagogy supports the development of a patient-centered approach, promoting listening, empathy, and communication skills. Reflecting on how integrating an educational function into healthcare enriches professional practice and improves interactions with patients, tutors, and colleagues
· Education in Healthcare Settings: The importance of the educational function in promoting and maintaining health.
· Patient Information/Teaching vs. Patient Education: Analysis of different models and tools for effective communication with patients, encouraging their active participation in preventing and managing their own health.
· Developing Professionalism with a Focus on the Educational Role: How pedagogy supports the development of a patient-centered approach, promoting listening, empathy, and communication skills. Reflecting on how integrating an educational function into healthcare enriches professional practice and improves interactions with patients, tutors, and colleagues
Teaching methods
Lectures; dialogic lectures; exercises
Teaching Resources
Materials provided by the teacher
Per approfondire: Zannini L. (2023), L'educazione del paziente. Per una consapevolezza pedagogica dei professionisti della cura, Milano: Raffaello Cortina (cap. 1-2).
Per approfondire: Zannini L. (2023), L'educazione del paziente. Per una consapevolezza pedagogica dei professionisti della cura, Milano: Raffaello Cortina (cap. 1-2).
General psychology
Course syllabus
Lecture 1
Introduction to general psychology. Visual perception and attention
Lecture 2
Memory, learning, emotion and motivation.
Lecture 3
Health psychology: purposes, contexts, perspectives and illness representations.
Lecture 4
Health psychology: from the biomedical model to the biopsychosocial model. Recent theoretical models.
Lesson 5.
Doctor-patient communication, teamworking.
Introduction to general psychology. Visual perception and attention
Lecture 2
Memory, learning, emotion and motivation.
Lecture 3
Health psychology: purposes, contexts, perspectives and illness representations.
Lecture 4
Health psychology: from the biomedical model to the biopsychosocial model. Recent theoretical models.
Lesson 5.
Doctor-patient communication, teamworking.
Teaching methods
Classroom lectures; exercises
Teaching Resources
- Materiale didattico fornito a lezione (slides)
- Capitoli selezionati: Psicologia cognitiva: dalla teoria alla pratica / [a cura di] G. Pravettoni. - [s.l] : Mondadori Università, 2017 May. - ISBN 9788861845053. (Mondadori università)
- Capitoli selezionati: RICCI BITTI, P. E., & Gremigni, P. (2013). Psicologia della salute. Modelli teorici e contesti applicativi (pp. 1-438). Carocci Editore.
- Capitoli selezionati: Psicologia cognitiva: dalla teoria alla pratica / [a cura di] G. Pravettoni. - [s.l] : Mondadori Università, 2017 May. - ISBN 9788861845053. (Mondadori università)
- Capitoli selezionati: RICCI BITTI, P. E., & Gremigni, P. (2013). Psicologia della salute. Modelli teorici e contesti applicativi (pp. 1-438). Carocci Editore.
Developmental and educational psychology
Course syllabus
- Motor development
- Cognitive development
- The development of language and communication
- The development of emotions and socio-emotional skills
- Attachment relationships
- The Theory of Mind
- Moral and social development
- The evolution of the concepts of health and illness
- Educational relationships and therapeutic relationships
- Health education and therapeutic education
- Psycho-pedagogical approach to patients
- Cognitive development
- The development of language and communication
- The development of emotions and socio-emotional skills
- Attachment relationships
- The Theory of Mind
- Moral and social development
- The evolution of the concepts of health and illness
- Educational relationships and therapeutic relationships
- Health education and therapeutic education
- Psycho-pedagogical approach to patients
Teaching methods
Classroom lectures
Teaching Resources
Caravita, Milani, Traficante (2018). Psicologia dello Sviluppo e dell'Educazione. Bologna, Il Mulino
Beghelli, Ferraresi, Manfredini (2015). Educazione terapeutica, Carrocci Faber
Beghelli, Ferraresi, Manfredini (2015). Educazione terapeutica, Carrocci Faber
General sociology
Course syllabus
1: Introduction to Sociology
· Definition and goals of sociology.
· The sociological method: quantitative and qualitative approaches.
· Major sociological theories.
2: Health and Social Inequalities
· Defining health: the biopsychosocial model.
· Social inequalities, health inequalities.
· Inequalities related to gender, ethnicity, and geography.
· The transmission of inequalities within the family.
· Effects of inequalities on access to healthcare services.
3: Sociology of Dental Hygiene
· Oral health, social integration, and quality of life.
· Social and cultural barriers in dental prevention and treatment.
· Public health and dental hygiene: policies to reduce inequalities.
4: Communication, Patients, and Oral Health
· Communication and the patient relationship in healthcare.
· Empathy and active listening in oral health care.
· Oral health education: strategies to promote healthy behaviors.
· Definition and goals of sociology.
· The sociological method: quantitative and qualitative approaches.
· Major sociological theories.
2: Health and Social Inequalities
· Defining health: the biopsychosocial model.
· Social inequalities, health inequalities.
· Inequalities related to gender, ethnicity, and geography.
· The transmission of inequalities within the family.
· Effects of inequalities on access to healthcare services.
3: Sociology of Dental Hygiene
· Oral health, social integration, and quality of life.
· Social and cultural barriers in dental prevention and treatment.
· Public health and dental hygiene: policies to reduce inequalities.
4: Communication, Patients, and Oral Health
· Communication and the patient relationship in healthcare.
· Empathy and active listening in oral health care.
· Oral health education: strategies to promote healthy behaviors.
Teaching methods
Classroom lectures
Teaching Resources
Digital handout provided by the instructor on the Ariel course page.
Developmental and educational psychology
Lessons: 10 hours
Salvadori Emilia
General psychology
M-PSI/01 - GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Oliveri Serena
General sociology
SPS/07 - GENERAL SOCIOLOGY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Consolazio David
Medical history
MED/02 - MEDICAL HISTORY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Biehler Gomez Lucie Natividad Jeannine
Theories and science of education and social education
Lessons: 10 hours
Barbanti Camilla Virginia
Educational website(s)