Human Physiology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course of physiology has the aim to provide a comprehensive view of the human body in its operation, presenting the different subcellular and cellular phenomena as causal of the more complex levels of organization and homeostatic regulation. This will enable the student to understand the organic bases of diseases and the rational use of medical interventions aimed at their treatment and prevention.
Expected learning outcomes
The student, learning the principles of Human Physiology, the concepts underlying regulatory systems and homeostasis, and principles of operation of the various specific organs and systems, will acquire an overview of the human body from the molecular to the macroscopic level, in the context of biological evolution. With this knowledge, students will be able to cope with simple problems related to the functions and dysfunctions of the organism using the scientific experimental methods. Then, it will have acquired cultural skills to address the study of diseases as alterations of normal physiological functions, and the search for the correct preventive and curative interventions aimed at restoring the functions themselves.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Course of Human Physiology
Cellular membrane and excitability. Diffusion. Ions and membrane potential. Action potential genesis and propagation. Synaptic transmission.
Muscles. The movement in the non-muscle cells. Skeletal muscle. Smooth muscle
Cardiovascular system. Heart excitability. Cardiac pump. Blood. Hemodynamic. Artery, microcirculation and veins. Control of artery pressure.
Respiratory system. Ventilation.gas exchange. O2 and CO2 transport in blood. Nervous control of respiration.
Urinary system. Osmotic regulation and renal function. Kidney and urinary pathways. Urine formation. Kidney regulation. Kidney and acid base equilibrium.
Nervous system. Anatomic and functional organization of the nervous system and genesis of the adaptive behavior. Sensory systems. Touch and pain. Visual system. Hear. Vestibular system. Olfaction. Taste. Motor control. Autonomous nervous system. Cellular bases of learning and memory. Superior function of the nervous system.
The organism on the whole, integrative functions.
Prerequisites for admission
Students must have fulfilled all the prerequisite requirements indicated in the study plan: Human anatomy and histology, Applied physics.
Teaching methods
Lezioni frontali ed esercitazioni teoriche e pratiche.
Sulla piattaforma Ariel sono presenti le immagini proiettate durante le lezioni oltre al programma del corso e i testi consigliati.
Frequenza obbligatoria
Teaching Resources
Principi di Fisiologia, Zocchi, EdiSES
Fisiologia, Stanfield German, EdiSES
Assessment methods and Criteria
Methods: oral test with the teachers of the course;
Type of test: oral questioning;
Evaluation parameters: knowledge acquired, critical reasoning skills on the study carried out; quality of the exposure;
Type of assessment used; rating in thirtieths;
Method of communication: immediate at the end of the test
During the course there will be two optional intermediate assessments which, at the student's choice, can be considered for the final assessment.
BIO/09 - PHYSIOLOGY - University credits: 7
Informal teaching: 16 hours
Lessons: 48 hours
Professors: Brambilla Dario, Cerri Gabriella