Human Movement Theory and Methodology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
M-EDF/01 M-EDF/02
Learning objectives
The course is aimed at knowing the fundamental principles for planning and developing the teaching process for physical activity at all ages. The scientific basics of the human motor development, motor learning and motor control, and the main methods to plan and manage the practice of physical activity will be provided.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will develop knowledge and skills to plan, organize, teach and promote physical and sports activities at school or in sport and leisure, applying appropriate methods based on the age of the performers.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization


Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Acquisition of methodological principles and technical language in order to be guided in the professional field of motor activities aiming at health, education and motor training, at the several levels of sports teaching.
Recognition of the role of motor activity in current society. The different possibilities of its use in society, in the world of education, work, health, well -being, sport.

The profile of professional: educational training area, preventive area, conditional area; integration of different scientific contributions in their training. Understanding of the theoretical assumptions as a foundation of the different methodological-application choices.

The new contributions of neuroscience regarding the role of the body for the development of all the functions of a person: motor, emotional, cognitive.
Neuroscience in teaching: the mind-body relationship, neuronal plasticity, the rapport, mirror neurons and the memory. Perceptual channels and brain hemispheres. The development of laterality and the evolution of the child's brain.

Motor activity's connection to the notion of anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, psychology, pedagogy, auxology. Instructions for their application in teaching.
Definition and programming of the human movement. Recognition of the functions involved.

Planning, programming and implementation of the movement. The postural tonic system: postural control and the musculoskeletal component, multisensory control of the posture. Awareness, perception and perceptual learning.

Presentation and analysis of the operating scheme to be used in the management of motor activities lessons. Connection between neuroscientific information and teaching management. The scheme is the basis of the goals and methodology of the discipline.

Executive functions motor development: inhibition, flexibility, planning, working memory, attention, fluency. Development of executive functions: preschool period, school period, adolescence and elderly adulthood.

The sense-motor activity, perceptive-motor, ideo-motor: definition and terminological aspects; sensory analyzers as the basis of the processing, regulation and control of the movement; Applicability and concern in the motor and sports field; Body schema, laterality and lateralization.

Joint mobility: definitions and terminological aspects; classifications, categories; limiting factors; favorable periods of development in relation to age; Applicability and concern in the motor and sports field.

The ability of muscle strength: definitions and terminological aspects; classifications, typopolgies; limiting factors; methods of muscle contraction within different types of exercises; evolution and applicability and concern in the motor and sports field.

Resistance capacity: definitions and terminological aspects; classifications, typopolgies; limiting factors; evolution and applicability and concern in the motor and sports field.
Disability and inclusion: historical notes of the concept of disability, theoretical and practical dynamic of the term inclusion, teaching and interdisciplinary collaboration to be applied in school and in other work areas referring to the subject of physical, motor and sporting education.

Ethics and teaching of physical education, concepts of motor development in different ages to operate ethically and correctly in any work environment.

Analysis of the relation between time and space managed in movement and their use in daily life.
Study of motor coordination as an all-embracing function. Analysis of all integrated components and their use in movement management.
The evolution of motor skills during life: main theories on development and motor learning; Characteristics of motor skills according to the evolutionary stage from birth to elderly. Motor patterns, motor matrices, secondary motor patterns. Favorable periods regarding age.

Scrutiny of all elements of curricular programming: purposes, goals, content, specific work plans of motor activity, methods of verification and assessment in the application field. Program and design in motor sciences and physical education: meaning and value of programming; programming in practice. The methodology as a synthesis of all theory for the purposes of motor-sports learning. Understanding of the practical conditions of the methodologies applied in the teaching activity.
Prerequisites for admission
No previous knowledge required.
Teaching methods
The teaching methodology includes frontal lectures with participatory classroom activities and discussion and interaction with students for immediate feedback on achieving the goal. This allows you to immediately insert the student from a cognitive point of view, as an active part, in situations to which he must give an autonomous, creative and collaborative response.
In addition to lectures, in order to make the concepts examined during the course understandable and immediately verifiable, the lessons will make use of:
- case studies and examples;
- testimonials from professionals in the field.
Teaching is given in the classroom using educational tools: whiteboard, video projector and computer equipment.
Teaching Resources
Lessons slides:
The slides of the lessons are made available to students on the Ariel website of the course together with videos. In addition, various extracts and articles relating to the topics covered in the course will be made available on the Ariel website.

· Casolo F. L'uomo e il movimento. Lineamenti di teoria e di metodologia, Vita e Pensiero, Milano,2020
· Cozolino L., Neuroscienze per i clinici, Raffaello Cortina, 2021
· Mantovani B. et al. Le competenze facili. Carabà edizioni, 2022
· Mantovani B. et al. I linguaggi della comunicazione in palestra. Carabà edizioni, 2023
· Mantovani B., Educazione fisica anni '90. Programmazione curricolare, metodo e valutazione nella scuola media, edi-ermes, 1991
· Dehaene Stanislas, Imparare, Raffaello Cortina, 2019
· Schmidt RA, Lee TD. Controllo motorio e apprendimento. Calzetti & Mariucci, Torgiano (PG), 2012

Suggested readings:
Angela Piero, Tredici miliardi di anni, Mondadori, 2015
Changeux Jean-Pierre, L'uomo neuronale, Feltrinelli, 1983
Cozolino Louis, Neuroscienze per i clinici, Raffaello Cortina, 2020
Damasio Antonio, Il sè viene dalla mente, Adelphi, 2010
Davidson Richard, La vita emotiva del cervello, Ponte Alle Grazie, 2013
Dehaene Stanislas, I neuroni della lettura, Raffaello Cortina, 2007
Dehaene Stanislas, Coscienza e cervello, Raffaello Cortina, 2014
Dispenza Joe, Evolvi il tuo cervello, Macro, 2008
Doidge Norman, Cervello infinito, Ponte alle Grazie, 2007
Doidge Norman, Le guarigioni del cervello, Ponte Alle Grazie, 2015
Gatti - Vecchi, Memoria, Carocci, 2019
Gazzaniga Michael, La coscienza è un istinto, Raffaello Cortina, 2019
Goldberg Elkhonon, Il Paradiso della saggezza, Ponte Alle Grazie, 2005
Goldberg Elkhonon, La sinfonia del cervello, Ponte Alle Grazie, 2009
Goleman Daniel, Intelligenza emotiva, Rizzoli, 1995
Goleman Daniel, Lavorare con intelligenza emotiva, Rizzoli, 1998
Goleman Daniel, Lo spirito creativo, Rizzoli, 1999
Immordino - Yang, Neuroscienze affettive ed educazione, Raffaello Cortina, 2017
Le Doux Joseph, Il cervello emotivo, Baldini Castoldi, 1996
Ledoux Joseph, Il sé sinaptico, Raffaello Cortina, 2002
Medina John, Il cervello. istruzioni per l'uso, Bollati Boringhieri, 2008
Medina John, Naturalmente intelligenti, Bollati Boringhieri, 2011
Oliverio Alberto, Il tempo ritrovato, Theoria, 1990
Onnis Luigi, Una nuova alleanza tra psicoterapia e neuroscienze, Franco Angeli, 2016
Ostby Hilde E Ylva, Dove nuotano gli ippocampi, Ponte Alle Grazie, 2016
Ramachandran, L'uomo che credeva di essere morto, Mondadori, 2011
Rizzolatti - Gnoli, In te mi specchio, Rizzoli, 2016
Rizzolatti - Sinigaglia, So quel che fai, Raffaello Cortina, 2006
Robertson Jan, Il cervello plastico, Rizzoli, 1999
Sacks Oliver, L'uomo che scambiò sua moglie per un cappello, Adelphi, 1985
Siegel - Bryson, 12 strategie- Lo sviluppo mentale del bambino, Raffaello Cortina, 2011
Siegel Daniel, La mente adolescente, Raffaello Cortina, 2014
Siegel Daniel, La mente relazionale, Raffaello Cortina, 1999
Siegel Daniel, Mappe per la mente, Raffaello Cortina, 2014
Siegel Payne, Esserci, Raffaello Cortina, 2020
Soresi Enzo, Il cervello anarchico, Utet, 2005
Spitzer Manfred, Demenza digitale, Corbaccio, 2012
Vallortigara Rogers, Cervelli divisi, Mondadori, 2013
Wiseman Richard, Il Potere del sonno, Vallardi, 2017

Web site:
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written exam consists of 60 multiple choice questions, with three possible answers without plausible distracters, grouped by topic and in diachronic sequence of the material covered in the lectures. The exam tests student's knowledge in the theory and content of the course topics. The grade is 30/30 points. Upon special request, the exam may also be taken as an oral exam.
Support in taking exams student SLD (DSA)
At this time of emergency, during which all exams are currently held remotely, it's possible to arrange for special examination procedures. Students must submit their request sending an e-mail (10 days before exam) to the professor of the course and to our office: [email protected]. However, the student is given the opportunity to take the exam in oral form.
Lessons: 42 hours
Professors: Longo Stefano, Michielon Giovanni


Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Acquisition of methodological principles and technical language in order to be guided in the professional field of motor activities aiming at health, education and motor training, at the several levels of sports teaching.
Recognition of the role of motor activity in current society. The different possibilities of its use in society, in the world of education, work, health, well -being, sport.

The profile of professional: educational training area, preventive area, conditional area; integration of different scientific contributions in their training. Understanding of the theoretical assumptions as a foundation of the different methodological-application choices.

The new contributions of neuroscience regarding the role of the body for the development of all the functions of a person: motor, emotional, cognitive.
Neuroscience in teaching: the mind-body relationship, neuronal plasticity, the rapport, mirror neurons and the memory. Perceptual channels and brain hemispheres. The development of laterality and the evolution of the child's brain.

Motor activity's connection to the notion of anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, psychology, pedagogy, auxology. Instructions for their application in teaching.
Definition and programming of the human movement. Recognition of the functions involved.

Planning, programming and implementation of the movement. The postural tonic system: postural control and the musculoskeletal component, multisensory control of the posture. Awareness, perception and perceptual learning.

Presentation and analysis of the operating scheme to be used in the management of motor activities lessons. Connection between neuroscientific information and teaching management. The scheme is the basis of the goals and methodology of the discipline.

Executive functions motor development: inhibition, flexibility, planning, working memory, attention, fluency. Development of executive functions: preschool period, school period, adolescence and elderly adulthood.

The sense-motor activity, perceptive-motor, ideo-motor: definition and terminological aspects; sensory analyzers as the basis of the processing, regulation and control of the movement; Applicability and concern in the motor and sports field; Body schema, laterality and lateralization.

Joint mobility: definitions and terminological aspects; classifications, categories; limiting factors; favorable periods of development in relation to age; Applicability and concern in the motor and sports field.

The ability of muscle strength: definitions and terminological aspects; classifications, typopolgies; limiting factors; methods of muscle contraction within different types of exercises; evolution and applicability and concern in the motor and sports field.

Resistance capacity: definitions and terminological aspects; classifications, typopolgies; limiting factors; evolution and applicability and concern in the motor and sports field.
Disability and inclusion: historical notes of the concept of disability, theoretical and practical dynamic of the term inclusion, teaching and interdisciplinary collaboration to be applied in school and in other work areas referring to the subject of physical, motor and sporting education.

Ethics and teaching of physical education, concepts of motor development in different ages to operate ethically and correctly in any work environment.

Analysis of the relation between time and space managed in movement and their use in daily life.
Study of motor coordination as an all-embracing function. Analysis of all integrated components and their use in movement management.
The evolution of motor skills during life: main theories on development and motor learning; Characteristics of motor skills according to the evolutionary stage from birth to elderly. Motor patterns, motor matrices, secondary motor patterns. Favorable periods regarding age.

Scrutiny of all elements of curricular programming: purposes, goals, content, specific work plans of motor activity, methods of verification and assessment in the application field. Program and design in motor sciences and physical education: meaning and value of programming; programming in practice. The methodology as a synthesis of all theory for the purposes of motor-sports learning. Understanding of the practical conditions of the methodologies applied in the teaching activity.
Prerequisites for admission
No previous knowledge required.
Teaching methods
The teaching methodology includes frontal lectures with participatory classroom activities and discussion and interaction with students for immediate feedback on achieving the goal. This allows you to immediately insert the student from a cognitive point of view, as an active part, in situations to which he must give an autonomous, creative and collaborative response.
In addition to lectures, in order to make the concepts examined during the course understandable and immediately verifiable, the lessons will make use of:
- case studies and examples;
- testimonials from professionals in the field.
Teaching is given in the classroom using educational tools: whiteboard, video projector and computer equipment.
Teaching Resources
Lessons slides:
The slides of the lessons are made available to students on the Ariel website of the course together with videos. In addition, various extracts and articles relating to the topics covered in the course will be made available on the Ariel website.

· Casolo F. L'uomo e il movimento. Lineamenti di teoria e di metodologia, Vita e Pensiero, Milano,2020
· Cozolino L., Neuroscienze per i clinici, Raffaello Cortina, 2021
· Mantovani B. et al. Le competenze facili. Carabà edizioni, 2022
· Mantovani B. et al. I linguaggi della comunicazione in palestra. Carabà edizioni, 2023
· Mantovani B., Educazione fisica anni '90. Programmazione curricolare, metodo e valutazione nella scuola media, edi-ermes, 1991
· Dehaene Stanislas, Imparare, Raffaello Cortina, 2019
· Schmidt RA, Lee TD. Controllo motorio e apprendimento. Calzetti & Mariucci, Torgiano (PG), 2012

Suggested readings:
Angela Piero, Tredici miliardi di anni, Mondadori, 2015
Changeux Jean-Pierre, L'uomo neuronale, Feltrinelli, 1983
Cozolino Louis, Neuroscienze per i clinici, Raffaello Cortina, 2020
Damasio Antonio, Il sè viene dalla mente, Adelphi, 2010
Davidson Richard, La vita emotiva del cervello, Ponte Alle Grazie, 2013
Dehaene Stanislas, I neuroni della lettura, Raffaello Cortina, 2007
Dehaene Stanislas, Coscienza e cervello, Raffaello Cortina, 2014
Dispenza Joe, Evolvi il tuo cervello, Macro, 2008
Doidge Norman, Cervello infinito, Ponte alle Grazie, 2007
Doidge Norman, Le guarigioni del cervello, Ponte Alle Grazie, 2015
Gatti - Vecchi, Memoria, Carocci, 2019
Gazzaniga Michael, La coscienza è un istinto, Raffaello Cortina, 2019
Goldberg Elkhonon, Il Paradiso della saggezza, Ponte Alle Grazie, 2005
Goldberg Elkhonon, La sinfonia del cervello, Ponte Alle Grazie, 2009
Goleman Daniel, Intelligenza emotiva, Rizzoli, 1995
Goleman Daniel, Lavorare con intelligenza emotiva, Rizzoli, 1998
Goleman Daniel, Lo spirito creativo, Rizzoli, 1999
Immordino - Yang, Neuroscienze affettive ed educazione, Raffaello Cortina, 2017
Le Doux Joseph, Il cervello emotivo, Baldini Castoldi, 1996
Ledoux Joseph, Il sé sinaptico, Raffaello Cortina, 2002
Medina John, Il cervello. istruzioni per l'uso, Bollati Boringhieri, 2008
Medina John, Naturalmente intelligenti, Bollati Boringhieri, 2011
Oliverio Alberto, Il tempo ritrovato, Theoria, 1990
Onnis Luigi, Una nuova alleanza tra psicoterapia e neuroscienze, Franco Angeli, 2016
Ostby Hilde E Ylva, Dove nuotano gli ippocampi, Ponte Alle Grazie, 2016
Ramachandran, L'uomo che credeva di essere morto, Mondadori, 2011
Rizzolatti - Gnoli, In te mi specchio, Rizzoli, 2016
Rizzolatti - Sinigaglia, So quel che fai, Raffaello Cortina, 2006
Robertson Jan, Il cervello plastico, Rizzoli, 1999
Sacks Oliver, L'uomo che scambiò sua moglie per un cappello, Adelphi, 1985
Siegel - Bryson, 12 strategie- Lo sviluppo mentale del bambino, Raffaello Cortina, 2011
Siegel Daniel, La mente adolescente, Raffaello Cortina, 2014
Siegel Daniel, La mente relazionale, Raffaello Cortina, 1999
Siegel Daniel, Mappe per la mente, Raffaello Cortina, 2014
Siegel Payne, Esserci, Raffaello Cortina, 2020
Soresi Enzo, Il cervello anarchico, Utet, 2005
Spitzer Manfred, Demenza digitale, Corbaccio, 2012
Vallortigara Rogers, Cervelli divisi, Mondadori, 2013
Wiseman Richard, Il Potere del sonno, Vallardi, 2017

Web site:
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written exam consists of 60 multiple choice questions, with three possible answers without plausible distracters, grouped by topic and in diachronic sequence of the material covered in the lectures. The exam tests student's knowledge in the theory and content of the course topics. The grade is 30/30 points. Upon special request, the exam may also be taken as an oral exam.
Support in taking exams student SLD (DSA)
At this time of emergency, during which all exams are currently held remotely, it's possible to arrange for special examination procedures. Students must submit their request sending an e-mail (10 days before exam) to the professor of the course and to our office: [email protected]. However, the student is given the opportunity to take the exam in oral form.
Lessons: 42 hours
Professors: Longo Stefano, Michielon Giovanni
By appointment via email