Human Health and Environmental Risk

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the basics of the complex relationship between the environment and the health status of the human population. The aim of the course is to lay the foundations for understanding the main risks on human health and to provide quantitative tools for monitoring and to design possible risk prevention strategies
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will be able to critically read the scientific literature on the relationship between environment and health. Starting from a certain risk, he will be able to develop models and strategies that will prevent the dissemination on the population, for example. The student will acquire competences for the use of computational models that require transversal and interdisciplinary skills.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course consists of lectures followed by exercises on the subject matter to be done individually or in groups. The topics covered will be:

1.Concept of human health as it has changed over time

2. Basic concepts in Global Health: why global health is important; what is the Current Global Burden of Disease? ; what Causes Global Health Disease Burden?; cultural Competence and Determinants of Health; causes of disease: Air, water and soil pollution.

3. Sustainable food: general overview; what are the Roles of Environment and Nutrition?; Direct and Indirect Effects of Food on World Health

4. Food insecurity and malnutrition: concepts

5. Food insecurity and malnutrition and climate change

6. Impact of pathologies and social behaviors due to changes in the environment

7. Sustainable city and public health

8.How to communicate the risk
Prerequisites for admission
No specific skills required
Teaching methods
Lectures will be alternated with videos and debates to deepen the topics covered. Each lecture will require the intervention and participation of students, who are therefore invited to follow the course. Various teaching tools will be used from power points to videos to podcasts to class questions and open discussion.
Teaching Resources
In addition to the slides, video etc discussed in class, reference scientific articles and books on the subject will be provided.

A book is suggested here for general reference only
Essential Public Health: Theory and Practice
Assessment methods and Criteria
At the end of each topic, the students individually or in groups will have to carry out a learning activity on the notions acquired, such as a discussion in front of the class of an article and presentation using a power point, the creation of a video, a critical discussion in class. each student will receive a partial mark for each activity at the end of each subject based on the effort made and the results obtained. There will then be an oral examination that will assess the complete assimilation of the concepts discussed during the course, which will be weighed with the practice activities carried out during the course (50% each).

A prerequisite for the oral is to have done all the exercises and received a grade for them. The final grades will take into account both the comprehensive preparation for the topics covered and the commitment shown throughout the course and during the expositions of the exercises.
Practicals: 32 hours
Lessons: 32 hours