Human and Regional Geography

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course will analyse the main contemporary geographical contexts and how they have been affected by profound changes occurred in the last decades at spatial, territorial, environmental and regional levels. The emergence of new production systems, the growing interdependence of the different regions of the planet and the overcoming of traditional relations among these regions, highlight how today different factors of historical, political, socio-economic and cultural nature act on Earth to reshape the material and immaterial landscapes that were inherited from the past. Their mutation and narration must be familiar to linguistic and cultural mediators, in order to better enhance their professional skills in the society and on territories.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will have to demonstrate that they have attained specific competencies in the analysis of territorial relations at different scales, from local to global. Therefore, they should be able to read and understand the meaning of the socio-spatial processes that define the morphogenetic characteristics of the various human and regional contexts, immersed in broader supranational and global dynamics.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization


Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course will focus on the main concepts, objectives and methods of analysis in Human and Regional Geography. More specifically, attention will be given to the different types of regions that will be analyzed from a multi-scale perspective (anthropic, cultural, economic, political, urban regions, etc.). The various aspects of geography (human, population, historical, economic, political, urban, etc.) will also be investigated in order to provide a systemic vision of the complexity of the planet through useful tools for the interdisciplinary dialogue with the linguistic, cultural, economic and social dimensions.
Class attendance is recommended for a better preparation of the exam. For students unable to attend, a specific program is provided. For a better understanding, the use of appropriate tools (latest editions of the atlases of Touring Club Italiano, De Agostini, Zanichelli, Le Monde Diplomatique, De Agostini Atlas Calendar, etc.) is recommended to all students.
Prerequisites for admission
Being able to understand the variety of geographical contemporary regions with reference to their evolutions and transformations both in a diachronic (through the comparison among different historical periods) and in a synchronic dimension. Being able to observe, describe and analyse phenomena belonging to natural and anthropic reality in a systemic, heterogeneous and complex way.
Teaching methods
Face to face lectures useful to privilege the logical-conceptual language; participatory lessons supported by images, pictures, cartographic and paracartographic representations to strengthen the learning of the visual and iconographic language; interactive lessons held by the Professor and by experts on specific topics. Didactic excursions aimed at reading the landscape and the territory may be organized.
Teaching Resources

Teaching Unit A
- Lessons and materials uploaded on the digital teaching platform Ariel.
- Frémont A., Vi piace la geografia?, edizione italiana a cura di Dino Gavinelli, Carocci, Roma, 2007 (all chapters except for chapter 18 and 19).

Teaching Unit B
- Lessons and materials uploaded on the digital teaching platform Ariel.
- Gavinelli D., Goldstein Bolocan M. (a cura di). Regioni e regionalizzazioni nello spazio-mondo in divenire, Milano, Pearson, 2022.


Teaching Unit A
- Bjelland M.D., Montello D.R. e Getis A., Geografia umana, 5a edizione, Milano, McGraw-Hill Education, 2024 (all chapters except for chapter 2 and 8).

Teaching Unit B
- Gavinelli D., Goldstein Bolocan M. (a cura di). Regioni e regionalizzazioni nello spazio-mondo in divenire, Milano, Pearson, 2022.
plus one text from the following list:
- Gavinelli D., Dal Borgo A.G. (a cura di), Asia-Pacifico: regione emergente. Luoghi, culture, relazioni, Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2014;
- Gavinelli D., Zanolin G. (a cura di), La città "messa a fuoco". Territorio, società e lavoro nella fotografia della città metropolitana di Milano, Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2016;
- Molinari P. (a cura di), Periferie europee. Istituzioni sociali, politiche, luoghi. II tomo, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2021;
- Morazzoni M., Geopolitica dell'America Centrale. Le inquietudini, l'eredità, il futuro, Bologna, Archetipo, 2010;
- Tononi M., Pietta A., Città in transizione: un'analisi geografica delle relazioni socio-ecologiche a scala urbana, Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2021;
- Vaghi M. (a cura di), I mondi dell'Asia, Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2016;
- Varani N., Mazza G., Il mosaico dell'Africa sub-sahariana. Sostenibilità e geopolitica, Roma, Carocci, 2023.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam for all students consists in an oral discussion on the topics described in the program and aims at checking the knowledge of the key themes of Human and Regional Geography. In particular, students will have to demonstrate they have achieved skills that are useful to read the territorial processes of contemporaneity operating at different scales. Students must also be able to use the appropriate disciplinary lexicon.
The program is valid for one academic year, starting from the end of the lessons.
M-GGR/01 - GEOGRAPHY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Belotti Sara


Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course will focus on the main concepts, objectives and methods of analysis in Human and Regional Geography. More specifically, attention will be given to the different types of regions that will be analyzed from a multi-scale perspective (anthropic, cultural, economic, political, urban regions, etc.). The various aspects of geography (human, population, historical, economic, political, urban, etc.) will also be investigated in order to provide a systemic vision of the complexity of the planet through useful tools for the interdisciplinary dialogue with the linguistic, cultural, economic and social dimensions.
Class attendance is recommended for a better preparation of the exam. For students unable to attend, a specific program is provided. For a better understanding, the use of appropriate tools (latest editions of the atlases of Touring Club Italiano, De Agostini, Zanichelli, Le Monde Diplomatique, De Agostini Atlas Calendar, etc.) is recommended to all students.
Prerequisites for admission
Being able to understand the variety of geographical contemporary regions with reference to their evolutions and transformations both in a diachronic (through the comparison among different historical periods) and in a synchronic dimension. Being able to observe, describe and analyse phenomena belonging to natural and anthropic reality in a systemic, heterogeneous and complex way.
Teaching methods
Face to face lectures useful to privilege the logical-conceptual language; participatory lessons supported by images, pictures, cartographic and paracartographic representations to strengthen the learning of the visual and iconographic language; interactive lessons held by the Professor and by experts on specific topics. Didactic excursions aimed at reading the landscape and the territory may be organized.
Teaching Resources

Teaching Unit A
- Lessons and materials uploaded on the digital teaching platform Ariel.
- Frémont A., Vi piace la geografia?, edizione italiana a cura di Dino Gavinelli, Carocci, Roma, 2007 (all chapters except for chapter 18 and 19).

Teaching Unit B
- Lessons and materials uploaded on the digital teaching platform Ariel.
- Gavinelli D., Goldstein Bolocan M. (a cura di). Regioni e regionalizzazioni nello spazio-mondo in divenire, Milano, Pearson, 2022.


Teaching Unit A
- Bjelland M.D., Montello D.R. e Getis A., Geografia umana, 5a edizione, Milano, McGraw-Hill Education, 2024 (all chapters except for chapter 2 and 8).

Teaching Unit B
- Gavinelli D., Goldstein Bolocan M. (a cura di). Regioni e regionalizzazioni nello spazio-mondo in divenire, Milano, Pearson, 2022.
plus one text from the following list:
- Gavinelli D., Dal Borgo A.G. (a cura di), Asia-Pacifico: regione emergente. Luoghi, culture, relazioni, Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2014;
- Gavinelli D., Zanolin G. (a cura di), La città "messa a fuoco". Territorio, società e lavoro nella fotografia della città metropolitana di Milano, Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2016;
- Molinari P. (a cura di), Periferie europee. Istituzioni sociali, politiche, luoghi. II tomo, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2021;
- Morazzoni M., Geopolitica dell'America Centrale. Le inquietudini, l'eredità, il futuro, Bologna, Archetipo, 2010;
- Tononi M., Pietta A., Città in transizione: un'analisi geografica delle relazioni socio-ecologiche a scala urbana, Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2021;
- Vaghi M. (a cura di), I mondi dell'Asia, Milano-Udine, Mimesis, 2016;
- Varani N., Mazza G., Il mosaico dell'Africa sub-sahariana. Sostenibilità e geopolitica, Roma, Carocci, 2023.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam for all students consists in an oral discussion on the topics described in the program and aims at checking the knowledge of the key themes of Human and Regional Geography. In particular, students will have to demonstrate they have achieved skills that are useful to read the territorial processes of contemporaneity operating at different scales. Students must also be able to use the appropriate disciplinary lexicon.
The program is valid for one academic year, starting from the end of the lessons.
M-GGR/01 - GEOGRAPHY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Gavinelli Dino
Office hours are held every Tuesday, on a weekly basis, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. It is not necessary to book. Office hours on 1/21/25 will be held from 4 pm onwards
Office hours will be held in presence in the office 1044 in Sesto San Giovanni or, for specific reasons, via skype. The skype address during reception hours is: dinogavinelli.