History of Symbolic Communication in the Contemporary Era

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course is divided into two parts. The first part (didactic unit A) aims to offer a broad overview of the theories and the different approaches of cultural history, with emphasis on the trends that are most focused on the issues of symbolic representation, especially in the visual field, and on methodological aspects related to the history of communication. Several case studies related to the contemporary age will be presented, from which the function of symbols in the imaginary of power, in the construction of myths, in the definition of an elite or mass culture and in the affirmation of a given aesthetic can emerge. The second part (didactic unit B), which is monographic in nature, will propose a transversal reflection on the relationship between the body, representations and symbols in the media. The teaching is consistent with the objectives of the course of study, which aims to provide skills on communication systems and media languages, anchoring them to the students' humanistic education.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to recognise the methodological issues related to the study of cultural history and symbolic representations, identify the different historiographical approaches to imagery and myths, and decipher the use of symbolic language in media representations, identifying its political, social and cultural functions. Students will also have acquired logical-argumentative and judgement skills in order to discern the complexity of the communication system, coming to define its different components, starting with the symbolic one, also as a result of the analysis of the documents proposed during the lessons.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Course title: Theories, contexts and practices of symbolic communication in the twentieth century.

Part 1: Myths, rituals, aesthetics: historiographical approaches to symbolic communication
Part 2: Images and representations of body, family and illness in late twentieth-century Italy.
Prerequisites for admission
A secure knowledge of the evolution of contemporary history from the late 19th century to the present is required.
Teaching methods
The course consists of face-to-face lectures. The lecturer also makes use of images, audiovisual materials and historiography texts on the topics under consideration. Attendance, although not mandatory, is strongly recommended. Those who attend at least two-thirds of the lectures are considered attending students.
Teaching Resources

Attending students should be familiar with the topics covered in the lectures and study:
a) Carlotta Sorba, Federico Mazzini, La svolta culturale. Come è cambiata la pratica storiografica, Bari-Roma, Laterza, 2021;
b) Simboli della politica, eds. Francesco Benigno and Luca Scuccimarra, Roma, Viella, 2010 [Introduction and two chapters of your choice];
c) one volume of your choice from among:
- Fiammetta Balestracci, Fabio Guidali, Enrico Landoni, L'AIDS in Italia (1982-1996). Istituzioni, società, media, Ospedaletto-Pisa, Pacini, 2022 [pagine 7-26 e 85-222]
- Edoardo Novelli, Gianandrea Turi, Divorzio. Storia e immagini del referendum che cambiò l'Italia, Roma, Carocci, 2024.

Non-attending students should study:
a) Carlotta Sorba, Federico Mazzini, La svolta culturale. Come è cambiata la pratica storiografica, Bari-Roma, Laterza, 2021;
b) Simboli della politica, eds. Francesco Benigno and Luca Scuccimarra, Roma, Viella, 2010;
c) one volume of your choice from among:
- La morte per la patria. La celebrazione dei caduti dal Risorgimento alla Repubblica, eds. Oliver Janz e Lutz Klinkhammer, Roma, Donzelli, 2008;
- Maurizio Ridolfi, La politica dei colori. Emozioni e passioni nella storia d'Italia dal Risorgimento al ventennio fascista, Firenze, Le Monnier, 2014;
- Maurizio Ridolfi, Italia a colori. Storia delle passioni politiche dalla caduta del fascismo ad oggi, Firenze, Le Monnier, 2015;
- Federico Carlo Simonelli, D'annunzio e il mito di fiume. Riti, simboli, narrazioni, Ospedaletto-Pisa, Pacini, 2021;
- Frederic Spotts, Hitler e il potere dell'estetica, Milano, Johan & Levi, 2012 [pages 11-68 and four chapters of your choice];
- Angelo Ventrone, Il nemico interno. Immagini, parole e simboli della lotta politica nell'Italia del Novecento, Roma, Donzelli, 2005.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists of an oral interview on the topics in the syllabus and, for attending students, also on those covered and discussed during the lectures. The aim of the examination is to ascertain the knowledge, the critical and logical-argumentative skills and the linguistic-expressive proficiency acquired. In the exam, students may also be asked to analyze and comment on images and symbols presented in class and/or included in the books they studied.
Type of evaluation method: mark in 30s.
Incoming Erasmus students will have the option, upon request, to take the exam in English, according to a syllabus to be agreed with the lecturer.
The format of the exam for students with disabilities must be arranged in advance with the teacher, as well as the competent office.
M-STO/04 - CONTEMPORARY HISTORY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Guidali Fabio