History of Radio and Television
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course intends to outline the birth and evolution of the Italian radio and television system, highlighting the links with the European and North American context and the close connections with the economic, social and cultural transformations from the end of the Nineteenth century to the present day. Some methodological and thematic insights will be proposed with the aim of illustrating the institutional framework, the forms of management of political power and the languages of radio and television communication. The teaching is consistent with the objectives of the course of study, which aims to ensure the acquisition of solid knowledge in the fields of multimedia communication by anchoring them to a strengthening of the students' humanistic training.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will be able to recognise the methodological problems connected to the study of media and documentary and audiovisual sources, illustrate the interaction between the development of the radio and television system and the socio-cultural transformations of contemporary society in the Italian and international context, identify the turning points in the history of radio and television from a political, institutional and cultural point of view. Students will also be able to decode radio and television language and to develop logical-argumentative skills through discussion and interactive activities proposed in class. Participation in meetings and seminars organised within the Department of Historical Studies will also be of great importance.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Course title: Radio and television in Italy: political clashes and editorial strategies
Part 1: Italian radio in the international context, from its beginnings to World War II
Part 2: The "classic" age of television
Part 3: The television "duopoly" and beyond.
Part 1: Italian radio in the international context, from its beginnings to World War II
Part 2: The "classic" age of television
Part 3: The television "duopoly" and beyond.
Prerequisites for admission
For Humanistic Sciences for Communication (SUC) students, the Contemporary History exam (Storia contemporanea) is preparatory to the History of Radio and Television exam. However, an adequate knowledge of contemporary history is required for all to take the exam.
Teaching methods
The course consists of lectures, within which specific space is devoted to soliciting comments and questions from students, and to interactive teaching activities. In carrying out the lectures, the teacher makes use of images, sound and audiovisual material to analyse formats and contents of the radio and television programmes, and polling apps and online platforms for interactive activities. Attendance, although not mandatory, is strongly recommended. In order to be considered attending students it is necessary to attend at least two thirds of the lessons.
Teaching Resources
Attending students should know the topics taught in lectures and study:
1) Franco Monteleone, Storia della radio e della televisione. Un secolo di costume, società, politica, Venezia, Marsilio, any edition after 2005, chapters from 1 to 8;
2) Irene Piazzoni, Storia delle televisioni in Italia. Dagli esordi alle web tv, Roma, Carocci, 2014;
3) Didactic material and texts provided on Ariel in a special section for attending students.
1) Franco Monteleone, Storia della radio e della televisione. Un secolo di costume, società, politica, Venezia, Marsilio, any edition after 2005, chapters from 1 to 8;
2) Irene Piazzoni, Storia delle televisioni in Italia. Dagli esordi alle web tv, Roma, Carocci, 2014;
3) Enrico Menduni, Videostoria. L'Italia e la TV, 1975-2015, Milano, Bompiani, 2018;
4) Didactic material and texts provided on Ariel in a special section for attending students.
1) Franco Monteleone, Storia della radio e della televisione. Un secolo di costume, società, politica, Venezia, Marsilio, any edition after 2005, chapters from 1 to 8;
2) Irene Piazzoni, Storia delle televisioni in Italia. Dagli esordi alle web tv, Roma, Carocci, 2014;
3) Didactic material and texts provided on Ariel in a special section for non attending students.
1) Franco Monteleone, Storia della radio e della televisione. Un secolo di costume, società, politica, Venezia, Marsilio, any edition after 2005, chapters from 1 to 8;
2) Irene Piazzoni, Storia delle televisioni in Italia. Dagli esordi alle web tv, Roma, Carocci, 2014;
3) Enrico Menduni, Videostoria. L'Italia e la TV, 1975-2015, Milano, Bompiani, 2018;
4) Didactic material and texts provided on Ariel in a special section for non attending students.
Attending students should know the topics taught in lectures and study:
1) Franco Monteleone, Storia della radio e della televisione. Un secolo di costume, società, politica, Venezia, Marsilio, any edition after 2005, chapters from 1 to 8;
2) Irene Piazzoni, Storia delle televisioni in Italia. Dagli esordi alle web tv, Roma, Carocci, 2014;
3) Didactic material and texts provided on Ariel in a special section for attending students.
1) Franco Monteleone, Storia della radio e della televisione. Un secolo di costume, società, politica, Venezia, Marsilio, any edition after 2005, chapters from 1 to 8;
2) Irene Piazzoni, Storia delle televisioni in Italia. Dagli esordi alle web tv, Roma, Carocci, 2014;
3) Enrico Menduni, Videostoria. L'Italia e la TV, 1975-2015, Milano, Bompiani, 2018;
4) Didactic material and texts provided on Ariel in a special section for attending students.
1) Franco Monteleone, Storia della radio e della televisione. Un secolo di costume, società, politica, Venezia, Marsilio, any edition after 2005, chapters from 1 to 8;
2) Irene Piazzoni, Storia delle televisioni in Italia. Dagli esordi alle web tv, Roma, Carocci, 2014;
3) Didactic material and texts provided on Ariel in a special section for non attending students.
1) Franco Monteleone, Storia della radio e della televisione. Un secolo di costume, società, politica, Venezia, Marsilio, any edition after 2005, chapters from 1 to 8;
2) Irene Piazzoni, Storia delle televisioni in Italia. Dagli esordi alle web tv, Roma, Carocci, 2014;
3) Enrico Menduni, Videostoria. L'Italia e la TV, 1975-2015, Milano, Bompiani, 2018;
4) Didactic material and texts provided on Ariel in a special section for non attending students.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists of a written test divided into two parts, one consisting of multiple-choice questions and the other of open-ended questions. As a whole, the test is designed to ascertain the students' level of preparation on the entire program and to assess the acquisition of knowledge and acquired logical-argumentative skills (through the multiple-choice questions) and critical thinking skills and competence in the use of the vocabulary of the discipline (through the open-ended questions). All details relating to the test are available on the Ariel platform.
Type of evaluation method: mark in 30s.
Incoming Erasmus students will have the option, upon request, to take the exam in English, according to a syllabus to be agreed with the lecturer.
The format of the exam for students with disabilities must be arranged in advance with the teacher, as well as the competent office.
Type of evaluation method: mark in 30s.
Incoming Erasmus students will have the option, upon request, to take the exam in English, according to a syllabus to be agreed with the lecturer.
The format of the exam for students with disabilities must be arranged in advance with the teacher, as well as the competent office.
Unita' didattica A
M-STO/04 - CONTEMPORARY HISTORY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
M-STO/04 - CONTEMPORARY HISTORY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
M-STO/04 - CONTEMPORARY HISTORY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Educational website(s)