History of Medieval Art (MA)

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide the tools for analysing European figurative art between the 4th and 13th centuries, with particular attention to iconography and contextual relationships.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge: Knowledge of the artistic culture of the Western Church in connection to liturgical practices and ideologies.
Applying knowledge and understanding: Acquiring advanced historical and critical skills and methods for the study of Medieval Art.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Title: "Artistic Culture of the Lombard Kingdom in Italy".

The course aims to present the artistic culture of the Romanesque period (11th-13th centuries) from the point of view of figurative and ornamental sculpture, investigated by focusing on iconography in relationship with architectural and liturgical space.

- Part A (20 h, 3 cfu):
- Part B (20 h, 3 cfu):
- Part C (20 h, 3 cfu):

For 6 cfu: Parts A and B.

The Master Degree in History and Criticism of Art usually requires a 9 cfu examination.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of the main artefacts of Western figurative art between the 4th and 14th centuries, to be tested in the first part of the examination.

To support this basic preparation, we provide the Moodle Textbook "Lineamenti di Storia dell'Arte Medievale" (link from the Ariel teaching site), particularly chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14.
Teaching methods
Teaching will be delivered through lectures.
Part of the didactic materials will be uploaded on the Ariel teaching site. Please, consult the noticeboard frequently.
Teaching Resources

- Part A (20 h, 3 cfu): Topics covered during the lectures.

- Part B (20 h, 3 cfu): Topics covered during the lectures; Contribution study (details will be provided next)

- Part C (20 h, 3 cfu): Topics covered during the lectures; Contribution study (details will be provided next)


- Part A (20 h, 3 cfu): Contribution study

- Part B (20 h, 3 cfu): Contribution study

- Part C (20 h, 3 cfu): Contribution study

Details will be provided next
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists of an interview (also in English or French if desired) aimed at verifying candidate's knowledge of the History of Medieval Art and the topics on the Syllabus, together with the historical and chronological framing ability, the critical thinking and the speaking skills.
L-ART/01 - HISTORY OF MEDIEVAL ART - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Scirea Fabio
From June to mid July: Monday and Tuesday from 11 am to 1 pm, only by appointment (please, write ONLY from the university email), in presence or by video call Teams.
Department of Cultural Heritage and Environment, via Noto 6, 20141 Milan (or Video-call MS Teams)