History, Historiography and Philosophy in the Classical World

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to present and explain the connections between philosophy, history and historiography in the Greek-Latin world, especially on the basis of the following three guidelines:
1) stressing the historical aspect of research in ancient philosophy, with particular attention to the methodological problems
2) address and comment philosophical texts focusing on problems of a historical nature, or developing their arguments on the basis of historical/historiographic considerations
3) discuss and comment texts (or theories), both by historians and philosophers, which present theses or problems of philosophy of history.
Expected learning outcomes
1) Stimulating the ability to analyze and understand ancient philosophical texts taking into account the historical conditioning that characterizes them, and therefore avoiding inappropriate abstract evaluations
2) stimulating the ability to grasp the links between history, historiography and philosophy in ancient philosopher texts
3) stimulating the ability to read the works of ancient historians, both Latin and Greek, in the light of the principles of philosophy of history that characterize them, or from which they are in some way inspired
4) promoting, from a more general point of view, an interdisciplinary approach to the historical and philosophical texts produced in the ancient world, in which the modern rigid divisions were not yet present.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
1) Programme for attending students, 9 credits
The programme includes a general part of an introduction to ancient philosophy, including a study of the vocabulary, methods, tools and general theoretical problems faced by Greek philosophers from the archaic to the classical period. These topics will be addressed mainly on the basis of the reading of some parts if Plato's Republic and Thucydides' History of the Peloponnesian War.
2) Programme for 9 credits, non-attending students
Non-attending students will acquire the required preparation by studying the indicated texts.
3) Programme for 6 credits, regular students.
Attending students who present for 6 credits may disregard the texts read and commented on in the last 20 hours of the course.
4) Programme for 6 credits, non-attending students.
Non-attending students who present for 6 credits are exempt from studying Thucydides' History.
Prerequisites for admission
No specific prerequisites
Teaching methods
Oral interview
Teaching Resources
1) F. Trabattoni, La filosofia antica. Profilo critico-storico, Carocci 2002/2020 (pp. 15-212).
2) Platone, Repubblica, Bur
3) Tucidide, La guerra del Peloponneso, Bur
Assessment methods and Criteria
Lessons in classroom
M-FIL/07 - HISTORY OF ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Trabattoni Franco
Professor: Trabattoni Franco
Thursday 14.30 - 17.30, by appointment
Sector B, Department of Historical Studies, third floor