Hebrew Language and Literature

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The purpose of the course is to provide a basic preparation on biblical Hebrew through the acquisition of the alphabet and some basic elements of morphology with the aim of offering a first guided access to simple texts.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge: alphabet, vowels and basic notions of Hebrew grammar.

Skills: ability to read the texts illustrated in class in original and to recognize the main grammatical structures.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Justice and Writing in the Torah.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Teaching unit A

The exam includes the knowledge of the Hebrew alphabet and some basic elements of morphology (article, name, prepositions, construct state, suffix pronouns, basic verb forms). The material for the study of the alphabet and the grammatical notions required can be downloaded from the Ariel website of the teacher.
Recommended grammar (but not strictly necessary for the preparation of the exam): Jacob Weingreen, Grammatica di ebraico biblico, Milano, Glossa; Lugano Eupress FTL, 2011. Alternatively it is possible to use any of the many Biblical Hebrew grammars available.
Students are requested to read:
Cohn-Sherbok, Breve storia dell'Ebraismo, Il Mulino, Bologna 2001.
Anna Linda Callow, La lingua che visse due volte, Garzanti, Milano 2018.

Teaching unit B
Students are requested to read:
Mireille Hadas Lebel, Storia della lingua ebraica, Giuntina, Firenze 1995.
Massimo Giuliani, La giustizia seguirai, Giuntina, Firenze 2011.
The Hebrew texts will be available on the Ariel website of the teacher. For those students who wish to have the full Hebrew Bible text, the recommended edition is the Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral examination consisting of an interview on the program topics, aimed at ascertaining the linguistic competence of the students, who will have to demonstrate that they are able to read, translate and comment the texts presented during the course from a grammatical point of view. There will also be a brief discussion on the topic of the course and the essays assigned.
L-OR/08 - HEBREW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Colasuonno Maria Maddalena