Health Services Management

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
M-PSI/06 MED/02 MED/42 MED/50 SECS-P/02
Learning objectives
- To know the International and National health organization
- To be able to understand the international and national laws to manage the health organization
- To know the evolution of the laws for health topic that rule the activity of surveillance in the field of public health
- To know the general topic for the evaluation of health services applied in particular in the field of health economics
- To know the tools of quality improvement in the area of prevention also with practical experiences
- To know the tools which can drive actions to satisfy health needs
- To know the most important milestones of the medicine history
- To understand the behavior of people in the workplaces looking to their relationship and tasks to perform correctly in the organization.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student must know the laws which rule the health organization and be able to manage the tools of the quality improvement in the field of public health in particular for economic evaluation.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
No preliminary knowledge is required, however in order to adequately manage the contents of the lessons, the knowledge acquired during the previous course of psychology held in the first semester is useful.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written integrated course test with questions with multiple choice answers.
Medical history
Course syllabus
Medicine has a history: the origins and meaning of Medicine and the History of Medicine; The sources for the study and research in the historical-medical field
Medicine in ancient Greece and Rome. Medieval Medicine; Knowing the body: Renaissance and Animated Anatomy. Iatrofisica and Iatrochimica. Microscopic anatomy.
Enlightenment and public health: occupational diseases, hygiene and preventive medicine, vaccine prophylaxis, orthopedics, humanitarian treatment of mental patients
The birth of the Clinic and its tools: semiotics, diagnostics and therapy; The problems of Surgery and their resolution: analgesia, anesthesia, asepsis and antisepsis. Cell theory and microbiology
The twentieth century: new concepts, tools and therapies; Evolution and transformation of hospital locations. Ideas for a history of the healthcare profession.
Teaching methods
Lectures supported by powerpoint presentations.
Teaching Resources
FALCONI Bruno, FRANCHINI Antonia Francesca, PORRO Alessandro, Ambiente, luoghi di lavoro e storia della medicina 2, Rudiano, GAM editrice, 2020

PORRO Alessandro, FRANCHINI Antonia Francesca, BOCK Giuseppina, Ambiente, luoghi di lavoro e storia della medicina, Rudiano, GAM editrice, 2005
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
International, national and regional health service organization
Quality improvement: tools and programs
Teaching methods
Lectures supported by powerpoint presentations.
Teaching Resources
Slides used during lessons.
Applied medical techniques
Course syllabus
TPALL' s tasks and independence , technical manager areas ,DM 58 1997 contents .
Professional training and updating TPALL Skills.
ECM, corporate structure, specific ATS and ASST management , targeted and control public plans.
Teaching methods
Lectures supported by powerpoint presentations.
Teaching Resources
Manual on continuing education of the healthcare professional 01/01/2019.
Power point presentations.
National Prevention Plan.
Work Psychology
Course syllabus
- Vocational choice and work models
- Social decision processes, leadership and team work, emergency management
- Verbal and non-verbal communication
- Job satisfaction, burnout and mobbing
- Resources: self-efficacy, optimism, resilience
Teaching methods
Lectures supported by powerpoint presentations.
Teaching Resources
Delle Fave, A., Bassi, M. (2013). Psicologia e salute. Esperienze e risorse dei protagonisti della cura (2nd Ed.).Torino: UTET Università.
The slides of the lectures and other possible learning materials are available to students on Ariel platform.
Economic policy
Course syllabus
1.New and emerging scenarios, trends and developments in health management and business-healthcare sector relations and partnerships; understanding why healthcare sector is the most complex and its specificities that have governance and managerial implications;
2. How and why healthcare organizations and health systems are reconfiguring and redesigning their structures and dynamics;
3. Professionalism and its consequences on the management health organizations;
4. Good management practices: tools and processes;
organizational behavior and human resources management in health care organizations.
Teaching methods
Lectures supported by powerpoint presentations.
Teaching Resources
Federico Lega, Economia e Management Sanitario, EGEA 2018, Milano
Applied medical techniques
Lessons: 10 hours
Economic policy
SECS-P/02 - ECONOMIC POLICY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Castaldi Silvana
Professor: Castaldi Silvana
Medical history
MED/02 - MEDICAL HISTORY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Porro Alessandro
Professor: Porro Alessandro
Work Psychology
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Bassi Marta
Professor: Bassi Marta
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