Health and Food Legislation
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to:
1. Know the law system regulating health and food safety
2. Understand the storical, socio-political and cultural reasons behind the evolution of the legislation concerning health and food safety
3. Know the main rules of food safety
1. Know the law system regulating health and food safety
2. Understand the storical, socio-political and cultural reasons behind the evolution of the legislation concerning health and food safety
3. Know the main rules of food safety
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course students will be able to work in a food production environment, in compliance of the food safety laws
Lesson period: Second semester
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Course syllabus
- Health organization in Italy: historical evolution, current and future scenarios, focusing on topics of interest for the dietitian
- Italian National Health System: structures, characteristics and roles of different organizional levels
- Main legislative framework in healthcare in Italy, focusing on topics of interest for the dietitian
- Regional Health System in Lombardy Region: brief history and main topics of interest
- International health organization: WHO/OMS, European Food Safety Authority, Codex Alimentarius Commission
- Prevention and control of foodborn disease: HACCP, self-control systems, official control
- Evolution of current European and Italian standards regarding food and nutrition
- Italian National Health System: structures, characteristics and roles of different organizional levels
- Main legislative framework in healthcare in Italy, focusing on topics of interest for the dietitian
- Regional Health System in Lombardy Region: brief history and main topics of interest
- International health organization: WHO/OMS, European Food Safety Authority, Codex Alimentarius Commission
- Prevention and control of foodborn disease: HACCP, self-control systems, official control
- Evolution of current European and Italian standards regarding food and nutrition
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
Face to face lessons
Teaching Resources
Didactic material provided by the teacher
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam of 31 closed-ended questions. To pass the exam it is necessary to answer at least 18 questions correctly.
- University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Mortola Umberto
Mortola UmbertoProfessor(s)