Greek Law

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The fundamental aim of this class is to make the students reflect on the elements of continuity and discontinuity between ancient and modern law and legal structure. For this purpose, a good number of lessons are dedicated to laws, institutions and cases (e.g. relationship between revenge and justice; means and function of punishment) that allow such a comparison.
Expected learning outcomes
By attending the lessons in Greek law, the students will:
- Learn the main institutes of Greek law (and in particular of Athenian law) and of the historical, political and economic reasons of their evolution
- understand the historical relevance of legal principles which were developed in ancient Greece and are still in force
- interpret the sources and provide arguments for their interpretation
- communicate their knowledge with technical terms, and use the available evidence to reinforce their arguments
- compare ancient and modern legal institutions
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The aim of the course is the analysis of the most significant features of ancient Greek law, and in particular Athenian law. This analysis will also profit from a comparison with the institutions of other ancient lawcodes, first of all the Roman one, and, whenever possible, with contemporary rules.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of ancient Greek is not required
Law students must have passed successfully Institutions of private law and Constitutional law
Teaching methods
frontal lessons and round-table debates.
Teaching Resources
Students who attend the lessons will prepare the exam on the material published online and on their personal notes (of course, also the handbook can be useful).
Students who do not attend the lessons will prepare the exam on the handbook: L. Pepe, Atene a processo. Il diritto ateniese attraverso le orazioni giudiziarie, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2019
Assessment methods and Criteria
Students who attend the course should prepare their exam both on the slides published online and on their personal notes; they can also take a written test at the end of the course (further information during the first lessons).
Students who do not attend the course will prepare the exam on the handbook (L. Pepe, Atene a processo. Il diritto ateniese attraverso le orazioni giudiziarie, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2019) and will take an oral exam. VERY IMPORTANT: it is mandatory for the student to bring the handbook at the exam, since the questions could involve some of the translated passages quoted in the handbook itself.
Ability to express ideas with lexical property and critical approach will concur to a higher grade.
IUS/18 - ROMAN AND ANCIENT LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Pepe Laura
Professor: Pepe Laura
Office hours: Thursday 10 am. Please always write an email in advance in order to get an appointment: [email protected]
Sezione di Diritto Romano or Teams