German Literature of the Early and High Middle Ages

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to: - introduce students to the use of basic tools for linguistic and philological study of texts in Ancient and Middle High German; - introduce students to emblematic works of different genres of Medieval German literature; - introduce students to reading, translating and analyzing parts of one of the most important works of the German Middle Ages.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge: - to know the key stages of the literary and cultural evolution of German Middle Ages - to know key literary genres, the main authors and works of the Medieval German literature; Skills: - to be able to read, analyze critically and understand the original texts read in class and to elaborate on their literary and cultural value.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Unita' didattica A
L-FIL-LET/15 - GERMANIC PHILOLOGY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
L-FIL-LET/15 - GERMANIC PHILOLOGY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
L-FIL-LET/15 - GERMANIC PHILOLOGY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours