German I and Mediation
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
This course is open to both students who have never studied German (beginners) and students who have acquired proficiency in this language at various levels. The course aims to provide students with the following skills: A. German proficiency at level A2 with regard to beginners, and consolidation of linguistic skills with regard to students with prior knowledge of the language, focusing on mediation activities; B. metalinguistic skills to analyse the functioning and structure of German at a phonological, morphological and syntactic level, also compared to Italian; C. basic intralinguistic and interlinguistic mediation skills.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
- actively apply their knowledge of German grammar (declining adjectives and using verbs), vocabulary (using the appropriate words) and texts (using expressions typical of certain genres) to understand, analyse and produce texts at level A2;
- recognise the peculiarities of German phonology, morphology and syntax, also compared to other languages and cultures;
- use the most appropriate terminology in German (i.e."Komposition", "Derivation", "Deklarativsatz") and in Italian ("composizione", "derivazione", "frase dichiarativa") to describe linguistic phenomena;
- acquire interlinguistic mediation skills (simplifying a short German text and translating it into Italian, understanding complex ideas and explaining them in Italian);
- acquire intralinguistic mediation skills (simplifying the contexts of a short texts in German, explaining new concepts).
- actively apply their knowledge of German grammar (declining adjectives and using verbs), vocabulary (using the appropriate words) and texts (using expressions typical of certain genres) to understand, analyse and produce texts at level A2;
- recognise the peculiarities of German phonology, morphology and syntax, also compared to other languages and cultures;
- use the most appropriate terminology in German (i.e."Komposition", "Derivation", "Deklarativsatz") and in Italian ("composizione", "derivazione", "frase dichiarativa") to describe linguistic phenomena;
- acquire interlinguistic mediation skills (simplifying a short German text and translating it into Italian, understanding complex ideas and explaining them in Italian);
- acquire intralinguistic mediation skills (simplifying the contexts of a short texts in German, explaining new concepts).
Lesson period: year
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course includes four modules of "German Linguistics" (Phonetics / Phonology; Mediation; Morphology; Syntax) and "Language practice sessions".
The module presents basic notions of phonetics and phonology and describes the phonetic and phonological structure of contemporary German language, also with comparisons with the Italian language. The theoretical explanations will be accompanied by examples and exercises in order to encourage students to learn correct German pronunciation and the conventions of the international phonetic alphabet.
UNIT 2 Mediation (semester 1: /)
The module presents the concept of mediation from German into Italian and from Italian into German and distinguishes between a theoretical and an application part. The application part is devoted to mediation exercises in oral and written German.
UNIT 3 - MORPHOLOGY (semester 2: Valentina Crestani)
The module aims to provide the theoretical and methodological-applicative bases for understanding and analyzing the structure of words in German, also proposing comparisons with the Italian language. A distinction is made between inflection ("Flexionsmorphologie") and word formation ("Wortbildung"). The "Flexionsmorphologie" deals with the inflection of nouns, adjectives, verbs etc.; the "Wortbildung" is the primary source for the enrichment of the lexicon through the use of specific processes: compounding (e.g. "Apfelbaum", "Nachtzug"); derivation (e.g. "Leser", "Vorlesung"); conversion (e.g. "das Lesen", "das Sprechen"); abbreviation (e.g. "Uni", "Prof.").
UNIT 4 - SYNTAX (semester 2: Valentina Crestani)
The module aims to provide basic notions and skills for syntactic analysis in German. It introduces following concepts: phrase ("Phrase"), immediate constituent ("Konstituente"), sentence ("Satz"), syntactic functions ("syntaktische Funktionen"), semantic roles ("semantische Rollen"). Starting from comparisons with Italian, the structure of German sentences is analysed according to the principles of the "Felderanalyse" (topological field analysis): V1 sentences ("Wohnen Sie in Mailand?"); V2 sentences ("Gestern habe ich Peter gesehen"); V-END sentences ("[ ], dass Heike in Berlin arbeitet"). Sentences are also analysed through the application of the valency theory (complements "Ergänzungen" and adjuncts "Angaben") which attributes a central role to the verb.
"LANGUAGE PRACTICE SESSIONS" (semester 1 and semester 2)
Language practice sessions aim to provide language skills (grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, mediation) of A2 level for beginner students and to consolidate / expand previous skills for advanced students.
There are 2 groups of Exercises depending on the language proficiency tested by means of a self-assessment test (to be taken on the MyAriel website: Lingua tedesca I e mediazione - Esercitazioni (a.a. 2024-25)) and the possibility of attendance:
1. group 1 (40 hours first semester; 40 hours second semester)
2. group 2 (40 hours first semester; 40 hours second semester)
Attendance at the "Exercises" is compulsory: information on the division into groups and further details are available on the MyAriel websites German Language I and Mediation (a.y. 2024/25) and
The module presents basic notions of phonetics and phonology and describes the phonetic and phonological structure of contemporary German language, also with comparisons with the Italian language. The theoretical explanations will be accompanied by examples and exercises in order to encourage students to learn correct German pronunciation and the conventions of the international phonetic alphabet.
UNIT 2 Mediation (semester 1: /)
The module presents the concept of mediation from German into Italian and from Italian into German and distinguishes between a theoretical and an application part. The application part is devoted to mediation exercises in oral and written German.
UNIT 3 - MORPHOLOGY (semester 2: Valentina Crestani)
The module aims to provide the theoretical and methodological-applicative bases for understanding and analyzing the structure of words in German, also proposing comparisons with the Italian language. A distinction is made between inflection ("Flexionsmorphologie") and word formation ("Wortbildung"). The "Flexionsmorphologie" deals with the inflection of nouns, adjectives, verbs etc.; the "Wortbildung" is the primary source for the enrichment of the lexicon through the use of specific processes: compounding (e.g. "Apfelbaum", "Nachtzug"); derivation (e.g. "Leser", "Vorlesung"); conversion (e.g. "das Lesen", "das Sprechen"); abbreviation (e.g. "Uni", "Prof.").
UNIT 4 - SYNTAX (semester 2: Valentina Crestani)
The module aims to provide basic notions and skills for syntactic analysis in German. It introduces following concepts: phrase ("Phrase"), immediate constituent ("Konstituente"), sentence ("Satz"), syntactic functions ("syntaktische Funktionen"), semantic roles ("semantische Rollen"). Starting from comparisons with Italian, the structure of German sentences is analysed according to the principles of the "Felderanalyse" (topological field analysis): V1 sentences ("Wohnen Sie in Mailand?"); V2 sentences ("Gestern habe ich Peter gesehen"); V-END sentences ("[ ], dass Heike in Berlin arbeitet"). Sentences are also analysed through the application of the valency theory (complements "Ergänzungen" and adjuncts "Angaben") which attributes a central role to the verb.
"LANGUAGE PRACTICE SESSIONS" (semester 1 and semester 2)
Language practice sessions aim to provide language skills (grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, mediation) of A2 level for beginner students and to consolidate / expand previous skills for advanced students.
There are 2 groups of Exercises depending on the language proficiency tested by means of a self-assessment test (to be taken on the MyAriel website: Lingua tedesca I e mediazione - Esercitazioni (a.a. 2024-25)) and the possibility of attendance:
1. group 1 (40 hours first semester; 40 hours second semester)
2. group 2 (40 hours first semester; 40 hours second semester)
Attendance at the "Exercises" is compulsory: information on the division into groups and further details are available on the MyAriel websites German Language I and Mediation (a.y. 2024/25) and
Prerequisites for admission
Good competence in Italian and excellent knowledge of grammatical terminology in Italian (e.g. articolo, nome, aggettivo, tempi del verbo, soggetto, frasi principali, frasi secondarie).
Teaching language ("German Linguistics"): Italian (and German).
Teaching language ("Language Practical Sessions"): German and Italian.
Teaching language ("German Linguistics"): Italian (and German).
Teaching language ("Language Practical Sessions"): German and Italian.
Teaching methods
Lectures with the use of multimedia supports
Teaching Resources
1. Di Meola, Claudio (2014): La linguistica tedesca. Un'introduzione con esercizi e bibliografia ragionata. Roma: Bulzoni (chapter 1 "Fonetica, fonologia e grafia", 17-55).
2. Gaeta, Livio (2017): Lineamenti di grammatica tedesca. Roma: Carocci. (chapter 2 "Fonologia", pp. 37-90)
3. Slides available on MyAriel Lingua tedesca I e mediazione (a.a. 2024/25)
Slides available on MyAriel Lingua tedesca I e mediazione (a.a. 2024/25)
1. Di Meola, Claudio (2014): La linguistica tedesca. Un'introduzione con esercizi e bibliografia ragionata. Roma: Bulzoni (chapter 0 "Introduzione", pp. 11-16 + chapter 2 "Morfologia", pp. 57-90).
2. Gaeta, Livio (2017): Lineamenti di grammatica tedesca. Roma: Carocci (capitolo 1 "Profilo della lingua tedesca", pp. 17-35; capitolo 3 "Morfologia", pp. 91-169).
3. Slides available on MyAriel Lingua tedesca I e mediazione (a.a. 2024/25)
1. Di Meola, Claudio (2014): La linguistica tedesca. Un'introduzione con esercizi e bibliografia ragionata. Roma: Bulzoni (chapter 3 "Sintassi", pp. 91-130).
2. Gaeta, Livio (2017): Lineamenti di grammatica tedesca. Roma: Carocci (chapter 4 "Sintassi I", pp. 171-228; chapter 5 "Sintassi II", pp. 261-294).
3. Slides available on MyAriel Lingua tedesca I e mediazione (a.a. 2024/25)
- DaF kompakt neu A1 Kurs- und Übungsbuch. Klett Verlag (ISBN 978-3-12-676313-4)
- DaF kompakt neu A2 Kurs- und Übungsbuch. Klett Verlag (ISBN 978-3-12-676314-1)
- Exercises available on MyAriel Lingua tedesca I e mediazione - Esercitazioni (a.a. 2024-25)
1. Di Meola, Claudio (2014): La linguistica tedesca. Un'introduzione con esercizi e bibliografia ragionata. Roma: Bulzoni (chapter 1 "Fonetica, fonologia e grafia", 17-55).
2. Gaeta, Livio (2017): Lineamenti di grammatica tedesca. Roma: Carocci. (chapter 2 "Fonologia", pp. 37-90)
3. Slides available on MyAriel Lingua tedesca I e mediazione (a.a. 2024/25)
Slides available on MyAriel Lingua tedesca I e mediazione (a.a. 2024/25)
1. Di Meola, Claudio (2014): La linguistica tedesca. Un'introduzione con esercizi e bibliografia ragionata. Roma: Bulzoni (chapter 0 "Introduzione", pp. 11-16 + chapter 2 "Morfologia", pp. 57-90).
2. Gaeta, Livio (2017): Lineamenti di grammatica tedesca. Roma: Carocci (capitolo 1 "Profilo della lingua tedesca", pp. 17-35; capitolo 3 "Morfologia", pp. 91-169).
3. Slides available on MyAriel Lingua tedesca I e mediazione (a.a. 2024/25)
1. Di Meola, Claudio (2014): La linguistica tedesca. Un'introduzione con esercizi e bibliografia ragionata. Roma: Bulzoni (chapter 3 "Sintassi", pp. 91-130).
2. Gaeta, Livio (2017): Lineamenti di grammatica tedesca. Roma: Carocci (chapter 4 "Sintassi I", pp. 171-228; chapter 5 "Sintassi II", pp. 261-294).
3. Slides available on MyAriel Lingua tedesca I e mediazione (a.a. 2024/25)
- DaF kompakt neu A1 Kurs- und Übungsbuch. Klett Verlag (ISBN 978-3-12-676313-4)
- DaF kompakt neu A2 Kurs- und Übungsbuch. Klett Verlag (ISBN 978-3-12-676314-1)
- Exercises available on MyAriel Lingua tedesca I e mediazione - Esercitazioni (a.a. 2024-25)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination "German Linguistics and Mediation" consists of:
- Language Practice Sessions
- Phonetics/Phonology
- Mediation
- Morphology
- Syntax
- Oral test of German.
Examinations and tests during official sessions (access is only permitted with 75% attendance of exercises)
1. Computer-based test (May 2025, September 2025, January 2026): this is a computer-based test to check level A2 in written German. This test is preparatory to the "German Linguistics and Mediation" tests.
2. Oral examinations (June, July 2024 ; September 2024; January, February 2025): these concern the 4 modules of "German Linguistics and Mediation" ("Phonetics/phonology"; "Mediation"; "Morphology"; "Syntax") and an "Oral German" test (A2 level). Types of questions (Linguistics modules): theoretical questions (e.g. definition of "phoneme", definition of "compound", definition of "mediation") and exercises (e.g. recognition of morphemes, reading words in IPA, syntactic analysis, mediation exercises).
Please refer to the didactical website "German Language I and Mediation (a.y. 2024/25)" for the structuring of the examinations and tests.
Assessment method:
- "Language practice sessions": competence in actively using grammatical, lexical and comprehension knowledge including language mediation (level A2). Assessment by judgement: sufficient, good, excellent.
- "German Linguistics and Mediation": ability to use knowledge of specialist terminology appropriately in both Italian and German; ability to solve practical questions relating to Phonetics/Phonology, Mediation, Morphology, Syntax; ability to correlate the skills acquired in the 4 modules. Assessment by grade in thirtieths for each test (sufficiency = 18/30).
- "Oral German": ability to interact orally (level A2). Assessment by grade in thirtieths for each test (sufficiency = 18/30).
The final mark for "German Language 1 and Mediation" is made up as follows: average of the 5 partial marks (4 modules of "German Linguistics and Mediation" + "German Oral") provided that all 5 partial marks are sufficient (at least 18/30 each). Depending on the assessment obtained in the Exercises, there may be an increase on the arithmetic mean from which the final grade is derived: sufficient --> no extra point; good --> 0.5 extra point; excellent --> 1 extra point.
Further important information and details are published on MyAriel Lingua tedesca I e mediazione (a.a. 2024/25).
- Language Practice Sessions
- Phonetics/Phonology
- Mediation
- Morphology
- Syntax
- Oral test of German.
Examinations and tests during official sessions (access is only permitted with 75% attendance of exercises)
1. Computer-based test (May 2025, September 2025, January 2026): this is a computer-based test to check level A2 in written German. This test is preparatory to the "German Linguistics and Mediation" tests.
2. Oral examinations (June, July 2024 ; September 2024; January, February 2025): these concern the 4 modules of "German Linguistics and Mediation" ("Phonetics/phonology"; "Mediation"; "Morphology"; "Syntax") and an "Oral German" test (A2 level). Types of questions (Linguistics modules): theoretical questions (e.g. definition of "phoneme", definition of "compound", definition of "mediation") and exercises (e.g. recognition of morphemes, reading words in IPA, syntactic analysis, mediation exercises).
Please refer to the didactical website "German Language I and Mediation (a.y. 2024/25)" for the structuring of the examinations and tests.
Assessment method:
- "Language practice sessions": competence in actively using grammatical, lexical and comprehension knowledge including language mediation (level A2). Assessment by judgement: sufficient, good, excellent.
- "German Linguistics and Mediation": ability to use knowledge of specialist terminology appropriately in both Italian and German; ability to solve practical questions relating to Phonetics/Phonology, Mediation, Morphology, Syntax; ability to correlate the skills acquired in the 4 modules. Assessment by grade in thirtieths for each test (sufficiency = 18/30).
- "Oral German": ability to interact orally (level A2). Assessment by grade in thirtieths for each test (sufficiency = 18/30).
The final mark for "German Language 1 and Mediation" is made up as follows: average of the 5 partial marks (4 modules of "German Linguistics and Mediation" + "German Oral") provided that all 5 partial marks are sufficient (at least 18/30 each). Depending on the assessment obtained in the Exercises, there may be an increase on the arithmetic mean from which the final grade is derived: sufficient --> no extra point; good --> 0.5 extra point; excellent --> 1 extra point.
Further important information and details are published on MyAriel Lingua tedesca I e mediazione (a.a. 2024/25).
L-LIN/14 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - GERMAN - University credits: 12
Lessons: 80 hours
Corso Sara, Pedrini Giulia
Educational website(s)