German 2

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The theoretical lessons propose the deepening of the German grammar, and in particular of the syntax (constituents, complements, cases, fields, valency, and verbal aspect). The practical lessons allow the widening of the abilities of reception, production, interaction and mediation learned in the first year. The course, combined with the practical lessons, aims at achieving linguistic skills corresponding to the B1 level of CEFR.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: Strenghtening of the basis and improvement of the grammatical and lexical proficiency. Applying knowledge and understanding: the aim is to reach a good competence of structures and lexicon corrisponding to B1-level, which allows written and oral comprehension and text production about familiar matters and the expression of personal opinions.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
More specific information on the delivery modes of training activities for academic year 2024/25 will be provided over the coming months, based on the evolution of the public health situation.
Course syllabus
The course consists of three teaching units: A (20 hours in the first semester) and B-C (40 hours in the second semester).
A (20 ore, three cfu): Syntax
B (20 ore, three cfu): Grammatical and textual structures. Text analysis
C (20 ore, three cfu): Phraseology

The course provides 9 ECTS. It is not possible to acquire only 6 ECTS.

In A, the syntactic structures of Standard German and its variants will be dealt with from a theoretical point of view. In particular, the following topics will be examined: the definition of syntax, the definition of sentence, the analysis of the sentence (traditional analysis, the dependency/value grammar model, the generative grammar model), the constituent and tests to identify it, word classes and syntagma types, word order at sentence level, the semantic functions of the simple sentence, the syntactic functions of the simple sentence, the main sentence and the secondary sentence, secondary sentences). Contrastive reflections and practical applications will complement the description of syntactic phenomena.

In B, you will explore the main concepts of text linguistics and analyze passages from different text genres to recognize their typical structures. The following topics will be explored: the textual genre, the non-verbal characteristics of a text, recognizable words in a text, the verbal bracket and syntactic fields, the nominal bracket, the oral bracket and the subject of the sentence, secondary sentences, other constituents, the relations of place and the spatial coherence, the relations of time and the temporal coherence, the relations of cause and the causal coherence.

In C, both theoretical and practical aspects of German phraseology will be explored in depth, also with contrastive considerations. In particular, the following topics will be dealt with: definition of phraseologism, terms and classifications, collocations in the various meanings and the procedures for their identification, fixed expressions, routine formulas, commonplaces, support verb constructs, twin forms, comparative phraseologisms, idioms, proverbs, semantic characteristics, phraseologisms, and lexicography.

The course program is valid until September 2026. From the winter session of 2026, exclusively the academic year 2025-26 course program will be valid.
Prerequisites for admission
The course, which is partly held in German, the materials and the examination bibliography implies the level of linguistic competence A2 (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages).
Teaching methods
The course adopts the following teaching methods: frontal lessons, group and individual work, and written/oral presentations (Hausarbeiten/Referate). In addition, the course is supplemented by practical classes, for which please refer to the Esercitazioni form.
Teaching Resources
The course has a website on the online teaching platform Ariel, to which reference should be made for lesson notes and other materials provided by the professor.
The following are the mandatory readings for the three teaching units:

PART A: Syntax
- Flinz Carolina (2024): Linguistica dei corpora: una nuova prospettiva teorico-metodologica per lo studio di morfologia e sintassi in ambito DaF. Milano: Milano University Press. (Capitolo 2, Parte II, 119-154;
- Karin Pittner (2016): Einführung in die germanistische Linguistik. Cap. 5 (Traditionelle Syntaxanalyse), pp. 86-124;
- lesson notes;
- any material published on Ariel.
For further study: Maria Teresa Bianco/Fabio Mollica (2024): Sintassi del verbo tedesco. La prospettiva contrastiva. Carocci.

PART B: Grammatical and textual structures. Text analysis
- Blühdorn, Hardarik/Foschi Albert, Marina (2014): Leggere e comprendere il tedesco. Manuale per studenti e docenti in formazione. Pisa: Pisa University Press. (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4).
- lesson notes;
- any material published on Ariel.

PART C: Phraseology
For the theoretical part:
- Burger Harald (2015): Phraseologie. Eine Einführung am Beispiel des Deutschen. 5. Neu bearbeitete Auflage. Berlin: Erich Schmidt Verlag. Chapter 1, 2, chapter 3 (selected parts), chapter 4 (selected parts), chapter 5 (selected parts), chapter 8 (selected parts);

For the empirical part:
- Natascha Borota (2018), Da steppt der Bär, Stuttgart: Langenscheidt;
- various articles published on the Ariel portal;
- lesson notes.

The program for non-attending students is identical to the program for attending students.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists of the following parts, all mandatory:

1) EXAM OF THE ESERCITAZIONI (the oral part can be taken only after passing the written one):
a. WRITTEN Exam:
- ATTENDING STUDENTS: If students actively participate in at least 75% of the exercises, they have access to the partial examinations that take place at the end of each semester. The final grade for the written examination will be the average of the two partial examinations, both of which must be sufficient in every part. In the event of failure or rejection of the grade, students may take the full written examination for non-attending students. Students who refuse the grade for the partials must communicate their decision by e-mail to the lecturer in good time, and in any case before the total written examination takes place.
- NON-ATTENDING STUDENTS: The written test (B1 level) can be attended in MAY, SEPTEMBER, and JANUARY, starting with MAY 2025. All details of the exercises required for the written exam will be given on MyAriel. The examination is passed if all required tests reach the grade 18/30.
b. ORAL exam: The oral part can be taken only after passing the written one.

2) EXAM CORSO MONOGRAFICO: The exam differs according to whether the students are attending the courses or not:
- ATTENDING students: Attending students have access to the partial tests at the end of each semester. These partial test substitute the official written and oral exams:
a. PART A (20 hours, 3 CFU). Partial test (written test): a questionnaire with multiple choice and open questions in place of the official examination;
b. PART B (20 hours, 3 CFU). Partial test (written test): analysis of a text with multiple choice and open questions (without a dictionary) in place of the official examination;
c. PART C (20 ore, 3 CFU). Partial test (written/oral presentation): In small groups, the students present the results of an intra- and interlinguistic analysis of 2 phraseologisms in place of the official examination.
- NOT ATTENDING students: Written and oral exam: questionnaire with multiple choice and open questions to be discussed orally (Part A), textual analysis to be discussed orally (Part B); intra- and interlinguistic analysis of 2 phraseologisms (own choice) to be handed in to the teacher one week before the chosen appeal and discussion at exam.

NB: The oral test of the ESERCITAZIONI and the written/oral examination of the MONOGRAPHIC are part of the same appeal.

The exam Lingua Tedesca 2 consists of written and oral parts (all compulsory):
Written and oral exam (ESERCITAZIONI) + written and oral exams (MONOGRAFICO).
The oral exam can only be taken after passing the written exam. All tests are evaluated in 30ths.
The recorded grade of Lingua Tedesca 2 will be unique, resulting from the average of all the grades (ESERCITAZIONI and MONOGRAFICO).

Non-attending students can take written and oral exams (ESERCITAZIONI and MONOGRAFICO) during the same appeal or in different sessions.
If carried out in the same appeal, the exam begins with a conversation in German with the mother tongue teacher about the readers in the program (ESERCITAZIONI), and it continues with a written examination and oral interview with the professor about the contents of the corso MONOGRAFICO, which includes verification of theoretical and practical knowledge acquired.

International students or incoming Erasmus students are invited to contact the teacher as soon as possible.
The examination procedures for students with disabilities and/or DSA must be agreed upon with the teacher and the competent office.
L-LIN/14 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - GERMAN - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Educational website(s)
Microsoft Teams