
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
AGR/14 GEO/04
Learning objectives
The main aims are:
- to know the physical and geomorphological characteristics of mountain terrain
- to know the fundamentals for geomorphological features of moutaineous areas
- to give the fundamentals to understand the processes involved in the formation of the different soil types and their interactions with the other environmental factors, such as natural vegetation and agricultural uses, climate, lithologi substrate, geomorphic properties;
- to know the soil description and sampling techniques will be learnt in the field during excursions in different mountain habitats;
- to know the basics of soil mapping and land evaluation will be treated as well, taking into account the soil degradation processes such as erosion.
Expected learning outcomes
The learning outcomes include:
- to recognise and describe geomorphological feature typical of the moutaineous areas, both in the field and from maps;
- a general view of the soil functions in the ecosystem;
- the capacity of interpreting the different soil tyoes and their relationships with other environmental factors (geomorphology, geology, climate, vegetation and agriculture), their specific limitations and their sustainable use
- ability to describe and sample a soil profile in the field;
-ability to interpret a soil and land capability map
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
- definitions, functions and ecosystem services of soils
- soil sampling and description in the field
- soil formation processes
- soil degradation processes (erosion and anthropic actions)
Field exercise: soil profile opening and description in groups, in two typical Alpine environements, on siliceous and carbonatic substrates.

Geomorphology and Physical Geography
- what is geomorphology and its importance
- Notes on the structure of the Planet Earth and notes on climatology and meteorology
- plate tectonics and formation of mountain ranges
- glacial and periglacial processes
- fluvial processes
- slope processes and landslides
- coastal processes
- dynamics and climate variations, and their effects on landforms, of the Quaternary
Field trip: recognition of mountain landforms and mapping in the field
Classroom exercices: interpretation of landscapes, particularly in mountain areas.
Prerequisites for admission
The main prerequisites are general notions about vegetation, climate and chemistry
Teaching methods
The corse will be performed alternating frontal lectures of geomorphology-physical geography and pedology, some exercises and one/two day-long field trips (in relation to weather conditions) in different areas of the Lombard Alps, and a short afternoon trip in the forests near Edolo
Teaching Resources
The study material will be available on Ariel and on a Drive folder, which will include the slides of the lectures, the registration of some lectures, (to be considered of help and not as substitutes for the lectures themselves), additional materials such as articles and books, examples of exams.
Assessment methods and Criteria
There will be one written exam for Geomorphology - Physical Geography and one for Pedology, with some closed questiones and some open, covering the main subjects of the courses. It will be possible to do both exams in one session, or in two different ones. Each question will contribute to the final result in a precisely quantified, and previously explicitated, amount. The time limit will be two hours.
A "bonus" (1-3 points) will contribute to the mark of the pedology module, derived from written reports of the field activities performed during the field trips. The final mark will be the mean between the two votes. In case one of the two modules won't reach 18, that one will need to be done again.
Many examples of the exams will be shown during the courses and will be available together with the course material on Ariel or Drive.

In non-emergency periods the oral exam will be voluntary.

The written exams will be performed in Edolo if the students participating will be 4 or more; otherwise it will be performed in Milano, in a place to be discussed.

It will be compulsory to sign up for the exam on the University official digital system; the date and time of the voluntary oral exam will be however privately discussed with the lecturer.
AGR/14 - PEDOLOGY - University credits: 4
Field activity: 8 hours
Lessons: 60 hours