A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
To provide students with methods for the knowledge of the landscape and its evolution in different morphogenetic and morpohclimatic environments and for mapping erosional and depositional landforms. To provide elements for the landscape reconstruction
Expected learning outcomes
(1) Ability to analyze the geomorphological landscape (2) Ability to identify the principal methods for analyzing landforms and their evolution and for dating them. (3) Ability to map landforms and to read and understand geomorphological maps.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
- Geomorphology: definitions, general concepts, history of geomorphology; Methods and tecniques in geomorphology; dating methods; spatial and time scale of geomorphic processes. Geomorphological applications.
- Structural geomorphology: landforms and landscapes, cuestas, hogback, flatiron, etc. Differential erosion.
. Tectonic geomorphology: morphological evidences, fluvial systems and tectonic. Fault scarps and their evolution.
- Volcanic geomorphology: Volcanic landforms and landscapes in relations with volcanic activity and products. Volcanoes evolution and erosion.
- Weathering and landforms, Running waters and landscapes.
- Karst geomorphology: epigean landforms (karren, sinkhole, uvala, polje, karst valleys etc..) and ipogean landscapes. Relict karst, tropical karst.
- Slope morphology: mass wasting and landforms
- Fluvial geomorphology: fluvial systems, drainage pattern, river basins ad catchment, riverbeds. Erosional and depositional landforms (alluvial fan, plains, river terraces etc.).
- Aeolic geomorpholgy: landforms from wind erosion and deposition, dunes and loess.
- Coast geomorphology: classification, sea level changes and coast evolution, geomorphology of different coast typology.
- Glacial geomorphology: glacier typology, glacial processes, supraglacial landforms, erosional landforms at different spatial scale, (striae etc, roches moutonnée, cirques and glacial valleys, regional glacial landscape); depositional landforms: moraines, drumlins, esker etc), fluvioglacial landforms.
-Periglacial geomorphology: periglacial processes, permafrost, river and wind action, slope evolution, rock glaciers, nivation, termokarst.
-Geomorphology in arid and desertic regions: desert landscapes and landforms, slope evolution in arid regions, pediments, playas etc.
-Geomorpholgy in tropical regions: processes and landforms, inselberg etc.
-Climatic changes and their effects in sensitive environments (glacial, periglacial, iperarid and desertic environments).
- Anthropic geomorphology: principles, anthropic processes, landforms and landscapes.
- Structural geomorphology: landforms and landscapes, cuestas, hogback, flatiron, etc. Differential erosion.
. Tectonic geomorphology: morphological evidences, fluvial systems and tectonic. Fault scarps and their evolution.
- Volcanic geomorphology: Volcanic landforms and landscapes in relations with volcanic activity and products. Volcanoes evolution and erosion.
- Weathering and landforms, Running waters and landscapes.
- Karst geomorphology: epigean landforms (karren, sinkhole, uvala, polje, karst valleys etc..) and ipogean landscapes. Relict karst, tropical karst.
- Slope morphology: mass wasting and landforms
- Fluvial geomorphology: fluvial systems, drainage pattern, river basins ad catchment, riverbeds. Erosional and depositional landforms (alluvial fan, plains, river terraces etc.).
- Aeolic geomorpholgy: landforms from wind erosion and deposition, dunes and loess.
- Coast geomorphology: classification, sea level changes and coast evolution, geomorphology of different coast typology.
- Glacial geomorphology: glacier typology, glacial processes, supraglacial landforms, erosional landforms at different spatial scale, (striae etc, roches moutonnée, cirques and glacial valleys, regional glacial landscape); depositional landforms: moraines, drumlins, esker etc), fluvioglacial landforms.
-Periglacial geomorphology: periglacial processes, permafrost, river and wind action, slope evolution, rock glaciers, nivation, termokarst.
-Geomorphology in arid and desertic regions: desert landscapes and landforms, slope evolution in arid regions, pediments, playas etc.
-Geomorpholgy in tropical regions: processes and landforms, inselberg etc.
-Climatic changes and their effects in sensitive environments (glacial, periglacial, iperarid and desertic environments).
- Anthropic geomorphology: principles, anthropic processes, landforms and landscapes.
Prerequisites for admission
Mandatory prerequisites are not requested; however, students must have good knowledge of Earth Sciences, especially in Physical Geography.
Teaching methods
The course will employ a variety of methods to accomplish the objectives, including some of the following:
- Lectures
- Photo and aerial photo interpretation
- Landforms and geomorphic processes interpretation from field activities.
- Lectures
- Photo and aerial photo interpretation
- Landforms and geomorphic processes interpretation from field activities.
Teaching Resources
Slide, scientific papers, audio-video material available on the Ariel website of the course, personal notes.
Suggested textbooks:
Gutierrez M. Geomorphology CRC press
Panizza M. Geomorfologia Pitagora ed.
Ciccacci S. (2019) Atlante delle forme del rilievo. Mondadori Ed.
McKnight's. Geografia Fisica, comprendere il paesaggio. Piccin ed.
Lavagna e Lucarno - Geocartografia. Guida alla lettura delle carte geotopografiche
D'Orefice M., Graciotti R. (2015) Rilevamento geomorfologico e cartografia: realizzazione, lettura, interpretazione. Flaccovio Dario Ed.
Suggested textbooks:
Gutierrez M. Geomorphology CRC press
Panizza M. Geomorfologia Pitagora ed.
Ciccacci S. (2019) Atlante delle forme del rilievo. Mondadori Ed.
McKnight's. Geografia Fisica, comprendere il paesaggio. Piccin ed.
Lavagna e Lucarno - Geocartografia. Guida alla lettura delle carte geotopografiche
D'Orefice M., Graciotti R. (2015) Rilevamento geomorfologico e cartografia: realizzazione, lettura, interpretazione. Flaccovio Dario Ed.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists in:
- Questions on the contents of the lessons. Recognition of the geomorphological elements of the landscape from a photo, an aerial photo or a geomorphological map. This part weighs 70% of the whole exam.
The exam aims to:
- assessing the ability to "read" the geomorphological landscape
- assessing the ability to relate the landforms and the processes that shaped them
- assessing the ability to read a geomorphological map and the ability to represent landforms with appropriate symbols.
The evaluation will consider also the use of proper language and clearness of the exposition.
More detailed information, even on the type (virtual or in presence) and on times of the exams, will be inserted in the Ariel platform and will be provided during the lessons.
The grade will be given out of thirty.
- Questions on the contents of the lessons. Recognition of the geomorphological elements of the landscape from a photo, an aerial photo or a geomorphological map. This part weighs 70% of the whole exam.
The exam aims to:
- assessing the ability to "read" the geomorphological landscape
- assessing the ability to relate the landforms and the processes that shaped them
- assessing the ability to read a geomorphological map and the ability to represent landforms with appropriate symbols.
The evaluation will consider also the use of proper language and clearness of the exposition.
More detailed information, even on the type (virtual or in presence) and on times of the exams, will be inserted in the Ariel platform and will be provided during the lessons.
The grade will be given out of thirty.
Lessons: 48 hours
Azzoni Roberto Sergio
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