Geomorphological Heritage and Geodiversity

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to prepare the student to perform analyses on geodiversity and specifically on the geomorphological heritage. In particular, the student will be trained on methodologies useful to: i) discuss the importance of geoheritage as georesource in the framework of ecosystem services and United Nation Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030; ii) quantitatively assess and catalogue the geoheritage sites for scientific or educational/outreach purpose; iii) map geodiversity and related geomorphological resources in particular, on thematic maps useful for territorial planning; iv) evaluate the geoconservation perspectives and the fragility and vulnerability of geoheritage site; v) elaborate innovative strategies for promoting sustainably geoheritage sites.
Expected learning outcomes
1) Ability in applying methodologies for assessing the geoheritage sites in relation to the features of a specific area;
2) Ability in applying the mapping techniques for mapping the geodiversity of a specific area and for the spatial definition of geoheritage sites for territorial planning;
3) Ability in identifying the most appropriate techniques for the promotion and conservation of geoheritage sites of an area in relation to different targets.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The programme is divided in the following thematic sections, and the order may vary, despite maintaining the coherence of the topics sequence:
1) Geodiversity: geodiversity concept, geosystem services, methods for geodiversity quantification (exercise);
2) Geoheritage sites: definition of geodiversity site, geosites and geoheritage site, geosite inventories, methodology for the assessment of the global value of the geosites (scientific value, additional values, potential for use) with an emphasis on the ecological and cultural value (exercise); geosite mapping for territorial planning (exercise);
3) Geoconservation: geoconservation concept, geoheritage site classification according to their fragility and vulnerability, national and regional laws for geoheritage conservation; geoheritage sites in protected areas and in geoparks of the UNESCO IGGP Programme, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and UNESCO Global Geoparks;
4) Geoheritage for the Geosciences outreach: strategies and targets (school students, amateurs, tourists), innovative techniques, outdoor activities and digital tools;
5) Guided fieldwork (3 single days): places and date to be defined.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of Physical geography, Geomorphology, Geology.
Ability of reading topographic maps.
Basic knowledge of Geographical Information Systems.
Teaching methods
The course consists of frontal lessons, individual or working-group activities on the topics of assessment, mapping and promotion of sites of geological and geomorphological sites, with report to be evaluated. Moreover, 3 days of mandatory guided fieldwork are organized; they can be replaced by virtual activities if strictly needed. Lectures by experts could be planned from remote using the Microsoft Teams app or in presence if possible.
Teaching Resources
Slides uploaded on the Ariel website
Scientific papers and guidelines indicated and examined during lessons
Students annotations
- Reynard, E., & Brilha, J. (Eds.). (2017). Geoheritage: assessment, protection, and management. Elsevier.
- Gray, M. (2013). Geodiversity: valuing and conserving abiotic nature. John Wiley & Sons.
- Panizza M., Piacente S. (2003) Geomorfologia culturale, ed. 2024. Bonomo Ed.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of two sections.
The first one concerns a mandatory oral discussion starting from two report properly prepared by the candidate and requested along the development of the course on the topics of the assessment and mapping of sites of geological and geomorphological interest.
The second one concerns additional questions to the candidate on the program done in the classroom.
From these aspects it will be possible to verify, regarding the candidate, the understanding of the basic concepts of geosite, geodiversity and geoconservation, of the strategies for mapping, promoting and conserving sites of geological and geomorphological interest, the ability in re-elaborating the concepts, the ability of making judgements in relation to the typologies of areas (protected or not). Also the communication skills will be evaluated.
Assessment score: 18 to 30/30 of which 45% is related to the two requested reports and the other 45% is related to the theory, while the remnant 10% is related to the exercises produced during the course.
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Bollati Irene Maria
Upon appointment arranged through e-mail
Room 54 or 59, First Floor