Geographic Information Systems and Environmental Modelling

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The Geographic Information Systems and Environmental course is the natural and logical prosecution of the Environmental Information Systems module in the Bachelor's (BSc) degree. It is targeted to improve and strengthen skills and competences of students by promoting a deeper investigation of theoretical and practical concepts and methods learned by students who graduated from the BSc, the analysis of new issues concerning data storage, query, management, analysis and visualization as well as the application of environmental modelling techniques
Expected learning outcomes
Students will improve their skills and competences in georeferenced environmental data storage, query, management, analysis and visualization GIS-based concepts and techniques
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
1 - Introduction: contents and purpose of the course.
2 - Concepts of external, conceptual, logical and internal modelling for the design and implementation of databases.
3 -Database and Relational Database Management System: tools for database design, management and querying. Geodatabases and normalization rules for effective management of geographical data by exploiting the main features of RDBMS.
4 - Tools and web apps for collecting data directly on the field in GIS-compatible formats.
5 - Advanced functions for spatial analysis of geographical data.
6 - Visual modelling techniques for processes or workflows.
7 - Map services (WMS - Web Map Service, WFS - Web Feature Service) and online sources of environmental data.
8 - Creation, publication and sharing of maps and projects as packages and services on the web, mobile apps and social media.
9 - Legislative elements in terms of the use and distribution of environmental data (CC - Creative Commons license).
10 - Future development (open GIS, 3D, ).
Prerequisites for admission
The fundamental prerequisite consists in having attended the Geographical Information Systems (SIT) in the third year of the Bachelor's Degree in Natural Sciences (or similar courses).
Teaching methods
Teaching method: traditional method by lessons and computer-based exercises using GIS software. Frequency: strongly recommended. Exam method: written exercise by using GIS software.
Teaching Resources
Lesson slides, exercise texts, databases and GIS software are available on ARIEL website ( and at the Biology Dept. computing room. Students must register in advance in the computing room to obtain their personal login and password.
M. Boffi (2004) - Scienza dell'Informazione Geografica - Introduzione ai GIS. Zanichelli editore.
S. Aronoff (1991) - Geographic Information Systems: A Management Perspective. Wdl Pubns.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a compulsory written test to be carried out entirely on the computer, lasting three hours, which will involve the resolution of an application-type exercise, having difficulties and contents similar to those faced during the cycle of lessons / exercises.
The criteria applied for exam evaluation will concern:
- the student's ability to conceptually model the problem to be addressed;
- the student's ability to logically model the problem to be addressed;
- the correct application of GIS tools and functions to solve the problem.
Any additional information on how to carry out the exam and on the evaluation criteria will be illustrated during the course.
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 6
Practicals with elements of theory: 36 hours
Lessons: 24 hours