
A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to train students in the field of Geoarchaeology, providing them with the cultural and technical basis for carrying out research and professional activities in projects of archaeological excavations, surveys, reconstruction of the formation processes of the archaeological record, rescue archeology, and diagnostic and conservation for archaeological heritage.
Expected learning outcomes
Students are expected to learn to select the relevant methods to carry out archaeological excavation and survey; students will be also able to describe a stratigraphic sequence and to properly collect samples for laboratory analyses and dating. In details, students will be able to :
- describe and understand soil and sediments in archaeological context, observed in archaeological excavation, test trenches and drilling cores;
- describe and understand archaeological landscape on the base of mapping and remote sensing;
- perform in laboratory basic sedimentological and pedological analyses applied to archaeological context;
- set up and produce reports on the formation processes of archaeological sites and landscapes.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
An history of Geoarchaeology
The Archaeological research in the field: the stratigraphic excavation, the survey.
The tools of the geoarchaeology: soils, continental deposits, landscapes in environmental archaeology. Geognostic in geoarchaeology, survey, aerial photographs, remote sensing, core drilling, test pits,
Site forming processes: laboratory analyses, grain size, routine chimica analyses, soil micromorphology for an archaeological context
Dating the evidence: typological sequence for lithics and pottery. Incremetal and radiometric methods.
Geoarchaeology and Archeological research
Earth Sciences and the interpretation of the archaeological record. Evidence of human activities in the geological record: syndepositional and postdepositional processes. Geoarchaeology and the history of the human impact on the environment.
Geoarchaeology of the archeological sites
Poorly preseved sites: sites in which postpedositional processes dominated: Palaeolithic sites in the loes of Northern Italy. The Mesolithic sites of the Tosco-emilian Appennines.
Well preserved archives: Geoarchaeology of the sedimentary fills in late Pleistocene caves and rock shelters at middle latitudes.
Villages and proto-urban centres built up in wood. Geoarchoeology of pile-dwellings and terramare
The towns . Archaeological urban centres: The tells of the Near East. Geoarcheology ed Urban Archaeology: Archaeological heritage of the cities along via Aemilia.
Geoarcheology of the soil use.
Deforestation and early agricolture (case studies from the Neolithic and the Chalcolithic in the Po plain)
Geoarcheology of over exploitation (agricultural practices and irrigation in Mesopotamia ed in the Po plain during the Bronze age) Geoarchaeology of Pastoralism (The case study of the Holocene sediments in caves and rock-shelters)
Geoarcheologia of arid zones
Climatic changes and strategies of adaptation. Oasis and caravan routes.
Consequence of the human impact on landscape development, the relationship between human activities and climate change, historical and archaeological perspectives
Prerequisites for admission
Basics in Earth Sciences and Archaeology
Teaching methods
Lessons and seminars
Teaching Resources
Slides and books on specific topics
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam with a grade expressed out of thirty. The actual understanding of the contents provided and the processes described will be assessed. The ability to summarize and use appropriate terminology will also be taken into consideration. Possibility of carrying out a seminar supplementing the final exam on a topic agreed with the teacher.
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Zerboni Andrea
Mon-Fri, 9-11.
Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra "Ardito Desio", Via L. Mangiagalli 34, 20133 Milano