General Pathology, Immunology and Medical Genetics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
MED/03 MED/04
Learning objectives
Learning objectives (nuovo testo da inserire in W4):
The course aims to:
· Ensure that students are familiar with the fundamental elements the basic mechanisms that characterize the onset and the maintenance of pathological phenomena;
· Provide insights in the physio-pathological elements of specific organs and apparatus with particular attention to the gastrointestinal system and the metabolic endocrine aspects related to nutritional phenomena;
· Equip students to understand the basic concepts of immunology, the mechanisms of the immune response and of the main immunopathological reactions;
· Ensure that students are familiar with the mechanisms of genetic transmission of diseases;
· Foster the ability of studying independently and as part of a group, and to develop oral and written presentation skills.
Expected learning outcomes
Expected learning outcomes (nuovo testo da inserire in W4)
By the end of the course the student will:
· have a general picture of the causes and etiopathogenetic mechanisms of diseases.
· know the basic characteristics of the immune response and its alterations such as allergies and autoimmune diseases mainly related to the gastrointestinal system.
· know the general characteristics of human genetics and the main associated diseases
· be able to discuss and formulate independent judgments on the topics covered during the lessons.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of Biology, Biochemistry and Human Anatomy
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment of learning takes place through the final exam, which ascertains the acquisition of the knowledge and skills expected for the teachings of General Pathology, Immunology and Medical Genetics. This consists of both multiple choice questions and open questions. For the Immunology module, students can optionally carry out an ongoing test based on open questions.The results of the written test will be communicated through the Ariel website.
To pass the exam it is necessary to obtain the sufficiency (18/30) in all three modules within the same academic year. The final grade will be calculated based on the credits of each module: General Pathology and Immunology: 5/6; Medical Genetics: 1/6
General pathology and immunology
Course syllabus
Introduction to the course - concept of aetiology and pathogenesis;
Infections: viruses, bacteria, dissemination;
Damage and cellular responses origins of cellular damage; reversible or irreversible cellular damage; general biological, biochemical and molecular mechanisms of cell damage; subcellular responses to cellular damage; cellular adaptations to damage or stress; cell death: Necrosis and Apoptosis;
Inflammation: acute inflammation: vascular changes, cellular events and their molecular bases; the chemistry of acute inflammation; correlation between biochemical aspects and morphological and functional events; inflammation as a systemic event: acute phase proteins, fever and other acute phase symptoms; chronic inflammation: morphological aspects, functional framework. Chronic inflammation: causes, cellular events, fibrosis.
Local and systemic response to damage: repair and regeneration; wound healing; acute phase response; temperature; shock; Oncology: definitions and morphological frameworks; benign and malignant neoplasms, staging and grading; epidemiology of tumors and risk factors; the role of inheritance; tumor etiology: chemical, physical and biological carcinogens; the stem cell theory of tumors; heterogeneity of tumors; metastases. Concept of oncogene and tumor suppressor; chromosomal translocations and fusion proteins; tumors on a hereditary basis;
Arguments of pathophysiology: colorectal carcinoma, celiac disease; diabetes mellitus; IBD-Inflammatory Bowel diseases (Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis);
The microbiota: definition; diet and microbiota; physiological role of the microbiota; role of microbiota in human pathologies.
Characteristics of the immune system response: Specificity, memory, tolerance. Cells of adaptive immunity; primary and secondary lymphoid organs; maturation of lymphocytes.
T and B lymphocytes: antigen receptors and cellular targets. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes and killing mechanisms. Pro-inflammatory action of Th1 lymphocytes. Th2 lymphocytes and interaction with B lymphocytes. The humoral immune response
Antibodies: structure, isotypes, characteristics, and biological functions of the different classes of antibodies.
Antigen presentation Major histocompatibility complex.
Activation of the immune system.
Central and peripheral tolerance (clonal deletion, absence of co-stimulation, immunological ignorance and regulatory T lymphocytes).
Mucosal immunity: activation sites, effector sites and tolerance to oral antigens.
Immune-mediated diseases: hypersensitivity and eating disorders. Autoimmune diseases: failure of immunological tolerance, genetic and environmental causes. Examples: type I diabetes mellitus, Chron's disease, Graves' disease, myasthenia gravis, rheumatoid arthritis. Celiac disease.
Teaching methods
The course is divided into a series of lectures with slide shows in Power Point. Powerpoint presentations are linked to the Ariel website. Part of the teaching will be interactive and will include collective discussion of articles and specific topics, along with the possibility for the student to take a self-assessment test based on questions relating to the topics covered provided by the teacher through the Ariel platform.
Teaching Resources
Elementi di Patologia Generale - GM Pontieri - Casa Editrice Piccin
Immunobiologia - Janeway - Kenneth Murphy & Casey Weaver - Casa Editrice Picc
Medical genetics
Course syllabus
1. Molecular basis for the study of human inheritance: chromosomes and chromatin; diploidy and haploidy; mitosis and meiosis, male and female gametogenesis
2. Mendelian genetics: Mendel's laws; concepts of genotype and phenotype, gene, allele, locus. Incomplete dominance and codominance
3. Inheritance in humans: simple and complex traits (diseases); representation of family trees; types of inheritance (examples of genetic diseases).
4. Molecular pathology: spontaneous and induced mutations (mention of the main types of mutagens); germline and somatic mutations; mosaicism; phenotypic effects of point mutations (missense, nonsense, frameshift and splicing mutations); mutation and polymorphism, examples of genetic pathologies
5. Human karyotype: morphology and classification of human chromosomes; karyotype analysis
6. Chromosomal aberrations. Number anomalies: polyploidies and aneuploidies. Inactivation of the X chromosome and PAR regions. Balanced and unbalanced chromosome structure anomalies.
Teaching methods
The course is divided into a series of lectures with slide shows in Power Point. Powerpoint presentations are linked to the Ariel website. PPTs are uploaded
Teaching Resources
Elementi di Genetica - Russel, Wolfe - Casa Editrice Edises
General pathology and immunology
Lessons: 50 hours
Medical genetics
MED/03 - MEDICAL GENETICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours