General and Inorganic Chemistry with Lab
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to introduce the basics of chemistry from both a theoretical and a practical point of view. The course is splitted into two parts, with classroom lessons, stoichiometry and laboratory practice.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will be able to understand the basics of chemistry both in its theoretical and practical aspects.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Prerequisites for admission
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will consist of a 180-minute written test, with both open and closed-ended questions and exercises. During the course there will be two ongoing tests lasting 120 minutes each to replace the final exam.
Module: General and inorganic chemistry
Course syllabus
Atoms and their structures. Quantic numbers and atomic orbitals. The periodic properties of the elements. Ionisation potential and electronic affinity. The chemical bond. The ionic and covalent bond. Electronegativity. Hydrogen bond. Molecular orbitals. Delocalised molecular orbitals. Hybrid orbitals. Lewis structures and VSEPR theory. The metallic bond. The solid state. Ideal and real gases. Solutions and dispersions. Colloids and their properties. The Raoult law. Colligative properties. Phases and state diagrams. Thermochemistry. Calorimetry. State functions. Thermodynamics laws. Spontaneous processes and chemical equilibrium. Chemical kinetic. The catalysts. Acids and bases. Ion-product of water and pH. Electrochemistry. Reduction potentials. The Nernst Equation. Electrolysis and electrical generators. Solubility. Inorganic Chemistry. Chemical and physical properties of some elements and their compounds.
Matter and measurements. Atomic and molecular weights, the concept of mole. Precipitation, acid-base, oxidation-reduction reaction. Types of solutions, their concentrations. Laws of the gaseous state. Chemical equilibrium, equilibrium constants, effect of concentration and temperature. Ionic equilibria in aqueous solution, acids and bases, hydrolysis, buffer solution, multiple equilibria. Precipitation equilibria.
Atoms and their structures. Quantic numbers and atomic orbitals. The periodic properties of the elements. Ionisation potential and electronic affinity. The chemical bond. The ionic and covalent bond. Electronegativity. Hydrogen bond. Molecular orbitals. Delocalised molecular orbitals. Hybrid orbitals. Lewis structures and VSEPR theory. The metallic bond. The solid state. Ideal and real gases. Solutions and dispersions. Colloids and their properties. The Raoult law. Colligative properties. Phases and state diagrams. Thermochemistry. Calorimetry. State functions. Thermodynamics laws. Spontaneous processes and chemical equilibrium. Chemical kinetic. The catalysts. Acids and bases. Ion-product of water and pH. Electrochemistry. Reduction potentials. The Nernst Equation. Electrolysis and electrical generators. Solubility. Inorganic Chemistry. Chemical and physical properties of some elements and their compounds.
Matter and measurements. Atomic and molecular weights, the concept of mole. Precipitation, acid-base, oxidation-reduction reaction. Types of solutions, their concentrations. Laws of the gaseous state. Chemical equilibrium, equilibrium constants, effect of concentration and temperature. Ionic equilibria in aqueous solution, acids and bases, hydrolysis, buffer solution, multiple equilibria. Precipitation equilibria.
Teaching methods
The course will fundamentally consist in lessons and classroom exercise
Teaching Resources
Kotz - Treichel - Townsend, Chimica, EdiSES; Atkins-Jones Fondamenti di Chimica Generale - Zanichelli; Petrucci-Herring-Madura-Bissonette Chimica Generale - PICCIN. Esercitazioni di Chimica, A. Clerici-S. Morrocchi, Ed. Spiegel; Stechiometria, M. Freni-A. Sacco, Ed. Edises; P. Michelin Lausarot-G. A. Vaglio, Stechiometria per la Chimica Generale, Ed. Piccin
Module: Laboratory of general and inorganic chemistry
Course syllabus
The aim of the General and Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory is to show the main experimental techniques in the study of Chemistry (synthetic, purification and analytical techniques). In particular, two important aspects will be highlighted: the numerical/stoichiometric aspect (to be able to properly apply the theoretical concepts) and the purely practical/experimental aspect (use of the principal facilities of a chemistry laboratory). The student will acquire autonomy in planning and conducting laboratory activities in compliance with the safety regulations in force in a Chemical laboratory.
Teaching methods
Laboratory experiences (32 hours).
Teaching Resources
Ariel website
Module: General and inorganic chemistry
Practicals: 32 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Cariati Elena
Cariati Elena
Module: Laboratory of general and inorganic chemistry
Laboratories: 64 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Colombo Alessia
Educational website(s)