General and Inorganic Chemistry

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide the fundamental principles of General Chemistry which constitute the essential cultural background for understanding the teachings for which General Chemistry is preparatory. Main topics will be: chemical structure and properties of the matter. The General Chemistry course will also provide the student with the main calculation methods to solve stoichiometry problems.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge of theoretical principles and comprehension of the basic structure of atoms and molecules, inter and intramolecular chemical bonds, properties of the matter, chemical reactions such as redox and acid-bases. Comprehension of the chemical equilibrium concept.
Understanding and solving stoichiometry problems. Addressing with a proper scientific language theory questions.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Matter, Measurement, and Problem Solving
Atoms and Elements
Molecules, Compounds, and Chemical Equations
Chemical Quantities and Aqueous Reactions
The Quantum-Mechanical Model of the Atom
Periodic Properties of the Elements
Chemical Bonding I: Lewis Theory
Chemical Bonding II: Molecular Shapes, Valence Bond theory, .
Liquids, Solids, and Intermolecular Forces
Chemical Equilibrium
Acids and Bases
Aqueous Ionic Equilibrium
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of basics of mathematics are required. Ability to solve I and II grade equation and to work with logarithms is required
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons and online activities will be proposed. Active and interactive methods will be employed, privileging the involvement of students in group activities. Power point slides will be used to illustrate the topics covered. Stoichiometry exercises will performed and further exercises will be proposed by the Exam Manager online platform.
Power point slides will be used to illustrate the topics covered. Stoichiometry exercises will performed and further exercises will be proposed by the Exam Manager online platform.
Teaching Resources
Students can employ and University textbook of General Chemistry.
Follow some suggestions :
N.J. Tro- Chimica. Un approccio molecolare. Edises
A. Del Zotto- Esercizi di Chimica Generale
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will consist in a written exam with 8 questions (at leat 4 stoichiometry exercises and 2 theory questions) to be completed in 2 hours.
As an alternative, students can partecipate to 2 "in itinere" written exams during the course of the year. The final evaluation will be given based on the average of the in itinere tests.
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours