Fundamentals of Pedagogy and Psychoeducational Aspects in Health Care
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The overall objective of the course is to develop the fundamental knowledge to promote and support, together with the action of other health professions, educational activities within primary prevention and health promotion interventions and, in secondary and tertiary prevention interventions, to improve adherence to treatment and therapeutic-rehabilitation pathways for patients with both organic and mental illnesses. To date, in fact, advances in medicine, improvements in terms of the effectiveness of treatments and therapies and the consequent increase in life expectancy are changing the demand for and management of care and treatment, placing clinicians in front of chronic diseases that require complex multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary interventions, in which psycho-pedagogical implications are relevant and essential.
Expected learning outcomes
At the completion of the course the student will be able to:
- Discuss the connections between the psychologist's activities in health care settings and educational work
- Outline the meaning of "education" and its fundamental characteristics, declining these characteristics in the health care context
- Clarify the centeredness of relationship in educational interventions
- Define pedagogy and indicate the difference with education
- Clarify similarities and differences between pedagogy and andragogy
- Point out the differences and similarities between the different concepts of teaching, training, didactics, science of education, philosophy of education
- Illustrate the difference between formal, nonformal, and informal education, then declining it in the healthcare setting
- Illustrate the concept of health in its historical evolution, starting with the first who definition in 1948, highlighting its educational dimensions
- Indicate the similarities and differences between the activities of health education, health education and health promotion
- Expose the main characteristics of health promotion interventions with a bottom-up approach, giving examples of them
- Describe the main pedagogical features of a peer education intervention, giving examples of the areas in which this approach has been used
- Explain the connection between models of medicine and educational models
- Explain the meaning of "patient information," "patient teaching," "patient education," and "therapeutic patient education," clarifying similarities and differences
- Explain the meaning of "educational diagnosis" and the different models proposed in the literature, indicating the elements that must be considered in its formulation
- Indicate the factors that most impact patient adherence to treatment
- Describe the process of teaching the patient, starting from the analysis of training needs to the evaluation of the results achieved
- Describe the main patient teaching techniques proposed in the literature, giving examples of experiences of proven effectiveness
- Illustrate advantages and disadvantages of individual and group interventions, providing examples of teaching (individual or group) and education (individual or group) from the literature
- Clarify the different skills involved in different educational interventions (teaching and education)
- Illustrate the significance of narrative medicine in patient education
- Explain why it is important to help patients integrate illness into their identity and discuss the educational and self-educational dimensions of this intervention
- Illustrate the characteristics of psychoeducational and social support approaches, providing examples
- Illustrate the characteristics of autobiographical approaches to patient education, providing examples
- Describe the main features of educational work with patients with mental health problems, in the context of tertiary prevention
- Explain how, from a pedagogical perspective, care professionals should construct pedagogical knowledge about educational activities in health care settings.
- Discuss the connections between the psychologist's activities in health care settings and educational work
- Outline the meaning of "education" and its fundamental characteristics, declining these characteristics in the health care context
- Clarify the centeredness of relationship in educational interventions
- Define pedagogy and indicate the difference with education
- Clarify similarities and differences between pedagogy and andragogy
- Point out the differences and similarities between the different concepts of teaching, training, didactics, science of education, philosophy of education
- Illustrate the difference between formal, nonformal, and informal education, then declining it in the healthcare setting
- Illustrate the concept of health in its historical evolution, starting with the first who definition in 1948, highlighting its educational dimensions
- Indicate the similarities and differences between the activities of health education, health education and health promotion
- Expose the main characteristics of health promotion interventions with a bottom-up approach, giving examples of them
- Describe the main pedagogical features of a peer education intervention, giving examples of the areas in which this approach has been used
- Explain the connection between models of medicine and educational models
- Explain the meaning of "patient information," "patient teaching," "patient education," and "therapeutic patient education," clarifying similarities and differences
- Explain the meaning of "educational diagnosis" and the different models proposed in the literature, indicating the elements that must be considered in its formulation
- Indicate the factors that most impact patient adherence to treatment
- Describe the process of teaching the patient, starting from the analysis of training needs to the evaluation of the results achieved
- Describe the main patient teaching techniques proposed in the literature, giving examples of experiences of proven effectiveness
- Illustrate advantages and disadvantages of individual and group interventions, providing examples of teaching (individual or group) and education (individual or group) from the literature
- Clarify the different skills involved in different educational interventions (teaching and education)
- Illustrate the significance of narrative medicine in patient education
- Explain why it is important to help patients integrate illness into their identity and discuss the educational and self-educational dimensions of this intervention
- Illustrate the characteristics of psychoeducational and social support approaches, providing examples
- Illustrate the characteristics of autobiographical approaches to patient education, providing examples
- Describe the main features of educational work with patients with mental health problems, in the context of tertiary prevention
- Explain how, from a pedagogical perspective, care professionals should construct pedagogical knowledge about educational activities in health care settings.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Course syllabus
- The fundamental characteristics of education
- Relationship and education
- Pedagogy and the sciences of education
- Pedagogy and andragogy
- Teaching, training, didactics, educational sciences, philosophy of education
- Formal, nonformal and informal education
- The concept of health and its educational dimensions
- Health education, health education and health promotion
- Health promotion interventions
- Peer education
- Models of medicine and educational models
- Information, teaching, education and therapeutic patient education
- Educational diagnosis
- Factors impacting patient adherence to treatment
- The patient teaching process
- The techniques of patient teaching
- Individual and group teaching and education interventions
- The skills of the practitioner in teaching and education interventions
- Illness and the transformation of patient identity
- Narrative medicine and the medical humanities
- Psychoeducational and social support approaches
- Autobiographical approaches to patient education
- Educational work with patients with mental health problems
- The construction of pedagogical knowledge in health care settings.
- Relationship and education
- Pedagogy and the sciences of education
- Pedagogy and andragogy
- Teaching, training, didactics, educational sciences, philosophy of education
- Formal, nonformal and informal education
- The concept of health and its educational dimensions
- Health education, health education and health promotion
- Health promotion interventions
- Peer education
- Models of medicine and educational models
- Information, teaching, education and therapeutic patient education
- Educational diagnosis
- Factors impacting patient adherence to treatment
- The patient teaching process
- The techniques of patient teaching
- Individual and group teaching and education interventions
- The skills of the practitioner in teaching and education interventions
- Illness and the transformation of patient identity
- Narrative medicine and the medical humanities
- Psychoeducational and social support approaches
- Autobiographical approaches to patient education
- Educational work with patients with mental health problems
- The construction of pedagogical knowledge in health care settings.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
The course is delivered through interactive classroom lessons, which will be complemented by practice activities, reflective writing, case/problem analysis, papers and formative assessment activities. Speeches by witnesses-experts in patient education are planned during some lessons.
Within the course website in Ariel, students will find notices, abstracts of individual lessons, slides, materials (grids, diagrams, cases, etc. that will be analyzed in the lessons), scientific publications to explore some topics in depth.
Within the course website in Ariel, students will find notices, abstracts of individual lessons, slides, materials (grids, diagrams, cases, etc. that will be analyzed in the lessons), scientific publications to explore some topics in depth.
Teaching Resources
- Zannini L., L'educazione del paziente. Per una consapevolezza pedagogica dei professionisti della cura, Milano: Cortina, 2023.
- Zannini L., Medical humanities e medicina narrativa, Milano: Raffaello Cortina 2008 (capitoli scelti).
- Zannini L., Salute, malattia e cura. Milano: Franco Angeli, 2003 (capitoli scelti).
- Zannini L., Medical humanities e medicina narrativa, Milano: Raffaello Cortina 2008 (capitoli scelti).
- Zannini L., Salute, malattia e cura. Milano: Franco Angeli, 2003 (capitoli scelti).
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment will consist of a written exam of about 60 questions, both multiple-choice and short open response, from simple scenarios. The duration of the exam will be around 60-75 minutes.
Lessons: 36 hours
Zannini Lucia
Zannini LuciaProfessor(s)