Fundamentals of Linguistics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Module: General Linguistics
This course is part of a degree programme that aims to provide linguistic and metalinguistic skills in at least two foreign languages besides Italian. In this respect, the course aims to raise students' awareness of the different levels of linguistic analysis (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics and pragmatics), starting from the knowledge and skills they acquired in their previous studies in relation to their mother-tongue and to other languages. It also aims to illustrate the concepts of diachronic, diatopic and diastratic variations of a language. Moreover, students will acquire the terminology needed to describe and conceptualise the various phenomena related to the functioning of a language.
Module: Italian Linguistics
The goal of this course is to give students an introduction to the Italian language, focusing on its evolution, and more specifically on its developments from the second half of the 20th century to the present. Moreover, the course is designed to provide a sociolinguistic overview of the current varieties of Italian (standard and neo-standard Italian, dialects, special languages, bureaucratic Italian, youth languages, Italian spoken outside of Italy, Italian spoken by foreigners, languages of the media etc.). This will equip students with a theoretical framework for concepts that will be further examined during other courses (linguistic courses, but not only) included in the three-year programme.
Expected learning outcomes
Module: General Linguistics
By the end of the course, students are expected to recognise the different levels of linguistic analysis and adopt the main interpretative categories developed by the major schools of thought in linguistics. In addition, students should be able to use the specialised terminology of general linguistics.
Module: Italian Linguistics
By the end of the course, students will be familiar with the basic structures of the Italian language, the most important turning points in its development and its current range of varieties, being fully aware of its richness. The exam is designed to test this knowledge and to ascertain if students have achieved the ultimate goal of the course, which is to provide future language experts with both professional linguistic skills and cultural awareness. This is also in line with the overarching objective of the degree programme.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization


Lesson period
Prerequisites for admission
No special prerequisites are necessary, except for a knowledge of the Italian language of at least CEFR level B1.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists of an individual interview, in Italian, aimed at verifying knowledge of the topics explained during the course and the volumes in the syllabus, the ability to identify and analyse linguistic phenomena and accuracy in the use of specific terminology. The final grade is expressed in thirtieths and may be refused (in which case it will be recorded as "ritirato"). International or Erasmus students are invited to contact the professors in advance. Examination arrangements for students with disabilities or DSA must be agreed with the professors, in consultation with the relevant office.

At the end of each part, "Linguistica generale" and "Linguistica italiana" modules, it will be possible to take a partial written examination, which will take place at the end of the respective part. If the written test is passed, the examination can be completed with the oral test at any examination call. The result of the written test will remain valid for one year. Those who do not wish to take the written test, fail it or do not accept the grade, will take the examination entirely orally. The two parts of the whole course of "Fondamenti di Linguistica" can be prepared for a single exam session or for two separated exam sessions, in any order: in this latter case, the registration of the final grade will take place only when both parts have been successfully passed, by the end of the academic year.
General Linguistics
Course syllabus
The course introduces students to the scientific study of language and its structures, providing the knowledge and methodological tools for the analysis of the various levels in which human languages are organised, with in-depth study of the variability of language in different contexts of use.
Fundamental theoretical notions and units of analysis of linguistics on the various levels of the system (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicon, semantics) will be introduced. In the last part of the course, the notions of linguistic change and the areal and typological classification of world languages will be explored in depth, with a focus on the languages of Europe.
Teaching methods
The course is structured in a part of lectures delivered in the classroom and online materials for asynchronous learning by the student.
These materials, uploaded on the Ariel platform, consist of:
- Further examples of application of the concepts seen in class, with commentary by the professor;
- Practical exercises in addition to those seen in class, useful for exam preparation, with solutions;
- Self-assessment tests with automatic correction to check the student's learning during the course;
- Additional materials to support exam preparation (diagrams, IPA, images).
Teaching Resources
Attending students:
- Arcodia, G.F. & Panunzi, A. (eds., 2023) "Linguistica. Introduzione alle scienze del linguaggio", Milan: Pearson, chapters 1 to 9 (except chapters 2.2 and 2.3);
- Banfi, E. & Grandi, N. (2020) "Le lingue d'Europa", Rome: Carocci, chapters 3, 4 and 5;
- Banfi, E. & Grandi, N. (eds., 2022) "Le lingue extra-europee: Asia and Africa", Rome: Carocci, chapters 1 and 2;
- 2 chapters at student's choice to be selected from these two textbooks (not necessarily from the same textbook!):
- Banfi, E. & Grandi, N. (eds., 2022) Le lingue extra-europee: Asia e Africa, Rome: Carocci, chapters 3 to 15;
- Banfi, E. & Grandi, N. (eds., 2022) Le lingue extra-europee: Americas, Australia and Contact Languages, Rome: Carocci, chapters 4, 5 and 6.
- Slides, exercises and materials uploaded on Ariel.

Non attending students:
- Arcodia, G.F. & Panunzi, A. (eds., 2023) Linguistica. Introduzione alle scienze del linguaggio, Milan: Pearson, chapters 1-9;
- Banfi, E. & Grandi, N. (2020) Le lingue d'Europa, Rome: Carocci, chapters 3, 4 and 5;
- Mauri, C. & Arcodia, G.F. (2020) La diversità linguistica, Rome: Carocci (to be studied in full).
- 2 chapters at student's choice to be selected from these two textbooks (not necessarily from the same textbook!):
- Banfi, E. & Grandi, N. (eds., 2022) Le lingue extra-europee: Asia and Africa, Rome: Carocci, chapters 3 to 15;
- Banfi, E. & Grandi, N. (eds., 2022) Le lingue extra-europee: Americas, Australia and Contact Languages, Rome: Carocci, chapters 4, 5 and 6.
- (recommended) Luraghi, S.; Thornton, A.M. Linguistica generale: esercitazioni e autoverifica, Rome: Carocci, 2004 or following editions.
Italian Linguistics
Course syllabus
The course examines the history of the Italian language from its origins to the present day, lingering at its main junctures. It will therefore focus on all the sociolinguistic varieties of contemporary Italy.
Teaching methods
The course proposes a study of the Italian language in its history and sociolinguistic varieties starting with texts. The slides shown in class will be gradually uploaded onto the Ariel platform and will be, for attending students, a part of the examination programme.
Teaching Resources
1) Silvia Morgana, "Breve storia della lingua italiana", Roma, Carocci, 2009 (o successive ristampe);
2) Gaetano Berruto, "Sociolinguistica dell'italiano contemporaneo", Rome, Carocci, new 2012 edition (or subsequent reprints).
Those who cannot attend the lectures will complete their preparation for the exam by also studying the following volume:
3) Riccardo Gualdo, "Introduzione ai linguaggi specialistici", Rome, Carocci, 2023.
General Linguistics
Lessons: 40 hours
Italian Linguistics
L-FIL-LET/12 - ITALIAN LINGUISTICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Sergio Giuseppe


Lesson period
Prerequisites for admission
No special prerequisites are necessary, except for a knowledge of the Italian language of at least CEFR level B1.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists of an individual interview, in Italian, aimed at verifying knowledge of the topics explained during the course and the volumes in the syllabus, the ability to identify and analyse linguistic phenomena and accuracy in the use of specific terminology. The final grade is expressed in thirtieths and may be refused (in which case it will be recorded as "ritirato"). International or Erasmus students are invited to contact the professors in advance. Examination arrangements for students with disabilities or DSA must be agreed with the professors, in consultation with the relevant office.

At the end of each part, "Linguistica generale" and "Linguistica italiana" modules, it will be possible to take a partial written examination, which will take place at the end of the respective part. If the written test is passed, the examination can be completed with the oral test at any examination call. Those who do not wish to take the written test, fail it or do not accept the grade, will take the examination entirely orally. The results of the written tests will remain valid for one year.

The two parts of the whole course of "Fondamenti di Linguistica" can be prepared for a single exam session or for two separated exam sessions, in any order: in this latter case, the registration of the final grade will take place only when both parts have been successfully passed, by the end of the academic year.
General Linguistics
Course syllabus
The courses introduces to the students the scientific investigation of language and its structures, by giving the theoretical knowledges and the methodological instruments for the analysis of the various level in which human languages are structured, with detailed studies on linguistic varieties in the different contexts of use. Furthermore, fundamental theoretical notions will be introduced on the main levels of analysis of the linguistic system (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicon, semantics). In the last part of the course, they will be deepen the notions of languge change and of the areal and typological classifications of world languages, with a focus on the languages of Europe.
Teaching methods
The course consists in both lectures (in presence or in live streaming on Teams) and online materials for the asynchronous learning on the student part. These teaching materials on the Ariel platform consist of:
- More examples of application of the notions seen during the lectures, with notes provided by the teacher;
- More exercises than the ones seen during lectures, particularly useful for the preparation of the exam, with their solutions;
- Auto-evaluation tests with automatic correction to allow the student to check his/her learning during the course;
- Supporting material to help in the preparation of the exam (schemes, IPA charts, images).
Students will also find on Ariel:
- The slides projected during the lectures in .pdf;
- Link to extra tests of self-evaluations, exercises and online mini-games created by the professor to enhance the learning experience;
- Suggested extra readings for different topics (not mandatory for the exam);
- Indications of some websites of particular interest for the study of Linguistics (not mandatory for the exam).
Active participation during the course is strongly recommended.
Teaching Resources
Bibliography (nuovo testo da inserire in W4):
Attending students:
- Arcodia, G.F. & Panunzi, A. (a cura di, 2023) Linguistica. Introduzione alle scienze del linguaggio, Milano: Pearson, from chapter 1 to chapter 9 (with the exclusion of chapter 2);
- Banfi, E. & Grandi, N. (2020) Le lingue d'Europa, Roma: Carocci;
- 2 chapters to be freely selected by the student from the following texts (not necessarily from the same text):
o Banfi, E. & Grandi, N. (a cura di, 2022) Le lingue extra-europee: Asia e Africa, Roma: Carocci, chapters from 3 to 15;
o Banfi, E. & Grandi, N. (a cura di, 2022) Le lingue extra-europee: Americhe, Australia e lingue di contatto, Roma: Carocci, chapters 4, 5, 6.
- Slides, lesson notes, exercises and materials on Ariel.

Not attending students:
- Arcodia, G.F. & Panunzi, A. (eds., 2023) Linguistica. Introduzione alle scienze del linguaggio, Milano: Pearson, from chapter 1 to chapter 9 (with the exclusion of chapter 2);
- Banfi, E. & Grandi, N. (2020) Le lingue d'Europa, Roma;
- Mauri, C. & Arcodia, G.F. (2020) La diversità linguistica, Roma: Carocci.
- 2 chapters to be selected by the student from one of the following texts (it is possible to select both chapters from the same text!):
o Banfi, E. & Grandi, N. (eds., 2022) Le lingue extra-europee: Asia e Africa, Roma: Carocci, chapters from 3 to 15;
o Banfi, E. & Grandi, N. (eds., 2022) Le lingue extra-europee: Americhe, Australia e lingue di contatto, Roma: Carocci, chapters 4, 5 and 6.
- (recommended) Luraghi, S.; Thornton, A.M. Linguistica generale: esercitazioni e autoverifica, Roma: Carocci, 2004 or following editions.

Foreigner students may ask to substitute part of the bibliography with equivalent English text, by contacting the professor via email.
Students with specific learning needs are invited to contact the professor, possibly prior the beginning or the first weeks of lessons. Please, remember to address your email to the dedicated offices (e.g., DSA).
Italian Linguistics
Course syllabus
The course examines the history of the Italian language from its origins to the present day, lingering at its main junctures. It will therefore focus on all the sociolinguistic varieties of contemporary Italy.
Teaching methods
The course proposes a study of the Italian language in its history and sociolinguistic varieties starting with texts. The slides shown in class will be gradually uploaded onto the Ariel platform.
Teaching Resources
1) Silvia Morgana, "Breve storia della lingua italiana", Roma, Carocci, 2009 (o successive ristampe);
2) Gaetano Berruto, Sociolinguistica dell'italiano contemporaneo, Rome, Carocci, new 2012 edition (or subsequent reprints).
Those who cannot attend the lectures will complete their preparation for the exam by also studying the following volume:
3) Riccardo Gualdo, Introduzione ai linguaggi specialistici, Rome, Carocci, 2023.
General Linguistics
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Meluzzi Chiara
Italian Linguistics
L-FIL-LET/12 - ITALIAN LINGUISTICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Dota Michela
Wednesday from 10.00 to 13.00. Students are kindly asked to write the professor to schedule an appointment
Sezione di Glottologia e Orientalistica, Piano Ammezzato, Stanza AT025 (via Festa del Perdono, 7)
Wed. 9:30 - 12:30 AM (it is suggested to book an appointement by writing an email)
Professor's office (STANZA AP.025, AT_Piano Ammezzato Terra, via Festa del Perdono, 7)