Fundamentals of Earth Sciences

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to: i) introduce to the Earth Sciences, and to the dynamics of planet Earth, from the deep to superficial structure; ii) furnish the skills to read the physical landscape and the processes that modify it, the resulting forms and their evolution over time; iii) present the different geo-resources and their exploitation; iv) introduce to the concepts of danger, vulnerability, environmental risk and to the methods for their quantification.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the students will acquired knowledge on the main geological processes and structures of the Earth, on how to read and interpret the physical landscape and on the processes that modify it, and on the geo-resources and the associated environmental issues. This knowledge will develop skills for the interpretation of environmental risks.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
This course provides students with basic theoretical concepts on the geological processes and structures of the Earth, as well as their evolution over time and the main techniques used for their investigation. The course aims at furnishing a general overview of the methodologies used to investigate the System - Earth at different scales.
Prerequisites for admission
See Manifesto 2024-2025
Teaching methods
Lectures (8 CFU) and classroom exercises in Cartography (0.5 CFU) and Rocks (0.5 CFU).
Teaching material will be made available at the beginning of each lesson/exercise on MyAriel.

The exercises of the cartography module will allow the student to practice reading a topographic map (that is, the flat representation of the altimeter of a territory), which is the basis to produce any thematic map of interest for land use planning and management.

The exercises on rock samples will enable the student to observe and describe the components of rocks, determine their origin and thus the processes and environments that led to the formation of rocks which are the main constituents of the Earth.
Teaching Resources
Text book: «Capire la Terra. Terza Edizione italiana condotta sulla settima edizione americana» di Grotzinger, J.P., Jordan, T. H. Editor: ZANICHELLI. ISBN 9788808821232
PDF file of the theaching STAFF uploaded on ARIEL web-site of the course
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of 3 tests:
- Written test of CARTOGRAPHY (duration 2 hours)
- Written test of ROCKS (duration 1 hour)
- Oral test on the EARTH SYSTEM program (duration 20-40 minutes)

The three tests will be evaluated in 30/30 and will have a different weight on the final mark (also in 30/30). The final mark will be a weighted average of the 3 tests (Cartography = 1/8, Rocks = 1/8, Earth system = 3/4).

Six exam sessions will be held per year: one in June, one in July, one in September, one in November (during the teaching break), one in February, one in April-May (during the teaching break). At each exam session it will be possible to take all three exam tests or only one of them.

The results will be communicated by e-mail or through the MyAriel portal.

During the tests, only the calculator and the material which will be indicated before the tests are allowed. No use of PCs, phones or tablets during the tests.

The mode of verification of DSA students will be adapted based on the information provided by the in-charge University offices.

Details on the individual examination tests:

Activity type: it aims to test your ability to 'read' a topographic map, including the reference system and cartographic projection; it is composed of 6 exercises and an open theoretical question on cartography fundamentals. The exercises include (in order of difficulty and increasing weight in the assessment): i) identification of the scale of representation and equidistance of the contour lines; ii-iv) determination of geographical coordinates of a point, azimuth of a line and inclination/slope of a slope; v) reconstruction of a topographical profile; vi) drawing the perimetry of a water catchment area.
Evaluation parameters: correctness of the exercises and clarity of the open response and appropriateness of the terminology used.

Type of activity: the student will be given a couple of rock samples (igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary). He/she will be required to make a written report containing the description of the samples and, where possible, their classification.
Evaluation parameters: logic followed in the description of the samples, correctness of the terms used, consistency between the various descriptive sections.

Type of activity: Discussion on the lithogenetic processes which have led to the formation of different rock types and on other topics treated in the program.
Evaluation parameters: understanding of the subject, clarity in the presentation, ability to represent (with graphs or diagrams) the different geological processes mentioned, ability to make connections between the different parts of the program.
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 64 hours