French Theatre

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Aimed at students from all Humanities disciplines, the course aims to provide a good knowledge and appreciation of theatre, dramatic literature and scenography from an interdisciplinary perspective. It will draw on the tools of cultural studies and the sciences of theatre and performance. The focus will be on significant examples of dramaturgy, aesthetics and theatrical practice in modern and contemporary French theatre. However, the historical-evolutionary perspective will also be part of the student's training, with a view to developing an awareness of the developments and controversial criticisms that have marked the history of French theatre.
Expected learning outcomes
The expected learning outcomes are: Knowledge and understanding of the history, sources, methods and tools of theatre studies and the practices of dramaturgy, performance and directing, with particular reference to the French tradition. Knowledge of some of the main figures, dramaturgies and theatrical practices of modern and contemporary development, of their historical-political, cultural and aesthetic contexts, of stage practice, of transfer between languages and between languages. Understanding of the theoretical, methodological and historical-cultural problems involved in the study of French theatre, including its intermedial and intercultural dissemination. Ability to analyse and interpret the dramatic text and staging; ability to discuss and argue in a seminar context; ability to apply the skills acquired to produce a critical (written or oral) individual or group work of adequate methodological rigour (exposé).
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
"Les parents sont vraiment toujours terribles ?" Family and generational tensions in French twentieth-century theatre
Part A and B (6 CFU; prof. Marco Modenesi)
- Play text, staging, representation, and performance; the broad outlines of twentieth-century French theatre
- Familial and generational tensions in some exemplary texts: reading and analysis of the scheduled pièces

Part C (3 CFU; Dr. Anna Piletti)
- Places of conflict. Morphologies of theatrical environments from Diderot to Pascal Rambert
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites specifically required. However, it would be good for students to possess a general background in French literary history and a level of French to be able to read the texts in the original language, although, in the classroom, translation by the teacher will always be provided. Students who are not following a course in an area related to Foreign Languages (with French among the languages of specialization) will be able to read the texts in Italian translation.
Teaching methods
Reading and analysis of the plays scheduled in class, always starting from the original language text. Viewing and analysis of videos related (where available) to their eventual staging. Possibly, brief "exposés" by students on aspects of the plays on the syllabus.
Teaching Resources
— Luigi Allegri, "La drammaturgia da Diderot a Beckett", Bari, Laterza, 2020
— One text of student's choice from:
Anne UBERSFLED, "Lire le théâtre 1," Paris, Colin Université, edizione disponibile
Anne UBERSFELD, "Leggere lo spettacolo", Roma, Carocci, ed. disp.
— One text of student's choice from::
Marie-Claude HUBERT, "Il teatro francese. Dal Medio Evo al Novecento", Grassina (FI), Le Lettere, 2009
Mariagabriella CAMBIAGHI, Aurora EGIDIO, Isabella INNAMORATI, Annamaria SAPIENZA, "Storia del teatro. Scena e spettacolo in Occidente", Milano, Pearson, 2020
— Regarding WORKS, students enrolled in an LT or an LM of Foreign Languages or Language Mediation (who have French among their two languages of specialization) will compulsorily submit texts in the original French version. Students enrolled in other CdS may submit the text in Italian translation (if available) in any full edition. A list of texts in translation will be provided. In case an Italian translation is not available, students are required to contact the teacher.

MOLIÈRE, "Le Malade imaginaire", any unabridged edition in French or with facing text.
Jean COCTEAU, "Les parents terribles", Paris, Folio, ed. disp.
Bernard-Marie KOLTÈS, "L'héritage", Paris, Les éditions de Minuit, ed. disp.
Bernard-Marie KOLTÈS, "Roberto Zucco", Paris, Les éditions de Minuit, ed. disp.
Jean-Luc LAGARCE, "Juste la fin du monde", Paris, Flammarion, "Étonnants Classiques" (Jean-Luc Lagarce, "Giusto la fine del mondo", in "Teatro I", Roma, Edizioni Ubulibri, 2009)
Yasmina REZA, "Le dieu du carnage", Paris, Magnard, 2011
Catherine VERLAGUET, "Braises", Montreuil, Éditions Théâtrales, 2014
Pascal RAMBERT, "Répétition", in "Théâtre 2002-2017", Tome 2, Besançon, Les Solitaires Intempestifs, 2023 (Pascal Rambert, "Prova", Cue Press, Imola, 2016) - (solo modulo Anna Piletti)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The test will take the form of an oral interview, in either Italian or French at the candidate's choice. The student will have to, starting from the texts of the works in the program, demonstrate a global understanding of the text, elements related to staging and its hermeneutic scope. He/she should, in addition, be familiar with the broad outlines of twentieth-century French theater as well as the methodologies of the analysis of theatrical text illustrated during the course.
L-LIN/03 - FRENCH LITERATURE - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Educational website(s)
1st SEMESTER: wednesday, 3.30pm-5.30pm; thursday, 9.30am-10.30am
Department of Foreing languages,literatures, cultures and mediations; 1, S. Alessandro Square, Milan