French Literature 1
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
Starting with authors and exemplary works and by focusing particularly on poetic structures (metrics, phonoprosodics, rhetoric) and thematic structures that characterize and reveal specific writing choices, the course aims to identify how to recognize and define a cultural-literary movement (foundation, evolution, manière) choosing a particular poetic moment as an exemplary one. At the same time, the student will be introduced to the hermeneutics of the literary text, by introducing the basic tools of poetic analysis and their scientific and non-impressionistic application.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding: students will learn what is a course of literary history and how to define it, starting from the works and the historical, cultural and artistic framework of a defined period. They will also acquire basic tools of poetry analysis that allow them to analyse the literary text avoiding impressionistic readings. Ability to apply knowledge and understanding: ability to draw critical interpretation and interpretative autonomy of medium level applicable to the literary text of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Ability to set transversal readings in the cultural, artistic and social-historical framework, going beyond the impression that art moves in a watertight compartment.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
"Au fond de l'Inconnu pour trouver du nouveau". French symbolism: Poetry as a means of metaphysical research.
A (20 hours; 3 CFU): Baudelaire's "Les Fleurs du Mal": a new anthropology and the foundations of symbolism-decadentism;
B (20 hours; 3 CFU): Baudelaire's legacy and the masters of symbolism: the poetry of Stéphane Mallarmé;
C (20 hours; 3 CFU): Baudelaire's legacy and the masters of symbolism: the poetry of Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine.
A (20 hours; 3 CFU): Baudelaire's "Les Fleurs du Mal": a new anthropology and the foundations of symbolism-decadentism;
B (20 hours; 3 CFU): Baudelaire's legacy and the masters of symbolism: the poetry of Stéphane Mallarmé;
C (20 hours; 3 CFU): Baudelaire's legacy and the masters of symbolism: the poetry of Arthur Rimbaud and Paul Verlaine.
Prerequisites for admission
None. The course is taught in Italian, but all works will be read in the original French version. All students are encouraged to assiduously attend the French Language 1 course and exercises in order to acquire the language skills essential to access the works and critical texts.
Teaching methods
The course adopts the following teaching methods: frontal lessons; reading, translation and commentary of passages taken from the texts belonging to the program; viewing and commenting on images and short films.
Teaching Resources
The works of compulsory study (all those that are not followed by the explicit indication " recommended text ") and recommended, for the different teaching units as well as the general critical reference bibliography are indicated below.
The student should also view all videos and/or other materials indicated or uploaded, as an integral part of the course on MyAriel - Letteratura francese 1 (2024/25) site.
Where not otherwise indicated, the texts listed in Bibliography are mandatory for exam preparation.
General Bibliography
- Antoine COMPAGNON, "La littérature, pour quoi faire?", Paris, Fayard, 2007
- Marco MODENESI (a cura di), "Letteratura francese. L'Ottocento", Milano, Pearson, 2022 (il testo sarà utilizzato anche durante le lezioni in aula)
- Sergio CIGADA (a cura di), "Il simblolisme francese", Varese, SugarCo, 1996, pp.11-133
-Alain VAILLANT, "La poésie", Paris, Colin, 2016 coll. 128
- M. MODENESI, "Il simbolismo francese", Milano, Carocci, in corso di pubblicazione
Part 1 -A
Charles BAUDELAIRE, "I Fiori del Male", Milano, UE Feltrinelli, 2008 or any unabridged edition with original facing text or French-only edition. Texts with only the Italian translation are not accepted.
M. MODENESI, Liana NISSIM, ""Au fond de l'inconnu pour trouver du nouveau". Antologia e saggi critici (Baudelaire, Mallarmé, Verlaine, Rimbaud)", Milano, MIMESIS Edizioni, 2012
Gérard BONNEVILLE, "Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal", Paris, 2019, coll."Profil"
Part 2 - B
M. MODENESI, Liana NISSIM, ""Au fond de l'inconnu pour trouver du nouveau". Antologia e saggi critici (Baudelaire, Mallarmé, Verlaine, Rimbaud)", Milano, MIMESIS Edizioni, 2012
Pascal DURAND, "Poésies de Stéphane Mallarmé", Paris, Folio, 1998, coll. Foliothèque
Part 3 - C
M. MODENESI, Liana NISSIM, ""Au fond de l'inconnu pour trouver du nouveau". Antologia e saggi critici (Baudelaire, Mallarmé, Verlaine, Rimbaud)", Milano, MIMESIS Edizioni, 2012
Sophie BOGAERT, "Poésie: Arthur Rimbaud", Paris, Bréal, 2022
Joël DUBOSCLARD, "Fêtes galantes et autres recueils - Paul Verlaine", Paris, Hatier, 2005, coll. Profil.
The student should also view all videos and/or other materials indicated or uploaded, as an integral part of the course on MyAriel - Letteratura francese 1 (2024/25) site.
Where not otherwise indicated, the texts listed in Bibliography are mandatory for exam preparation.
General Bibliography
- Antoine COMPAGNON, "La littérature, pour quoi faire?", Paris, Fayard, 2007
- Marco MODENESI (a cura di), "Letteratura francese. L'Ottocento", Milano, Pearson, 2022 (il testo sarà utilizzato anche durante le lezioni in aula)
- Sergio CIGADA (a cura di), "Il simblolisme francese", Varese, SugarCo, 1996, pp.11-133
-Alain VAILLANT, "La poésie", Paris, Colin, 2016 coll. 128
- M. MODENESI, "Il simbolismo francese", Milano, Carocci, in corso di pubblicazione
Part 1 -A
Charles BAUDELAIRE, "I Fiori del Male", Milano, UE Feltrinelli, 2008 or any unabridged edition with original facing text or French-only edition. Texts with only the Italian translation are not accepted.
M. MODENESI, Liana NISSIM, ""Au fond de l'inconnu pour trouver du nouveau". Antologia e saggi critici (Baudelaire, Mallarmé, Verlaine, Rimbaud)", Milano, MIMESIS Edizioni, 2012
Gérard BONNEVILLE, "Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal", Paris, 2019, coll."Profil"
Part 2 - B
M. MODENESI, Liana NISSIM, ""Au fond de l'inconnu pour trouver du nouveau". Antologia e saggi critici (Baudelaire, Mallarmé, Verlaine, Rimbaud)", Milano, MIMESIS Edizioni, 2012
Pascal DURAND, "Poésies de Stéphane Mallarmé", Paris, Folio, 1998, coll. Foliothèque
Part 3 - C
M. MODENESI, Liana NISSIM, ""Au fond de l'inconnu pour trouver du nouveau". Antologia e saggi critici (Baudelaire, Mallarmé, Verlaine, Rimbaud)", Milano, MIMESIS Edizioni, 2012
Sophie BOGAERT, "Poésie: Arthur Rimbaud", Paris, Bréal, 2022
Joël DUBOSCLARD, "Fêtes galantes et autres recueils - Paul Verlaine", Paris, Hatier, 2005, coll. Profil.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of individual questions and it begins with reading, translation and it continues with critical interpretation of a text chosen by the student according to the methods presented in class. The exam continues with some other questions from teacher, interaction between teacher and student, analysis and commentary of the same chosen work and other works in the program.
The duration of the exam may vary, but on average it coincides with about twenty minutes and is usually taken in Italian. The exam may be taken in French at the student's free choice.
The exam tends to test the student's knowledge of the works and critical bibliography in the syllabus, ability to contextualize authors and works, quality of exposition, accuracy in the use of language and specific terminology as well as the student's capacity for critical and personal reflection in the literary field and the application of the textual analysis methodologies. The final grade is expressed in thirtieths, and the student has the right to refuse the grade (in such a case, it will be verbalized "ritirato" (withdrawn).
Examination procedures for students with disabilities and/or with DSA should be agreed upon with the lecturer by first contacting the appropriate office of the University.
The duration of the exam may vary, but on average it coincides with about twenty minutes and is usually taken in Italian. The exam may be taken in French at the student's free choice.
The exam tends to test the student's knowledge of the works and critical bibliography in the syllabus, ability to contextualize authors and works, quality of exposition, accuracy in the use of language and specific terminology as well as the student's capacity for critical and personal reflection in the literary field and the application of the textual analysis methodologies. The final grade is expressed in thirtieths, and the student has the right to refuse the grade (in such a case, it will be verbalized "ritirato" (withdrawn).
Examination procedures for students with disabilities and/or with DSA should be agreed upon with the lecturer by first contacting the appropriate office of the University.
Educational website(s)
1st SEMESTER: wednesday, 3.30pm-5.30pm; thursday, 9.30am-10.30am
Department of Foreing languages,literatures, cultures and mediations; 1, S. Alessandro Square, Milan