French Ii and Mediation

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
This course aims to introduce students to the main features of the French language from a theoretical and practical perspective.
The monographic course will provide beginner, intermediate and advanced students with grounding in phonetics/phonology, morphosyntax and vocabulary for the communication and production of short texts (curriculum, cover letter and texts related to the tourism sector). Besides grammar, the course aims to develop listening, reading, comprehension and speaking skills.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course, students will reach proficiency in French at B2 level under the CEFR and will master the basic linguistic skills (particularly listening and reading). They will also be able to talk about non-specialised topics in French (particularly in the tourism sector).
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course consists of a monographic course, divided into 3 modules, and a cycle of exercises.

The objective of the course is the knowledge and understanding of the functioning mechanisms of the oral and written code and of the morphosyntactic and lexical peculiarities of the French language. The course involves the application of the knowledge acquired (applying knowledge and understanding) through comparison with authentic texts particularly representative of a political, economic, social and tourist nature.
The first teaching unit (first semester) examines the main morphosyntactic and lexicological aspects of the French language with particular attention to economic and sociopolitical vocabulary.
The second teaching unit (first semester) will present an overview of the main lexicographic tools in use in the Francophone space. In particular, after a historical excursus, the different types of existing dictionaries and their structure will be analysed.
The third teaching unit (second semester) will be dedicated to mediation in the economic field.

The exercises aim to develop production and reception skills, both written and oral.
The cycle of French language exercises also aims to acquire and deepen fundamental knowledge from a morphosyntactic and lexical point of view, the drafting of short written texts and preparation for oral presentation.
The activities proposed in the cycle of language exercises for the first year of the course aim to achieve, in the four skills, a level of skills that is at level B2 of the Common European Framework of reference:

- Development or maintenance of oral comprehension and production skills in relation to the areas mentioned
- Morphology and syntax
- Vocabulary

Grammar program:
Révision des temps du passé (1): passé composé, imparfait et plus-que parfait
Marqueurs temporels
Révision des temps du passé (2): Accord du participe passé avec avoir, être (+ verbes pronominaux)
Le subjonctif: formation et utilisation, contraste indicatif/subjonctif
Les structures pour exprimer le conseil, la nécessité : impératif, devoir, il faut + subjonctif
L'expression du souhait
Le conditionnel présent et passé - Les trois formes hypothétiques
Révision de tous les pronoms compléments + pronoms doubles. Leur place dans la phrase
Participe présent, gérondif, adjectif verbal
Révision des pronoms relatifs simples et composés
Les pronoms démonstratifs, interrogatifs, possessifs
Les adjectifs et pronoms indéfinis
Le superlatif
La mise en relief
La forme passive
Les relations logiques : verbes, prépositions, conjonctions, connecteurs


The course involves teaching the structure of a cover letter and practicing pragmatically implementing the grammar studied in the first year and in the first semester of the second year. The ultimate goal is to be able to write a constructed, coherent letter of approximately 160 words.

The exercises aimed at developing oral comprehension skills will take place remotely in asynchronous mode in the second semester.
Prerequisites for admission
Students can take the French Language 2 exam only when they have completed the first year (French Language 1).
Teaching methods
During the monographic course there are hours of frontal teaching aimed at consolidating the morphosyntactic and lexical structures of the language. Students will be an active part of the lesson as they will carry out exercises in order to enhance their written and oral skills.
The exercises are aimed at learning and maintaining the morphosyntactic structures of the French language, at starting written production and at developing linguistic and communication skills. The students will be divided into two groups. The courses are annual.
Teaching Resources
To actively participate in the lessons, students will have to retrieve the bibliographic material before the start of the lessons. Since the course also aims to follow current developments, other material will be provided by the teacher during the year.

Unità didattica 1:
- G. ROSSI, Introduction aux lexiques spécialisés: politique, économie, société, a.a. 2023-2024, Milano, Lumi.
- A. NIKLAS-SALMINEN, La lexicologie, Colin, Paris, 2005.
- J. ALTMANOVA, S.D. ZOLLO, « Formation des mots et néologie en français contemporain: tendances et enjeux », in M.T. Zanola (a cura di), Le français de nos jours. Caractères, formes, aspects, Carocci, Roma, 2023, pp. 51-71.

-Unità didattica 2:
- J. PRUVOST, Les dictionnaires français, outils d'une langue et d'une culture, Ophrys, Paris, 2007.
- K. DOLAR, « Les dictionnaires collaboratifs non institutionnels dans l'espace francophone : éléments de typologie et bilan », Repères DoRiF, n. 14 - Dictionnaires, culture numérique et décentralisation de la norme dans l'espace francophone, DoRiF Università, Roma, dicembre 2017,
- C. Grimaldi, C. Molinari, « La lexicographie », in M.T. Zanola (a cura di), Le français de nos jours. Caractères, formes, aspects, Carocci, Roma, 2023, pp. 131-156.

Unità didattica 3:
La bibliografia sarà indicata nel corso del primo semestre


- Annie Berthet, Monique Waendendries, Catherine Hugot, Emmanuelle Daill, Véronique M Kizirian, Alter ego + 2 (A2): Livre de l'élève + CD-Rom + Parcours digital, Hachette, Paris 2012

- Annie Berthet, Monique Waendendries, Catherine Hugot, Emmanuelle Daill, Véronique M Kizirian, Alter ego + 2, Cahier d'activités, Hachette, Paris 2012

- Catherine Dollez, Sylvie Pons, Alter ego + 3 (B1): Livre de l'élève + CD-Rom, Hachette, Paris 2013

- Catherine Dollez, Sylvie Pons, Alter ego + 3, Cahier d'activités, Hachette, Paris 2013

- Grammaire du français pour italophones, Françoise Bidaud, UTET università, Torino 2020 (4ta edizione)
- Y. Delatour, J. Girodon, M.-P. Caquineau-Gunduz, Les 500 exercices de grammaire - B 2 - avec corrigés, Hachette, Paris, 2008.
- Bescherelle, La conjugaison pour tous, Nouvelle édition, Paris, Hatier, 2012

The use of a bilingual dictionary and a monolingual French dictionary in paper format and/or on CD-ROM is mandatory. The use of small-format dictionaries is strongly discouraged.

Le Nouveau Petit Robert de la langue française
- Dizionari bilingui consigliati (qualunque edizione non ridotta):
- DIF Hachette Paravia, dizionario francese-italiano, italiano-francese
- Il Boch, dizionario francese-italiano, italiano-francese
- Garzanti, dizionario francese-italiano, italiano-francese
Assessment methods and Criteria
The student's evaluation will take into account the autonomy of judgment achieved in the analysis of authentic texts and the communication skills (oral and written) achieved.
The final assessment takes place in three annual sessions (May, September and January). It consists of a written test (a) and an oral test (b), both compulsory and both in French:
a) the written test, aimed at verifying the ability to apply linguistic skills to written texts (level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) includes:
- oral comprehension test (duration: 45');
- test to verify grammatical knowledge (duration: 60');
- written production (lettre motivationnelle) (duration: 60'). Only for this test is the use of the Le Petit Robert dictionary permitted.

The tests are evaluated out of thirty and, for the written test to be considered sufficient, all the parts that compose it must be sufficient. The grade of the written test remains valid for three sessions (June, September, January).
The student has the right to refuse it. In this case, they will have to repeat all the tests in one of the three sessions scheduled for written exams during the academic year.

b) The oral test, aimed at verifying linguistic-communicative skills and the ability to apply the theoretical-methodological tools of the official course to reference texts, consists of an interview in French on the topics in the program, aimed at ascertaining both the linguistic skills than those of content.

The written test can be replaced by partial tests which will take place at the end of each semester according to the following methods:

Partial tests:
- At the end of the first semester there is a grammar test (duration: 60')
- At the end of the second semester there is an oral comprehension test (duration: 45') and a written production (lettre motivationnelle (duration: 60').

All the tests that make up each partial must be positive for the partial to be considered sufficient.
Only those who have passed the first partial will be able to access the second partial. The final grade is given by the average of the two partials. Students who pass the partial exams will have access to the oral exam.
The partial grade will be valid for three exam sessions.
L-LIN/04 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - FRENCH - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Molinari Chiara