French I and Mediation
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course aims to introduce the main characteristics of the French language from a theoretical and applied perspective. The monographic course will provide students (beginners, intermediate and advanced) with the basic phonetic and phonological, morphosyntactic and lexical skills for communication, drafting and producing short text in French. In addition to grammatical, morphosyntactic and lexical knowledge (level B1), the course aims to develop critical listening, reading, comprehension and oral production skills and skills in the field of intralinguistic mediation (thanks to simplification and reformulation activities) and interlinguistic (through translation of simple texts).
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students will have to reach a competence not lower than the B1 of the European Framework (European Framework of Reference) which requires a good mastery of linguistic skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking). Furthermore they will be able to present the contents of the course in French, to analyze the lexical and syntactic aspects of simple texts and to apply some mediation strategies
Lesson period: year
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Course syllabus
The first two modules aim to introduce students to the knowledge and understanding of the French socio-political lexicon, with particular regard to its use in information media (printed media, audiovisual, etc.). In addition to lexical knowledge, students will be provided with the basic cultural, linguistic and translating skills necessary for understanding and translating the texts studied.
The third module will explore the main features of the French phonetic and phonological system (voyelles et consonnes; modes phonétiques du français; syllabes; accent; liaison et enchaînement, transcription en A.P.I.).
The fourth module will focus on the main morphosyntactic aspects of the French language. These aspects will be explored in relation to current issues and problems related to the degree course. Attention will also be paid to the intra- and interlinguistic mediation strategies applicable in the texts that will be analyzed.
The exercises aim to develop production and reception skills, both written and oral.
The cycle of French language exercises also aims to acquire fundamental knowledge from a phonetic, morphosyntactic and lexical point of view.
The activities proposed in the cycle of practical courses for the first year of the course aim at achieving, in the four skills, a level of competence that is placed at level B1 of the Common European Framework of reference:
- Development or maintenance of oral comprehension and production skills in relation to situations of daily life
- Basic morphology and syntax
- Fundamental vocabulary
The third module will explore the main features of the French phonetic and phonological system (voyelles et consonnes; modes phonétiques du français; syllabes; accent; liaison et enchaînement, transcription en A.P.I.).
The fourth module will focus on the main morphosyntactic aspects of the French language. These aspects will be explored in relation to current issues and problems related to the degree course. Attention will also be paid to the intra- and interlinguistic mediation strategies applicable in the texts that will be analyzed.
The exercises aim to develop production and reception skills, both written and oral.
The cycle of French language exercises also aims to acquire fundamental knowledge from a phonetic, morphosyntactic and lexical point of view.
The activities proposed in the cycle of practical courses for the first year of the course aim at achieving, in the four skills, a level of competence that is placed at level B1 of the Common European Framework of reference:
- Development or maintenance of oral comprehension and production skills in relation to situations of daily life
- Basic morphology and syntax
- Fundamental vocabulary
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required
Teaching methods
During the monographic course there will be hours of frontal teaching aimed at consolidating the morphosyntactic structures of the language, lexicon and phonetics. Students will be an active part of the lesson as they will carry out exercises in order to enhance written and oral skills.
The exercises are aimed at learning and maintaining the morphosyntactic structures of the French language, at starting up written production and at developing linguistic and communicative skills.
The courses are annual. There will be two internal tests.
Grammar programme:
- Présent
- Futur proche et futur simple
- Passé composé
- Imparfait
- Le plus-que-parfait
- Les indicateurs temporels
- Le pronoms relatifs simples
- Les prépositions de lieu
- Les pronoms: sujets, toniques et compléments
- Les adjectifs possessifs et démonstratifs
- C'est/il est/il ya
- Impératif
- Gallicismes
- Le discours indirect au présent
- Le comparatif
- L'accord du participe passé avec l'auxiliaire être
- L'accord de l'adjectif qualificatif
vocabulary programme:
- La présentation personnelle (les salutations, les éléments de l'identité, les nationalités, les pays, les nombres, les études universitaires, les projets professionnels, l'expression des goûts), les moments de la journée, les jours de la semaine, les mois
- La localisation, la direction, les lieux de la ville, la correspondance informelle
- Les liens de parenté, la caractérisation physique et psychologique, les activités sportives et culturelles, les professions
- Les activités quotidiennes, les fêtes, l'expression de la fréquence
- La météo, les voyages, les sensations, les couleurs, les activités culturelles
- L'alimentation, les vêtements, les achats en ligne, les commerces et les commerçants, l'expression de la quantité, la caractérisation d'un objet
- Le logement, l'immobilier, l'habitat alternatif
- La vie en société, les rencontres
- Les études, l'expérience professionnelle, la recherche d'un emploi, le CV, l'entretien d'embauche
The exercises are aimed at learning and maintaining the morphosyntactic structures of the French language, at starting up written production and at developing linguistic and communicative skills.
The courses are annual. There will be two internal tests.
Grammar programme:
- Présent
- Futur proche et futur simple
- Passé composé
- Imparfait
- Le plus-que-parfait
- Les indicateurs temporels
- Le pronoms relatifs simples
- Les prépositions de lieu
- Les pronoms: sujets, toniques et compléments
- Les adjectifs possessifs et démonstratifs
- C'est/il est/il ya
- Impératif
- Gallicismes
- Le discours indirect au présent
- Le comparatif
- L'accord du participe passé avec l'auxiliaire être
- L'accord de l'adjectif qualificatif
vocabulary programme:
- La présentation personnelle (les salutations, les éléments de l'identité, les nationalités, les pays, les nombres, les études universitaires, les projets professionnels, l'expression des goûts), les moments de la journée, les jours de la semaine, les mois
- La localisation, la direction, les lieux de la ville, la correspondance informelle
- Les liens de parenté, la caractérisation physique et psychologique, les activités sportives et culturelles, les professions
- Les activités quotidiennes, les fêtes, l'expression de la fréquence
- La météo, les voyages, les sensations, les couleurs, les activités culturelles
- L'alimentation, les vêtements, les achats en ligne, les commerces et les commerçants, l'expression de la quantité, la caractérisation d'un objet
- Le logement, l'immobilier, l'habitat alternatif
- La vie en société, les rencontres
- Les études, l'expérience professionnelle, la recherche d'un emploi, le CV, l'entretien d'embauche
Teaching Resources
For all didactic units and exercises, these are indispensable tools:
- A university-level French grammar: Grammaire du français pour italophones, Françoise Bidaud, UTET università, Torino 2020 (4th edition)
- Bescherelle, La conjugaison pour tous, Paris, Hatier, 2012
- A French monolingual dictionary (recommended: Le Nouveau Petit Robert de la langue française)
Didactic unit 1 and 2:
To actively participate in the lessons, students will have to retrieve the bibliographic material before the start of the lessons. Since the course also proposes to follow current developments, other material will be provided by the teacher during the year.
- Handout by the teacher [available at the LUMI Bookshop in Sesto San Giovanni. Email: [email protected]; tel. or 338.995508].
- J. Podeur, Jeux de traduction, Napoli, Liguori, 2016
- G. Noiriel, Préférence nationale. Leçon d'histoire a l'usage des contemporains, Paris, Gallimard, Tracts, 2024
Didactic unit 3:
- Murano M., Zanola M.T., « Le français parlé », in Zanola M.T. (a cura di), Le français de nos jours. Caractères, formes, aspects, Carocci, Roma, 2023, pp.15-34.
- L. CHARLIAC, A.-C. MOTRON, Phonétique progressive du français avec 600 exercices : intermédiaire (A2/B1), 2ème éd., Clé international, Paris, 2014 + CD Audio.
Didactic unit 4 :
- M. Yaguello, « La grammaire » - « Qu'est-ce que la grammaire ? », « Le composant pragmatique », « Le composant sémantique », « Le composant syntaxique », in M. Yaguello (a cura di), Le Grand Livre de la Langue française, Paris, Seuil, 2003, p. 153-239.
Practical courses:
- Annie Berthet, Monique Waendendries, Catherine Hugot, Emmanuelle Daill, Véronique M Kizirian, Alter ego + 1 (A1): Livre de l'élève + CD-Rom + Parcours digital, Hachette, Paris 2012.
- Annie Berthet, Monique Waendendries, Catherine Hugot, Emmanuelle Daill, Véronique M Kizirian, Alter ego + 1, Cahier d'activités, Hachette, Paris 2012.
- Annie Berthet, Monique Waendendries, Catherine Hugot, Emmanuelle Daill, Véronique M Kizirian, Alter ego + 2 (A2): Livre de l'élève + CD-Rom + Parcours digital, Hachette, Paris 2012 (à utiliser aussi sur une partie de la deuxième année).
- Annie Berthet, Monique Waendendries, Catherine Hugot, Emmanuelle Daill, Véronique M Kizirian, Alter ego + 2, Cahier d'activités, Hachette, Paris 2012 (à utiliser aussi sur une partie de la deuxième année).
- A university-level French grammar: Grammaire du français pour italophones, Françoise Bidaud, UTET università, Torino 2020 (4th edition)
- Bescherelle, La conjugaison pour tous, Paris, Hatier, 2012
- A French monolingual dictionary (recommended: Le Nouveau Petit Robert de la langue française)
Didactic unit 1 and 2:
To actively participate in the lessons, students will have to retrieve the bibliographic material before the start of the lessons. Since the course also proposes to follow current developments, other material will be provided by the teacher during the year.
- Handout by the teacher [available at the LUMI Bookshop in Sesto San Giovanni. Email: [email protected]; tel. or 338.995508].
- J. Podeur, Jeux de traduction, Napoli, Liguori, 2016
- G. Noiriel, Préférence nationale. Leçon d'histoire a l'usage des contemporains, Paris, Gallimard, Tracts, 2024
Didactic unit 3:
- Murano M., Zanola M.T., « Le français parlé », in Zanola M.T. (a cura di), Le français de nos jours. Caractères, formes, aspects, Carocci, Roma, 2023, pp.15-34.
- L. CHARLIAC, A.-C. MOTRON, Phonétique progressive du français avec 600 exercices : intermédiaire (A2/B1), 2ème éd., Clé international, Paris, 2014 + CD Audio.
Didactic unit 4 :
- M. Yaguello, « La grammaire » - « Qu'est-ce que la grammaire ? », « Le composant pragmatique », « Le composant sémantique », « Le composant syntaxique », in M. Yaguello (a cura di), Le Grand Livre de la Langue française, Paris, Seuil, 2003, p. 153-239.
Practical courses:
- Annie Berthet, Monique Waendendries, Catherine Hugot, Emmanuelle Daill, Véronique M Kizirian, Alter ego + 1 (A1): Livre de l'élève + CD-Rom + Parcours digital, Hachette, Paris 2012.
- Annie Berthet, Monique Waendendries, Catherine Hugot, Emmanuelle Daill, Véronique M Kizirian, Alter ego + 1, Cahier d'activités, Hachette, Paris 2012.
- Annie Berthet, Monique Waendendries, Catherine Hugot, Emmanuelle Daill, Véronique M Kizirian, Alter ego + 2 (A2): Livre de l'élève + CD-Rom + Parcours digital, Hachette, Paris 2012 (à utiliser aussi sur une partie de la deuxième année).
- Annie Berthet, Monique Waendendries, Catherine Hugot, Emmanuelle Daill, Véronique M Kizirian, Alter ego + 2, Cahier d'activités, Hachette, Paris 2012 (à utiliser aussi sur une partie de la deuxième année).
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final examination takes place in three annual calls (May, September and January). It consists of a written test (a) and an oral test (b) both mandatory and in French:
The final exam consists of a written test (a) and an oral test (b) both mandatory:
a) the written test, aimed at verifying the ability to apply language skills to written texts (level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) includes:
- test to verify grammatical knowledge (45 min.);
- test to verify lexical knowledge (the lexicon on which the test will focus will be taken from the manuals Alter ego +1 (all) and Alter ego +2 (dossiers 1-2) (30 min.)
-Dictation (30 min.)
For the written test to be considered sufficient, all its component parts must be sufficient (at least a 18/30 mark). The grade for the written test remains valid for three sessions (June, September, January).The student has the option of refusing it. In this case, he/she must repeat the entire test in one of the following sessions.The use of dictionaries is not permitted.
b) The oral exam, aimed at verifying the linguistic-communicative skills and the ability to apply the theoretical-methodological tools of the official course to reference texts, consists of an interview in French on the topics in the program, aimed at ascertaining both linguistic and content skills.
- N.B. It is mandatory to have taken the written test in order to access the oral exam. It will not be possible to access the Language French 2 tests if the Language French 1 exam has not been completed beforehand.
The written test may be replaced by partials tests held at the end of each semester as follows:
- At the end of the first semester, there is a grammar test (duration: 60') and a vocabulary test (duration: 30').
- At the end of the second semester, there is a vocabulary test (45') and a dictation test (45').
Only those who have passed the first partial will be able to access the second partial.
Students who have passed the partial tests with a positive grade (average of the two partial tests) will be able to have access to the oral test.
The grade for the written partial will be valid for three examination sessions.
- Other warnings:
Examination arrangements for students with disabilities and/or DSA should only be agreed with the lecturer following the certificate that the student obtains from the relevant office.
- Further information will be provided during the course and published on the course's Ariel page.
The final exam consists of a written test (a) and an oral test (b) both mandatory:
a) the written test, aimed at verifying the ability to apply language skills to written texts (level B1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) includes:
- test to verify grammatical knowledge (45 min.);
- test to verify lexical knowledge (the lexicon on which the test will focus will be taken from the manuals Alter ego +1 (all) and Alter ego +2 (dossiers 1-2) (30 min.)
-Dictation (30 min.)
For the written test to be considered sufficient, all its component parts must be sufficient (at least a 18/30 mark). The grade for the written test remains valid for three sessions (June, September, January).The student has the option of refusing it. In this case, he/she must repeat the entire test in one of the following sessions.The use of dictionaries is not permitted.
b) The oral exam, aimed at verifying the linguistic-communicative skills and the ability to apply the theoretical-methodological tools of the official course to reference texts, consists of an interview in French on the topics in the program, aimed at ascertaining both linguistic and content skills.
- N.B. It is mandatory to have taken the written test in order to access the oral exam. It will not be possible to access the Language French 2 tests if the Language French 1 exam has not been completed beforehand.
The written test may be replaced by partials tests held at the end of each semester as follows:
- At the end of the first semester, there is a grammar test (duration: 60') and a vocabulary test (duration: 30').
- At the end of the second semester, there is a vocabulary test (45') and a dictation test (45').
Only those who have passed the first partial will be able to access the second partial.
Students who have passed the partial tests with a positive grade (average of the two partial tests) will be able to have access to the oral test.
The grade for the written partial will be valid for three examination sessions.
- Other warnings:
Examination arrangements for students with disabilities and/or DSA should only be agreed with the lecturer following the certificate that the student obtains from the relevant office.
- Further information will be provided during the course and published on the course's Ariel page.
L-LIN/04 - LANGUAGE AND TRANSLATION - FRENCH - University credits: 12
Lessons: 80 hours
Educational website(s)