Francophone Cultures I
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course uses a historical-diachronic approach to introduce students to the historical, political and social contexts of certain French-speaking areas, as well as the cultural and intercultural practices that developed in the various countries. During the course, different media (literary texts, critical texts, images, videos) will be presented, examined and compared using a transdisciplinary approach, enabling students to understand the cultural specificities of major francophone areas (Antilles, Québec, Africa etc.)
Expected learning outcomes
Students should be able to identify, understand and examine various cultural phenomena in certain francophone areas, also in light of the metropolitan context in which they occur. Students should be equipped to reflect on the issues covered by this cultural investigation and come up with possible solutions, considering strategies that were already adopted in the framework of inclusive practices, or that could be implemented in the future.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The programme is entitled: Entre Haïti et le Québec. Migrations, rencontres, accueils
It is divided into three parts:
A. Haïti terre déchirée ; Québec terre d'accueil
B. Cultures et écritures migrantes : l'exemple d'Émile Ollivier
C. Le kont et autres témoignages d'Haïti
The course aims to retrace the main steps in the history of Haiti and Québec. For the case of Québec, after considering the first contacts with the West, we will examine the evolution of the Nouvelle-France first and then the Québec, the linguistic claims underlying a specific cultural definition in the English-speaking Canadian context. For the case of Haiti, after examining the occupation of the island, we will start from the conquest of independence in 1804 and then present the personalities that characterised the country's complex political scene (Toussaint Louverture, Dessalines, Papa Doc, Baby Doc...) and eventually arrive at the difficult current situation.
The case of Émile Ollivier, a Haitian writer who emigrated to Québec, will then be examined. He left an important reflection on the identity and cultural consequences involved in migration, the discovery of diversity as a source of enrichment, and the willingness to welcome the other in a dynamic of exchange between Haiti and Québec, Québec and Haiti.
The last part of the course will focus on testimonies from Haiti. We will first consider the birth and the cultural importance of the oral kont and the practices of transmission and preservation; we will then look at short stories, tales, and extracts from novels by Haitian and Quebecois authors and reflect on their different functions: the recovery of the oral tradition, the re-appropriation or reclaiming of the imaginary, the encounter with Otherness, and social and political denunciation.
It is divided into three parts:
A. Haïti terre déchirée ; Québec terre d'accueil
B. Cultures et écritures migrantes : l'exemple d'Émile Ollivier
C. Le kont et autres témoignages d'Haïti
The course aims to retrace the main steps in the history of Haiti and Québec. For the case of Québec, after considering the first contacts with the West, we will examine the evolution of the Nouvelle-France first and then the Québec, the linguistic claims underlying a specific cultural definition in the English-speaking Canadian context. For the case of Haiti, after examining the occupation of the island, we will start from the conquest of independence in 1804 and then present the personalities that characterised the country's complex political scene (Toussaint Louverture, Dessalines, Papa Doc, Baby Doc...) and eventually arrive at the difficult current situation.
The case of Émile Ollivier, a Haitian writer who emigrated to Québec, will then be examined. He left an important reflection on the identity and cultural consequences involved in migration, the discovery of diversity as a source of enrichment, and the willingness to welcome the other in a dynamic of exchange between Haiti and Québec, Québec and Haiti.
The last part of the course will focus on testimonies from Haiti. We will first consider the birth and the cultural importance of the oral kont and the practices of transmission and preservation; we will then look at short stories, tales, and extracts from novels by Haitian and Quebecois authors and reflect on their different functions: the recovery of the oral tradition, the re-appropriation or reclaiming of the imaginary, the encounter with Otherness, and social and political denunciation.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
The course will be held through face-to-face lessons in French in which the exposition of topics will be supported by the analysis of textual, iconographic and multimedia documents, which will be discussed in class.
Teaching Resources
The webpage for the course is online on the MyAriel platform ('Francophone Cultures I- II'), to which students are invited to refer for all information and material uploaded by the teacher.
Bibliography for attending and non-attending students:
Part A
Ti-Noune Moïse, Terra! Ma nessuna patria, Caltanissetta, Lussografica, 2021
- a dossier of materials and critical texts to be uploaded on the MyAriel platform
Part B
- a dossier of materials and critical texts to be uploaded on the MyAriel platform
Part C
- a dossier of critical materials and texts that will be uploaded onto the MyAriel platform
Non-attending students are invited to contact the teacher in charge before starting exam preparation.
Bibliography for attending and non-attending students:
Part A
Ti-Noune Moïse, Terra! Ma nessuna patria, Caltanissetta, Lussografica, 2021
- a dossier of materials and critical texts to be uploaded on the MyAriel platform
Part B
- a dossier of materials and critical texts to be uploaded on the MyAriel platform
Part C
- a dossier of critical materials and texts that will be uploaded onto the MyAriel platform
Non-attending students are invited to contact the teacher in charge before starting exam preparation.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination will be oral and, at least in part, in French; it will begin with the analysis of a document, either from among those studied in class or on a study freely proposed by the candidate on the basis of a little personal research possibly guided by the teacher. The examination will then focus on the contexts and themes illustrated in the course.
L-LIN/03 - FRENCH LITERATURE - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Paraboschi Francesca
Educational website(s)
Tuesday, 9:00-12:00
Piazza Sant'Alessandro 1