Foundations of Physical Education

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course provides skills (knowledge and specific skills) for developing and maintaining "normal motor function" and physical efficiency for social life and recreational activities. The course provides knowledge in basic gymnastics for promoting and maintaining health and correcting poor posture and the modifiable effects of aging.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will acquire theoretical and technical-practical knowledge for promoting gymnastics in public and private settings and for diverse age groups, with a view to maintain physical efficiency, teach people to move efficiently, minimizing the risk of falling and microtrauma, and promoting correct posture.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization


Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course is divided into three modules.
Module 1: basic gymnastic exercises
- Analysis and practice of exercise groups derived from natural movements typical of humans: walking, running, jumping, turning, balancing, rolling, crawling, carrying, climbing, etc.
- Knowledge and techniques in total body exercises: joint mobility, breathing exercises, conditioning and functional adaptation
Module 2: applied gymnastic exercises
- Knowledge of pre-acrobatic floor exercises: flips, turns, spins,
- Use of small equipment: Jäger sticks, jump ropes, hoops, clubs, Baumann blocks, etc.
- Use of large equipment: plinth, buck, springboard, stall bars, wall bars, parallel bars, rings, benches, balancing board, beam, etc.
Module 3: Gymnastics methodology
- Presentation of exercises
- Direct and indirect assistance
- Experimentation of the concept of motor stimulus in relation to the quality evoked, the phase of the lesson or the motor exercise session (introduction, main, final)
Prerequisites for admission
Procedural and declarative knowledge according to the Specific Objectives of Learning and Goals, as set forth in MIUR national programs and syllabus for Physical Education and Motor and Sports Sciences.
Teaching methods
Lessons are conducted in a workshop (integrated doing and knowing) format in which declarative and procedural knowledge are demonstrated through a methodological approach based on reflection on action and during action.
Teaching Resources
All educational support material will always be made available through the Ariel platform.

Reading list

Invernizzi P.L., Dugnani S. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Qualità utili per la salute - Vol. 1 - Carabà Universitaria, 2014

Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Longo S., Mauro F. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Vol. 2 - Qualità utili per il controllo motorio - Vol. 2 - Carabà Universitaria, 2015
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Mauro F. - L'Educazione Motoria Rinnovata: suggerimenti per le buone pratiche nella Scuola Primaria - Carabà Universitaria, 2018
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L. - Progettare in Educazione Fisica e nelle Scienze Motorie - Carabà Universitaria, 2014
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam is composed as follows:
· Practical workshops (evaluation of knowing how to; "reflection - action")
· Written exam and/or interview (evaluation of knowledge)
Practical workshops
Basic motor skills with the use of small and large equipment (3 ball juggling routine; jump rope; headstand while holding a ball between the ankles; throwing a ball; forward ball roll; circle turns on the plinth; front hip circle on the uneven bars; rope climb)
Written exam or interview
A written exam and/or interview will be conducted to determine the acquisition of knowledge of the topics covered on the course.
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Invernizzi Pietro Luigi


Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course is divided into three modules.
Module 1: basic gymnastic exercises
- Analysis and practice of exercise groups derived from natural movements typical of humans: walking, running, jumping, turning, balancing, rolling, crawling, carrying, climbing, etc.
- Knowledge and techniques in total body exercises: joint mobility, breathing exercises, conditioning and functional adaptation
Module 2: applied gymnastic exercises
- Knowledge of pre-acrobatic floor exercises: flips, turns, spins,
- Use of small equipment: Jäger sticks, jump ropes, hoops, clubs, Baumann blocks, etc.
- Use of large equipment: plinth, buck, springboard, stall bars, wall bars, parallel bars, rings, benches, balancing board, beam, etc.
Module 3: Gymnastics methodology
- Presentation of exercises
- Direct and indirect assistance
- Experimentation of the concept of motor stimulus in relation to the quality evoked, the phase of the lesson or the motor exercise session (introduction, main, final)
Prerequisites for admission
Procedural and declarative knowledge according to the Specific Objectives of Learning and Goals, as set forth in MIUR national programs and syllabus for Physical Education and Motor and Sports Sciences.
Teaching methods
Lessons are conducted in a workshop (integrated doing and knowing) format in which declarative and procedural knowledge are demonstrated through a methodological approach based on reflection on action and during action.
Teaching Resources
All educational support material will always be made available through the Ariel platform.

Reading list

Invernizzi P.L., Dugnani S. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Qualità utili per la salute - Vol. 1 - Carabà Universitaria, 2014

Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Longo S., Mauro F. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Vol. 2 - Qualità utili per il controllo motorio - Vol. 2 - Carabà Universitaria, 2015
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Mauro F. - L'Educazione Motoria Rinnovata: suggerimenti per le buone pratiche nella Scuola Primaria - Carabà Universitaria, 2018
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L. - Progettare in Educazione Fisica e nelle Scienze Motorie - Carabà Universitaria, 2014
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam is composed as follows:
· Practical workshops (evaluation of knowing how to; "reflection - action")
· Written exam and/or interview (evaluation of knowledge)
Practical workshops
Basic motor skills with the use of small and large equipment (3 ball juggling routine; jump rope; headstand while holding a ball between the ankles; throwing a ball; forward ball roll; circle turns on the plinth; front hip circle on the uneven bars; rope climb)
Written exam or interview
A written exam and/or interview will be conducted to determine the acquisition of knowledge of the topics covered on the course.
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Invernizzi Pietro Luigi


Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course is divided into three modules.
Module 1: basic gymnastic exercises
- Analysis and practice of exercise groups derived from natural movements typical of humans: walking, running, jumping, turning, balancing, rolling, crawling, carrying, climbing, etc.
- Knowledge and techniques in total body exercises: joint mobility, breathing exercises, conditioning and functional adaptation
Module 2: applied gymnastic exercises
- Knowledge of pre-acrobatic floor exercises: flips, turns, spins,
- Use of small equipment: Jäger sticks, jump ropes, hoops, clubs, Baumann blocks, etc.
- Use of large equipment: plinth, buck, springboard, stall bars, wall bars, parallel bars, rings, benches, balancing board, beam, etc.
Module 3: Gymnastics methodology
- Presentation of exercises
- Direct and indirect assistance
- Experimentation of the concept of motor stimulus in relation to the quality evoked, the phase of the lesson or the motor exercise session (introduction, main, final)
Prerequisites for admission
Procedural and declarative knowledge according to the Specific Objectives of Learning and Goals, as set forth in MIUR national programs and syllabus for Physical Education and Motor and Sports Sciences.
Teaching methods
Lessons are conducted in a workshop (integrated doing and knowing) format in which declarative and procedural knowledge are demonstrated through a methodological approach based on reflection on action and during action.
Teaching Resources
All educational support material will always be made available through the Ariel platform.

Reading list

Invernizzi P.L., Dugnani S. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Qualità utili per la salute - Vol. 1 - Carabà Universitaria, 2014

Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Longo S., Mauro F. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Vol. 2 - Qualità utili per il controllo motorio - Vol. 2 - Carabà Universitaria, 2015
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Mauro F. - L'Educazione Motoria Rinnovata: suggerimenti per le buone pratiche nella Scuola Primaria - Carabà Universitaria, 2018
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L. - Progettare in Educazione Fisica e nelle Scienze Motorie - Carabà Universitaria, 2014
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam is composed as follows:
· Practical workshops (evaluation of knowing how to; "reflection - action")
· Written exam and/or interview (evaluation of knowledge)
Practical workshops
Basic motor skills with the use of small and large equipment (3 ball juggling routine; jump rope; headstand while holding a ball between the ankles; throwing a ball; forward ball roll; circle turns on the plinth; front hip circle on the uneven bars; rope climb)
Written exam or interview
A written exam and/or interview will be conducted to determine the acquisition of knowledge of the topics covered on the course.
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Invernizzi Pietro Luigi


Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course is divided into three modules.
Module 1: basic gymnastic exercises
- Analysis and practice of exercise groups derived from natural movements typical of humans: walking, running, jumping, turning, balancing, rolling, crawling, carrying, climbing, etc.
- Knowledge and techniques in total body exercises: joint mobility, breathing exercises, conditioning and functional adaptation
Module 2: applied gymnastic exercises
- Knowledge of pre-acrobatic floor exercises: flips, turns, spins,
- Use of small equipment: Jäger sticks, jump ropes, hoops, clubs, Baumann blocks, etc.
- Use of large equipment: plinth, buck, springboard, stall bars, wall bars, parallel bars, rings, benches, balancing board, beam, etc.
Module 3: Gymnastics methodology
- Presentation of exercises
- Direct and indirect assistance
- Experimentation of the concept of motor stimulus in relation to the quality evoked, the phase of the lesson or the motor exercise session (introduction, main, final)
Prerequisites for admission
Procedural and declarative knowledge according to the Specific Objectives of Learning and Goals, as set forth in MIUR national programs and syllabus for Physical Education and Motor and Sports Sciences.
Teaching methods
Lessons are conducted in a workshop (integrated doing and knowing) format in which declarative and procedural knowledge are demonstrated through a methodological approach based on reflection on action and during action.
Teaching Resources
All educational support material will always be made available through the Ariel platform.

Reading list

Invernizzi P.L., Dugnani S. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Qualità utili per la salute - Vol. 1 - Carabà Universitaria, 2014

Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Longo S., Mauro F. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Vol. 2 - Qualità utili per il controllo motorio - Vol. 2 - Carabà Universitaria, 2015
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Mauro F. - L'Educazione Motoria Rinnovata: suggerimenti per le buone pratiche nella Scuola Primaria - Carabà Universitaria, 2018
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L. - Progettare in Educazione Fisica e nelle Scienze Motorie - Carabà Universitaria, 2014
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam is composed as follows:
· Practical workshops (evaluation of knowing how to; "reflection - action")
· Written exam and/or interview (evaluation of knowledge)
Practical workshops
Basic motor skills with the use of small and large equipment (3 ball juggling routine; jump rope; headstand while holding a ball between the ankles; throwing a ball; forward ball roll; circle turns on the plinth; front hip circle on the uneven bars; rope climb)
Written exam or interview
A written exam and/or interview will be conducted to determine the acquisition of knowledge of the topics covered on the course.
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Magaldi Emanuele
Professor: Magaldi Emanuele


Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course is divided into three modules.
Module 1: basic gymnastic exercises
- Analysis and practice of exercise groups derived from natural movements typical of humans: walking, running, jumping, turning, balancing, rolling, crawling, carrying, climbing, etc.
- Knowledge and techniques in total body exercises: joint mobility, breathing exercises, conditioning and functional adaptation
Module 2: applied gymnastic exercises
- Knowledge of pre-acrobatic floor exercises: flips, turns, spins,
- Use of small equipment: Jäger sticks, jump ropes, hoops, clubs, Baumann blocks, etc.
- Use of large equipment: plinth, buck, springboard, stall bars, wall bars, parallel bars, rings, benches, balancing board, beam, etc.
Module 3: Gymnastics methodology
- Presentation of exercises
- Direct and indirect assistance
- Experimentation of the concept of motor stimulus in relation to the quality evoked, the phase of the lesson or the motor exercise session (introduction, main, final)
Prerequisites for admission
Procedural and declarative knowledge according to the Specific Objectives of Learning and Goals, as set forth in MIUR national programs and syllabus for Physical Education and Motor and Sports Sciences.
Teaching methods
Lessons are conducted in a workshop (integrated doing and knowing) format in which declarative and procedural knowledge are demonstrated through a methodological approach based on reflection on action and during action.
Teaching Resources
All educational support material will always be made available through the Ariel platform.

Reading list

Invernizzi P.L., Dugnani S. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Qualità utili per la salute - Vol. 1 - Carabà Universitaria, 2014

Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Longo S., Mauro F. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Vol. 2 - Qualità utili per il controllo motorio - Vol. 2 - Carabà Universitaria, 2015
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Mauro F. - L'Educazione Motoria Rinnovata: suggerimenti per le buone pratiche nella Scuola Primaria - Carabà Universitaria, 2018
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L. - Progettare in Educazione Fisica e nelle Scienze Motorie - Carabà Universitaria, 2014
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam is composed as follows:
· Practical workshops (evaluation of knowing how to; "reflection - action")
· Written exam and/or interview (evaluation of knowledge)
Practical workshops
Basic motor skills with the use of small and large equipment (3 ball juggling routine; jump rope; headstand while holding a ball between the ankles; throwing a ball; forward ball roll; circle turns on the plinth; front hip circle on the uneven bars; rope climb)
Written exam or interview
A written exam and/or interview will be conducted to determine the acquisition of knowledge of the topics covered on the course.
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Nobili Alessandro
Professor: Nobili Alessandro


Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course is divided into three modules.
Module 1: basic gymnastic exercises
- Analysis and practice of exercise groups derived from natural movements typical of humans: walking, running, jumping, turning, balancing, rolling, crawling, carrying, climbing, etc.
- Knowledge and techniques in total body exercises: joint mobility, breathing exercises, conditioning and functional adaptation
Module 2: applied gymnastic exercises
- Knowledge of pre-acrobatic floor exercises: flips, turns, spins,
- Use of small equipment: Jäger sticks, jump ropes, hoops, clubs, Baumann blocks, etc.
- Use of large equipment: plinth, buck, springboard, stall bars, wall bars, parallel bars, rings, benches, balancing board, beam, etc.
Module 3: Gymnastics methodology
- Presentation of exercises
- Direct and indirect assistance
- Experimentation of the concept of motor stimulus in relation to the quality evoked, the phase of the lesson or the motor exercise session (introduction, main, final)
Prerequisites for admission
Procedural and declarative knowledge according to the Specific Objectives of Learning and Goals, as set forth in MIUR national programs and syllabus for Physical Education and Motor and Sports Sciences.
Teaching methods
Lessons are conducted in a workshop (integrated doing and knowing) format in which declarative and procedural knowledge are demonstrated through a methodological approach based on reflection on action and during action.
Teaching Resources
All educational support material will always be made available through the Ariel platform.

Reading list

Invernizzi P.L., Dugnani S. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Qualità utili per la salute - Vol. 1 - Carabà Universitaria, 2014

Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Longo S., Mauro F. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Vol. 2 - Qualità utili per il controllo motorio - Vol. 2 - Carabà Universitaria, 2015
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Mauro F. - L'Educazione Motoria Rinnovata: suggerimenti per le buone pratiche nella Scuola Primaria - Carabà Universitaria, 2018
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L. - Progettare in Educazione Fisica e nelle Scienze Motorie - Carabà Universitaria, 2014
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam is composed as follows:
· Practical workshops (evaluation of knowing how to; "reflection - action")
· Written exam and/or interview (evaluation of knowledge)
Practical workshops
Basic motor skills with the use of small and large equipment (3 ball juggling routine; jump rope; headstand while holding a ball between the ankles; throwing a ball; forward ball roll; circle turns on the plinth; front hip circle on the uneven bars; rope climb)
Written exam or interview
A written exam and/or interview will be conducted to determine the acquisition of knowledge of the topics covered on the course.
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Magaldi Emanuele
Professor: Magaldi Emanuele


Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course is divided into three modules.
Module 1: basic gymnastic exercises
- Analysis and practice of exercise groups derived from natural movements typical of humans: walking, running, jumping, turning, balancing, rolling, crawling, carrying, climbing, etc.
- Knowledge and techniques in total body exercises: joint mobility, breathing exercises, conditioning and functional adaptation
Module 2: applied gymnastic exercises
- Knowledge of pre-acrobatic floor exercises: flips, turns, spins,
- Use of small equipment: Jäger sticks, jump ropes, hoops, clubs, Baumann blocks, etc.
- Use of large equipment: plinth, buck, springboard, stall bars, wall bars, parallel bars, rings, benches, balancing board, beam, etc.
Module 3: Gymnastics methodology
- Presentation of exercises
- Direct and indirect assistance
- Experimentation of the concept of motor stimulus in relation to the quality evoked, the phase of the lesson or the motor exercise session (introduction, main, final)
Prerequisites for admission
Procedural and declarative knowledge according to the Specific Objectives of Learning and Goals, as set forth in MIUR national programs and syllabus for Physical Education and Motor and Sports Sciences.
Teaching methods
Lessons are conducted in a workshop (integrated doing and knowing) format in which declarative and procedural knowledge are demonstrated through a methodological approach based on reflection on action and during action.
Teaching Resources
All educational support material will always be made available through the Ariel platform.

Reading list

Invernizzi P.L., Dugnani S. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Qualità utili per la salute - Vol. 1 - Carabà Universitaria, 2014

Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Longo S., Mauro F. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Vol. 2 - Qualità utili per il controllo motorio - Vol. 2 - Carabà Universitaria, 2015
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Mauro F. - L'Educazione Motoria Rinnovata: suggerimenti per le buone pratiche nella Scuola Primaria - Carabà Universitaria, 2018
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L. - Progettare in Educazione Fisica e nelle Scienze Motorie - Carabà Universitaria, 2014
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam is composed as follows:
· Practical workshops (evaluation of knowing how to; "reflection - action")
· Written exam and/or interview (evaluation of knowledge)
Practical workshops
Basic motor skills with the use of small and large equipment (3 ball juggling routine; jump rope; headstand while holding a ball between the ankles; throwing a ball; forward ball roll; circle turns on the plinth; front hip circle on the uneven bars; rope climb)
Written exam or interview
A written exam and/or interview will be conducted to determine the acquisition of knowledge of the topics covered on the course.
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Rigon Marta
Professor: Rigon Marta


Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course is divided into three modules.
Module 1: basic gymnastic exercises
- Analysis and practice of exercise groups derived from natural movements typical of humans: walking, running, jumping, turning, balancing, rolling, crawling, carrying, climbing, etc.
- Knowledge and techniques in total body exercises: joint mobility, breathing exercises, conditioning and functional adaptation
Module 2: applied gymnastic exercises
- Knowledge of pre-acrobatic floor exercises: flips, turns, spins,
- Use of small equipment: Jäger sticks, jump ropes, hoops, clubs, Baumann blocks, etc.
- Use of large equipment: plinth, buck, springboard, stall bars, wall bars, parallel bars, rings, benches, balancing board, beam, etc.
Module 3: Gymnastics methodology
- Presentation of exercises
- Direct and indirect assistance
- Experimentation of the concept of motor stimulus in relation to the quality evoked, the phase of the lesson or the motor exercise session (introduction, main, final)
Prerequisites for admission
Procedural and declarative knowledge according to the Specific Objectives of Learning and Goals, as set forth in MIUR national programs and syllabus for Physical Education and Motor and Sports Sciences.
Teaching methods
Lessons are conducted in a workshop (integrated doing and knowing) format in which declarative and procedural knowledge are demonstrated through a methodological approach based on reflection on action and during action.
Teaching Resources
All educational support material will always be made available through the Ariel platform.

Reading list

Invernizzi P.L., Dugnani S. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Qualità utili per la salute - Vol. 1 - Carabà Universitaria, 2014

Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Longo S., Mauro F. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Vol. 2 - Qualità utili per il controllo motorio - Vol. 2 - Carabà Universitaria, 2015
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Mauro F. - L'Educazione Motoria Rinnovata: suggerimenti per le buone pratiche nella Scuola Primaria - Carabà Universitaria, 2018
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L. - Progettare in Educazione Fisica e nelle Scienze Motorie - Carabà Universitaria, 2014
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam is composed as follows:
· Practical workshops (evaluation of knowing how to; "reflection - action")
· Written exam and/or interview (evaluation of knowledge)
Practical workshops
Basic motor skills with the use of small and large equipment (3 ball juggling routine; jump rope; headstand while holding a ball between the ankles; throwing a ball; forward ball roll; circle turns on the plinth; front hip circle on the uneven bars; rope climb)
Written exam or interview
A written exam and/or interview will be conducted to determine the acquisition of knowledge of the topics covered on the course.
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Invernizzi Pietro Luigi


Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course is divided into three modules.
Module 1: basic gymnastic exercises
- Analysis and practice of exercise groups derived from natural movements typical of humans: walking, running, jumping, turning, balancing, rolling, crawling, carrying, climbing, etc.
- Knowledge and techniques in total body exercises: joint mobility, breathing exercises, conditioning and functional adaptation
Module 2: applied gymnastic exercises
- Knowledge of pre-acrobatic floor exercises: flips, turns, spins,
- Use of small equipment: Jäger sticks, jump ropes, hoops, clubs, Baumann blocks, etc.
- Use of large equipment: plinth, buck, springboard, stall bars, wall bars, parallel bars, rings, benches, balancing board, beam, etc.
Module 3: Gymnastics methodology
- Presentation of exercises
- Direct and indirect assistance
- Experimentation of the concept of motor stimulus in relation to the quality evoked, the phase of the lesson or the motor exercise session (introduction, main, final)
Prerequisites for admission
Procedural and declarative knowledge according to the Specific Objectives of Learning and Goals, as set forth in MIUR national programs and syllabus for Physical Education and Motor and Sports Sciences.
Teaching methods
Lessons are conducted in a workshop (integrated doing and knowing) format in which declarative and procedural knowledge are demonstrated through a methodological approach based on reflection on action and during action.
Teaching Resources
All educational support material will always be made available through the Ariel platform.

Reading list

Invernizzi P.L., Dugnani S. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Qualità utili per la salute - Vol. 1 - Carabà Universitaria, 2014

Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Longo S., Mauro F. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Vol. 2 - Qualità utili per il controllo motorio - Vol. 2 - Carabà Universitaria, 2015
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Mauro F. - L'Educazione Motoria Rinnovata: suggerimenti per le buone pratiche nella Scuola Primaria - Carabà Universitaria, 2018
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L. - Progettare in Educazione Fisica e nelle Scienze Motorie - Carabà Universitaria, 2014
Assessment methods and Criteria
- parte pratica laboratoriale (valutazione del saper fare e saper far fare; "riflessione - azione")
- parte scritta e/o colloquio finale (valutazione delle conoscenze)
1. Abilità motorie di base stabilite (saper fare), con utilizzo di piccoli e grandi attrezzi ("cascata con 3 palline"; "sequenza di saltelli diversificati con la funicella girante"; "verticale a 3 appoggi con tenuta malleolare di un pallone"; "lancio di un pallone, capovolta raggruppata avanti e ripresa del pallone"; "volteggio circolare al plinto"; "giro addominale alle parallele asimmetriche"; "arrampicata sulla fune")
2. Successione di esercizi ginnici, al fine di porre in evidenza le proprie capacità motorie e una ragionata analisi sul programma svolto (saper fare; saper far fare)
Verranno valutate
- per le prove pratiche: la qualità esecutiva; la pertinenza, conoscenza e consapevolezza nella esecuzione degli esercizi;
E' prevista una prova scritta e/o colloquio finale di valutazione delle conoscenze relative ai contenuti e agli argomenti trattati durante il corso
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Nobili Alessandro


Lesson period
Course syllabus
The course is divided into three modules.
Module 1: basic gymnastic exercises
- Analysis and practice of exercise groups derived from natural movements typical of humans: walking, running, jumping, turning, balancing, rolling, crawling, carrying, climbing, etc.
- Knowledge and techniques in total body exercises: joint mobility, breathing exercises, conditioning and functional adaptation
Module 2: applied gymnastic exercises
- Knowledge of pre-acrobatic floor exercises: flips, turns, spins,
- Use of small equipment: Jäger sticks, jump ropes, hoops, clubs, Baumann blocks, etc.
- Use of large equipment: plinth, buck, springboard, stall bars, wall bars, parallel bars, rings, benches, balancing board, beam, etc.
Module 3: Gymnastics methodology
- Presentation of exercises
- Direct and indirect assistance
- Experimentation of the concept of motor stimulus in relation to the quality evoked, the phase of the lesson or the motor exercise session (introduction, main, final)
Prerequisites for admission
Procedural and declarative knowledge according to the Specific Objectives of Learning and Goals, as set forth in MIUR national programs and syllabus for Physical Education and Motor and Sports Sciences.
Teaching methods
Lessons are conducted in a workshop (integrated doing and knowing) format in which declarative and procedural knowledge are demonstrated through a methodological approach based on reflection on action and during action.
Teaching Resources
All educational support material will always be made available through the Ariel platform.

Reading list

Invernizzi P.L., Dugnani S. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Qualità utili per la salute - Vol. 1 - Carabà Universitaria, 2014

Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Longo S., Mauro F. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Vol. 2 - Qualità utili per il controllo motorio - Vol. 2 - Carabà Universitaria, 2015
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Mauro F. - L'Educazione Motoria Rinnovata: suggerimenti per le buone pratiche nella Scuola Primaria - Carabà Universitaria, 2018
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L. - Progettare in Educazione Fisica e nelle Scienze Motorie - Carabà Universitaria, 2014
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam is composed as follows:
· Practical workshops (evaluation of knowing how to; "reflection - action")
· Written exam and/or interview (evaluation of knowledge)
Practical workshops
Basic motor skills with the use of small and large equipment (3 ball juggling routine; jump rope; headstand while holding a ball between the ankles; throwing a ball; forward ball roll; circle turns on the plinth; front hip circle on the uneven bars; rope climb)
Written exam or interview
A written exam and/or interview will be conducted to determine the acquisition of knowledge of the topics covered on the course.
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Nobili Alessandro
Professor: Nobili Alessandro