Food Microbiology and Hygiene

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide the fundamentals necessary for the assessment of safety and microbiological quality in foods. Knowledge of the experimental protocols for the determination of the main microbial groups and of some pathogens in food. Furthermore, the teaching provides the basis for the understanding of the basic concepts of hygiene and epidemiology, to safeguard the health of the community.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will have the tools to identify the fate of microorganisms during food production and storage processes.He/she will be able to isolate, identify and count the main microorganisms present in food and recognize the main microbial spoilage that can occur during shelf-life. The student will also be able to describe situations where improper handling and storage can lead to food spoilage and contamination and identify microorganisms with a positive role and their effects in storage and fermentation processes. Finally he/she will be able to evaluate a prevention and prophylaxis plan for infectious diseases within catering contexts. To know how to collaborate in an epidemiological investigation aimed at recognizing the causes of an infection / intoxication / food poisoning in food service.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
Hygiene, Public Health, and Health Education: definition, strategies, tools, professional figures involved, and the role of media communication. Health promotion: definition and practical examples in the field of catering. Health determinants and risk factors: definition, classification, and examples. The role of nutrition and lifestyle in the prevention of chronic degenerative diseases. Primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention: definition, prevention policies, screening, and chronicity. Epidemiology: definition, objectives, and tools of epidemiology. Main socio-health indicators. Concept of risk and causal relationship. Epidemiology of infectious diseases. Transmission and prevention of infections: an overview of the modes of transmission of infectious diseases and general prophylaxis. Specific prophylaxis of infectious diseases and vaccination. Food risk and epidemiology of foodborne diseases. Information networks and alert systems for infectious diseases and foodborne intoxications at both national level (ISS, ASL, ARPAV, IZS) and international level (ECDC, EFSA, EWRS, RASFF, WHO). Italian health care management and organization

Microbial contamination in food. Factors influencing microbial growth. Principles of sanitization and sources of microbial contamination in the food production and distribution processes. Microorganisms with pro-technological role and as quality indicators. Pathogenic microorganisms and foodborne diseases. Microbial food spoilage. Microbiology of the main food products (milk and milk products, cereals and cereal products, meat and meat products, fruit and vegetable products, products with low aw, beverages, eggs). Microbiological analyses for the determination and identification of microorganisms in foods (laboratory)
Prerequisites for admission
To possess adequate knowledge of calculus (Mathematics), biological transformations (General Biology and Applied Biochemistry) and the fundamentals of Microbiology and Food Processing Technology
Teaching methods
Professors will use lectures as the main teaching method, professional seminars and laboratory practices (Food Microbiology Unit). The courses use e-learning teaching material available on MyAriel platform consisting of the slides discussed during the lectures. Attendance to lessons is strongly recommended
Teaching Resources
Slides provided by the teachers and supplemental documents available on the ARIEL platform
Recommended texts:
Igiene e sanità pubblica. Per scienze infermieristiche e altre professioni sanitarie. C. Signorelli. Casa Editrice SEU, 2021
MICROBIOLOGIA DEI PRODOTTI ALIMENTARI - a cura di GA Farris, M Gobbetti, E Neviani, M Vincenzini - Casa Editrice Ambrosiana, 2012, Milano
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a written test with multiple choice questions lasting 60 minutes (with only one correct answer) (Hygiene unit) and a written test with four open questions lasting 75 minutes (Food Microbiology unit) aimed at assessing the learning of the different topics listed in the program and the ability to apply the basic principles for the prevention and control of microorganisms along the food chain and in the restaurant and distribution area. Pass must be achieved in both teaching units. The dates of the exam sessions are communicated through the University application on-line system (UNIMIA). To take the exam, students must register before the deadline set in the system. Students with specific learning disabilities or other disabilities are requested to contact the Professor via email at least 15 days before the exam session to agree on any individualized measure.
In the email addressed to the teacher, the respective University services must be registered in CC: [email protected] (for students with LD) and [email protected] (for students with disabilities). The evaluation is expressed by a mark out of thirty (weighted average of the two teaching units) which is communicated to each student by automated e-mail from the University software.
AGR/16 - AGRICULTURAL MICROBIOLOGY - University credits: 9
Laboratories: 24 hours
Lessons: 60 hours
Turno 1
Professors: Mangieri Nicola, Picozzi Claudia
Turno 2
Professors: Mangieri Nicola, Picozzi Claudia
To be defined by e-mail
DeFENS, division of Food Microbiology and Biopocessing, Via Mangiagalli 25, fourth floor