Food Ingredients, Additives and Contaminants

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with the basic concepts of formulation technology, with particular emphasis on the functional ingredient / additive-structure-performance relationship for processed food products. The course also aims to pass on knowledge about the EU regulatory framework on food additives and EFSA's assessment of consumer safety and exposure.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to choose the ingredients / additives necessary for the formulation of food products based on structural and technological functionality and safety of use. Students will know the current EU legislation regarding permitted additives and the relative conditions of use.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Principles of Food Formulation Technology:

Basic Principles of the Assembly of Elementary Components in Food Dispersed Systems: Understanding how basic components are combined in dispersed systems to create various food products.
General Properties of Colloidal Dispersions: Studying the characteristics and behavior of colloidal systems in food.
Functional Role of Main Food Ingredients: Identifying the roles and effects of primary ingredients in food products.
Functional Classes of Additives in Foods: Exploring different categories of food additives and their purposes.
Physical Changes of Food Components in Emulsions, Gels, and Foams: Examining how factors such as heat, mechanical stresses, pH, and other environmental conditions influence the physical properties of food components during processing.


Legislation Guidance to Compliance: Understanding the legal requirements for the use of additives in food, including usage limits and specific guidance requirements.
Food Labelling Regulations: Learning the rules and standards for labeling food products.
EFSA Criteria for Risk Analysis: Studying the European Food Safety Authority's criteria for risk analysis, including the approval process for new food additives and the re-evaluation of already authorized additives.
Prerequisites for admission
Necessary prerequisites include knowledge of the basic principles of Food Process Technology, Food Chemistry and Biochemistry, and Physics.
Teaching methods
The course will be delivered through lectures and case-study discussions. Students will be introduced to the concepts, terminology, and major regulations used in the field of food formulation technology.
Teaching Resources
Course slides will be published on MY ARIEL-UNIMI.Additionally, scientific literature provided by the teacher will be included. Course lecture notes from unknown authors, which are not authorized by the teacher, are not recognized as official teaching material.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Methods: The learning assessment will be conducted through a written test covering the topics discussed during the lectures. No ongoing tests are scheduled.
Typology: The test will consist of six open-ended questions related to the course topics. The completed test must be submitted within seventy-five minutes of receiving the questions.
Evaluation Parameters: The assessment will consider the correctness of the answers, the appropriateness of the language used, and the ability to incorporate interdisciplinary elements and notions when required.
Type of Evaluation: The test will be graded on a scale of thirty.
Allowed Materials: Consultation of texts or any other materials during the written exam is not permitted.
AGR/15 - FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Piazza Laura
Professor: Piazza Laura