Food of Animal and Plant Origin

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
AGR/03 AGR/19
Learning objectives
The course aims to introduce the physiology of animal and fresh vegetable product, in relation to its food features. It aims to provide scientific basis on biochemical and physical changes that occur during ripening, postharvest evolution and the factors related to qualitative and quantitative losses, including those for biochemical, pathological and physiological spoilage. The course deals with the commercial procedures for harvesting, processing, storage and marketing that are best suited to the products. It provides knowledge on technologies for the preservation of the freshness and qualitative analysis. Moreover, the course provides the understanding of the main qualitative, technological and health characteristics of the main main products of animal origin (milk and meat) and their derivatives (fermented milks, cheeses, butter and meat products). Furthermore, knowledge will be provided on the physiological bases and factors related to the breeding methods of farms animals that influence the quality and production of these products.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will achieve the skills necessary to distinguish the main qualitative characteristics of food. The skills will enable the professional management of fresh fruit and vegetables in order to safeguard their quality, freshness and safety and to optimize their transformation into high quality products. It also provides the knowledge of the typical and excellent Italian fruit and vegetable product in order to protect its value. The student will be able to make a careful choice of products of animal origin offered by the market, distinguish their quality in relation to the origin and the methods of production, identify the main technological and health defects, and finally will be able to recognize the main product protection brands.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment of the actual learning of the contents and topics covered in the lessons of the course is by written test lasting two hours with 3 open questions per module (for a total of 6 open questions).
The following topics, regarding the module of food of vegetable origin, will be subject of the test: knowledge of the physiological processes that play a role in determining the deterioration of plant products, in particular fruits and vegetables, and the factors that influence these processes; moreover, the understanding of all the procedures and technologies used in post-harvest to preserve and maintain the quality of plant products, and analytical approaches and methods for assessing quality attributes will be assessed.
As regards the module of food of animal origin, it will be ascertained the knowledge of the main husbandry techniques to produce, monitor and improve, from a qualitative-quantitative and hygienic-sanitary point of view, the final product of livestock farms, such as milk, fermented milk, butter, cheeses, beef and pork, and meat products.
The evaluation is expressed by thirtieths, resulting from the mathematical average of the grades obtained in the 2 single modules, approximated to the unit.
Evaluation is carried out considering: a) correctness of contents; b) completeness of response; c) language properties. Missing content reduces evaluation. Excess content is not evaluated.
To take the exam it is necessary to register within the deadline set on the UNIMIA application.
The grade is communicated to each individual student by e-mail automated by the University's verbalization system. The vote shall be recorded so that it may be rejected.
Students with specific learning disabilities or other disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher via email at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. Should the student wish to use concept maps, they should be attached to the request email so that the teacher can propose any changes/reductions to the submitted material. In the email addressed to the teacher, the respective University services must be registered in CC: [email protected] (for students with LD) and [email protected] (for students with disabilities).
Plant food
Course syllabus
GENERAL BIOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS: Postharvest losses in horticultural commodities. Biological aspects and composition, nutritive value, structure, morphology, growth and development- of horticultural crops. Cereals and pulses. Olive oil: product classification and quality.
RIPENING PHYSIOLOGY Respiration: definitions, characterisation of process, measurements, factors affecting, comparative rates, biological significance; Traspiration: definitions, characterisation of process, measurements, factors affecting, comparative rates, biological significance; Role of plant hormones in senescence. Ethylene and fruit ripening: biosynthesis, factors affecting production rate; Physiological disorders: symptoms and causes; Pathological diseases: host-parasite-environmental relationship, infection processes, post harvest disease control methods.
COMPOSITION AND QUALITY: Compositional changes during postharvest. Quality and its components.
COMMERCIAL PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES: Maturity and quality standards, standardisation and inspection. Standard (fisical, chemical and sensorial) and innovative (NIR, laser,electronic nose, image analysis) methods for quality and maturity assessment. TECHNOLOGIES FOR THE MAINTENANCE AND PRESERVATION OF QUALITY: Controlled and modified atmospheres during storage and transit MINIMALLY PROCESSED PRODUCTS: Process, physiology and quality.
Teaching methods
Classroom-taught lessons and excercises including a technical visit to a food company and possible seminars on specific topics
Teaching Resources
Notes from the lessons. The teaching material provided by the teacher is available on the MyAriel platform. Suggested book: Gestione della qualità e conservazione dei prodotti ortofrutticoli ed. Edagricole, ed. by G. Colelli and P. Inglese
Food of animal origin
Course syllabus
MILK PRODUCTION: characteristics, milk products (yogurt, cheese, butter); notice of lactation and ruminant digestion physiology; factors affecting milk quality (animal species, breed, lactation curves, dairy herd management, nutrition and milking); principal parameters of hygiene and sanitation (somatic cell count, microbial content, micotoxin). QUALITY LABELS: PDO, PGI and TSG. MEAT PRODUCTION: from muscle to meat, storage and meat products; beef, swine and poultry meat characteristics; factors affecting quality: animal age and species, breed, feeding strategy, herd management. Principal meat products: cured meat and sausages. Legislation (labelling and traceability). Eggs: production and quality
Teaching methods
Classroom-taught lessons and excercises including a technical visit to a food company and seminars on specific topics as eggs and fish.
Teaching Resources
Notes from the lessons. The teaching material provided by the teacher is available on the MyAriel platform. Book "Produzioni animali", Sandrucci A. and Trevisi Eds. EDISES Università
Food of animal origin
AGR/19 - ANIMAL SCIENCE - University credits: 5
Field activity: 8 hours
Lessons: 36 hours
Professor: Bava Luciana
Professor: Bava Luciana
Plant food
Field activity: 8 hours
Lessons: 36 hours
Professor: Spinardi Anna
Professor: Spinardi Anna
on request