Field Crops and Fruit Tree Production

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
AGR/02 AGR/03
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide a general understanding of the characteristics and peculiarities of crop and tree growing systems, with particular reference to the effects of environmental and management factors on grain yield and on the production of fruit, biomass, valuable wood. In module I (field crops), for each of the crop systems, elements relating to ecophysiology, the quality of the useful product, agronomic management, harvest times and issues related to abiotic and biotic stress will be provided. In module II (fruit tree production, basic knowledge will be provided relating to the choice of species / cultivars and the principles on which the design of an arboretum is based, based on the environmental suitability of the planting site. The course will provide knowledge relating to modern cultivation techniques and their application with the aim of reconciling high yields and product quality with the rational and economic use of resources and environmental protection.
Expected learning outcomes
Expertise in setting the rotation of herbaceous crops in the farm, also in relation to farm needs and market prices of raw materials. Knowledge of the agronomic practices to be adopted in the management of the various field crops in cereal and cereal-livestock farms. Ability to evaluate the environmental suitability of a site towards specific tree species and to be able to identify the plant material (cultivar and, possibly, rootstock), the forms of farming and the cultivation operations necessary for the correct planting of the arboretum. Ability to rationally carry out the ordinary and exceptional management operations of a fruit and wood orchard. Detailed knowledge of the dynamics and mechanisms that lead to the formation, development and ripening of the fruit and the ability to apply this knowledge in the planning of harvesting operations and in the post-harvest phase, in order to preserve the quality of the product.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
1. Introduction to the study of herbaceous crops: classification and dissemination on a global, European and national scale.
2. Potential and actual yield. Productivity of herbaceous species and prospects for quantitative increase and qualitative improvement of products.
3. Wheat. Maize, Rice, Processing Tomato, Oil crops: soybean, sunflower, rapeseed. Forage Crops: Grass ley, Temporary and permanent meadow. Alfalfa, Ryegrass.
For each crop, elements will be provided regarding (i) its inclusion in a crop rotation consistent with agronomic principles and in line with supply chain requirements and EU policies, (ii) the physiological response to soil and climatic conditions, (iii) the biological cycle, (iv) the definition of the times and methods of agronomic practices (sowing, harvesting, fertilisation, tillage, irrigation, pest control and weeding), and (v) quality aspects.
Practical lessons: Guide to the recognition of the main cultivated herbaceous species. Measurements of crop parameters in the field.
1. Structural aspects and management. Tree crop structure. Growth habitus. The training systems.
2. Physiology of development, grow and fruiting.
3. Pruning and canopy managements.
4. Propagation techniques and nursery organization. The rootstock.
5. Phenology. Soil and climate effects on tree cropping systems: limiting factors and land suitability to fruit trees.
6. Traditional, integrated and organic farming systems.
Tutorials. Tree structures. Analysis of some tree crop systems in Italy. Recognition of the main tree crops.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of plant physiology, soil chemistry and agronomy
Teaching methods
Classroom-taught lessons and in field and orchard practice exercises
Teaching Resources
The student will find all the teaching material on the class MyAriel webpages:
Lessons presentations
Suggested books:
Field Crop Production Handbook. Iowa State University (2020)
Arboricoltura generale (2012) A cura di Silviero Sansavini. Patron Editore, 532 pp.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The mark (out of 30) is the average of the two marks obtained in the two units (i.e. Field crops and Tree Crops Production).
To take the exam it is necessary to register within the deadline set on the UNIMIA application.
The mark is communicated to each individual student by e-mail automated by the University's verbalization system.
Students with specific learning disabilities or other disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher via email at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. Should the student wish to use concept maps, they should be attached to the request email so that the teacher can propose any changes/reductions to the submitted material. In the email addressed to the teacher, the respective University services must be registered in CC: [email protected] (for students with LD) and [email protected] (for students with disabilities).
The exam consists of an initial oral part that focuses on the recognition of five cultivated species (seed and whole plant). Once this part is successfully completed, students can proceed to the second part of the exam, which is written. It is made of 3 questions on the whole programme. The optimal length of an answer is a whole page written by hand. The exam lasts two hours. The mark is assigned by averaging the marks of each answer. The evaluation considers: a) the use of adequate language; b) the correctness of the contents; c) the completeness of the answers. Missing contents reduce the mark. The mark implies passing the recognition examination. Eight exams are scheduled per year.
The assessment of the actual learning of the contents and topics covered in the lessons of the course is done through a written test lasting 2 hours with 3 open questions. The knowledge of the aspects concerning the physiology of development, fruiting and propagation of tree plants, specifically fruit trees; cultivation techniques and tree cultivation systems, in relation to the soil and climate environment of cultivation, production systems will be assessed. The assessment is carried out considering: a) correctness of the contents; b) completeness of the answer; c) propriety of language. Missing contents reduce the assessment. Excess contents are not assessed.
AGR/02 - AGRONOMY AND FIELD CROPS - University credits: 5
Field activity: 8 hours
Practicals: 8 hours
Lessons: 72 hours
Professor: Spinardi Anna
Professors: Perego Alessia, Spinardi Anna