Fermentation Chemistry

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to make students understand the role that microorganisms play in the interaction with plants and their role in industrial productions.
It also intends to provide the microbiology notions required for students to address the course contents and to allow them to understand the scientific literature related to the covered topics.
Expected learning outcomes
Students at the end of the course must have acquired the basic knowledge necessary to understand: the different types of interaction that can be established between microorganisms and the vegetable organism, the role of microorganisms in the production of biologically active metabolites also of plant origin and their role in the fermented vegetable production.
Through bibliographic research and the preparation of an oral presentation on a properly selected topic, students must also demonstrate that they are able to process and critically analyze the learned information and to communicate what they have learned with an appropriate language.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The following topics will be chronologically illustrated during the lectures.
Description of the different microbial groups (bacteria, yeasts and molds) from the morphological point of view, metabolism and interaction with the environment (eg symbionts). Endophytes: ecological role, isolation, interaction with plan organisms, application. Role of secondary metabolism in the synthesis of mycotoxins and metabolites with biological activity. Use of microorganisms as host for the production of metabilites biosynthesized in plant: artemisinin and taxol Role of microorganisms in the production of fermented vegetables (es. fermented red rice). Carpophore mushrooms used as nutraceuticals (reishi, shiitake).
Prerequisites for admission
To face the teaching, the student has to possess the basics of organic chemistry of natural substances and biochemistry provided during the basic courses.
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures. During the lectures, the topics will be illustrated through the use of explanatory slides and / or videos. Students will also be asked to prepare a short Power Point presentation based on recent literature on topics selected by themselves. The presentation will be done at the end of the course and will be discussed with all the attending students.
Teaching Resources
All the teaching material shown during the lectures and the bibliographic references will be made available to students on the Ariel platform. A list of databases available to students will also be illustrate for further information on the covered topics.
For the basics of microbiology: M.T. Madigan, J.M. Martinko, P.A. Sthol, D.P. Clarck- BrocK "Biologia dei microrganismi": Vol. 1 "Microbiologia generale", Vol.2 "Microbiologia ambientale e industriale"
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam includes an oral test in which questions will be asked regarding the program carried out during the lessons and in which the work done by students on specific topics selected during the lessons will be discussed. The evaluation will take into account the student's ability to understand the correctly questions and to choose, process and connect the acquired knowledge and the ability to use an appropriate scientific language. The judgment is expressed with a vote written out of thirty.
Lessons: 24 hours
Professor: Gandolfi Raffaella