Feed Raw Materials, Nutrition and Feeding of Horses

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course on Raw food materials, nutrition and feeding of equines is for students to develop knowledge and understanding regarding the mandatory aspects related to horse nutrition and feeding through a theoretical and practical approach, aimed at the analysis of the raw food materials used in the equine sector as well as determining nutritional and dietary errors in daily practice. The aim of the course is also to provide students with the necessary elements to understand and evaluate the problems relating to the incidence of pathologies of nutritional origin in horses, providing the skills to reduce their incidence through a preventive evaluation of food plans and the ability to adapting them to the specific nutritional needs or problematic situations of the individual. The teaching therefore aims to train experts in the nutrition and feeding of the equine species, who are able to formulate specific feed and diets for equines and to relate both in the production of food intended for horses and at the level of the various breeding realities, with sector technicians and owners of the structures.
Expected learning outcomes
1. Knowledge and understanding: the student, at the end of the course, will have to demonstrate knowledge of the necessary skills to understand and analyze the dietary regimes adopted in the equine field as well as formulate specific diets and feeds, developing the ability to intervene in the adaptation of the diets administered in reference to the specificities of the individual. individual and the managerial and structural characteristics of the host structure.
2. Applying knowledge and understanding: the student will have to demonstrate knowledge and undestanding useful to analyze the nutritional regimes adopted in the equine environment. He/she will have to demonstrate the ability to formulate specific diets and feeds, developing the ability to intervene in the adaptation of the diets administered in reference to the specificities of the individual and the management and structural characteristics of the host structure, understanding and interpreting the dietary and management needs of the specific farming reality in which nutritional intervention is required.
3. Making judgments: the student must demonstrate the ability to critically argue the information acquired. Specific practical activities are addressed in this sense, as well as the drafting of reports and presentations on specific teaching topics assigned by the teacher.
4. Communication: the student is expected to use scientifically appropriate language, in particular terminology referring to the field of equine nutrition. The practical activities are intended to stimulate the ability to use specific terminology and the ability to discuss scientifically with peers.
5. Lifelong learning skills: the student must gain the ability to use acquired knowledge to interpret the nutritional aspects of the diets adopted and the needs required by individual horses, with the help of available sources of knowledge and good mental organization.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course program will deal with the main feed raw materials used in the field of equine nutrition, then addressing the main aspects related to the formulation of horse diets as follow:
-The principles of horse feeding, with reference to the different absorption activities of the gastroenteric tract
-Use of nutrients according to the type of work done
-Dietology of the horse in relation to the physiological state
-Horse requirements calculation systems according to INRA and NRC
-The dietary mean transit time in the horse as a function of the feed and concentrates supplied, and its influence on the digestibility of the diet
-Analysis of nutritional needs according to age, physiological state, and the extent and type of work performed
-Feed strategies for anaerobic and aerobic sports
-Analysis of nutritional equine diseases
-The role of diet in the prevention of equine diseases

The following training activities will be carried out:
Horse rations based on age and physiological status
Formulation of diets for horses in relation to the food pathology found
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites needed
Teaching methods
The teaching methods will be based on frontal lessons and training on nutritional softwares, together with external visits
Teaching Resources
The teacher will provide the students slides and scientific paper covering the whole courses topics
Assessment methods and Criteria
An oral examination will be carried out to determine the student knowledge acquisition on the course topic, together with the ability to solve practical cases
AGR/18 - ANIMAL NUTRITION AND FEEDING - University credits: 6
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Agazzi Alessandro
Professor: Agazzi Alessandro
Professor: Agazzi Alessandro
Professor: Agazzi Alessandro