Experimental Models and Use of Herbal Drugs

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
BIO/14 BIO/15
Learning objectives
The main objective of the course is to provide the main experimental models used to test the biological activity of natural products or their active principles, from in vitro models (cell or tissue cultures) to ex vivo studies and use of animal models. The choice of the animal model more suitable to test the pharmacological effect of natural compounds will be explained and discussed. Moreover, basic knowledge of biostatistics approaches will be provided to allow the statistical interpretation of results. Moreover, the course aims to provide information on the study of Phytotherapy, focusing on medicinal plants or botanicals with pharmacological activity, and their therapeutic and clinical use in humans. The course will be focused on therapeutic use of plants (efficacy) and adverse effects which may occur (safety).
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students are expected to know and understand the main methodologies that are currently used to test in vitro and in vivo the effects of drugs and botanicals. Some of them are experimental methods currently available in classical pharmacology. Students will be expected to know therapeutic effects of medicinal plants and their active components, paying particular attention to human studies. In addition to therapeutic use of botanicals, students will understand the aspects underlying efficacy of botanicals and potential adverse effects which may occur (safety).
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Prerequisites for admission
The teaching is for students who have acquired knowledge on physiology, biochemistry, pathology and pharmacology. The compulsory propaedeuticalities are as follows: General and Inorganic Chemistry, Pharmacology and Toxicology, General Pathology and Pathophysiology, Biochemistry and Human Nutrition, Plant Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany, Biology, Human Physiology and Basic Anatomy, Organic Chemistry.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists of an oral test which aims to verify the following aspects:
- Knowledge of the subject;
- Ability to reason;
- Communication skills.

The score, expressed in thirtieth (18-30), will be the weighted mean of the evaluation of the two different parts which compone the course.
The assessment covers a range of values as follows: form 18 to 21/30 if sufficient preparation is demonstrated; 22-26/30 if the student shows a good knowledge of the topics covered; 27-30/30 if the student demonstrates an excellent knowledge of all the topics covered, and excellent exposition skills. The "laude" will be awarded to those who demonstrate to possess, in addition to excellent knowledge of the subjects and excellent exhibition skills, the additional ability to deepen the topics matter of the teaching.
Visit at Orto Botanico is not mandatory but just suggested to deepen the part of the program dedicated to Phytotherapy.
Models for studying the biological activity of natural substances
Course syllabus
- Introductory notes to pharmacological methodologies;
- In vitro experimental models (cell cultures);
- In vivo experimental models: the choice of the experimental animal model in pharmacology;
- Methodologies applied to pharmacogenomics;
- Role of the experimental model for the study of the etiopathogenesis of disease and of the biological activity of drugs;
- The bioassay (Elisa; Western blot; Northern blot; EMSA; PCR, microarrays);
- Notes on statistical analysis;
- Notes on the use of bibliographic databases;
- Methodologies used in general pharmacology (methods for studying receptors, methods for studying the biotransformation of xenobiotics);
- Methods used for the study of antiplatelet drugs;
- Models for the study of tumors and drugs with anti-tumor activity;
- Models for the study of depression and pharmacological treatment;
- Models for the study of schizophrenia and pharmacological treatment;
- Models for the study of substances of abuse;
Teaching methods
Frontal Lessons (synchronous lessons).
Teaching Resources
- Slides shown during teaching classes (available on MyAriel website)
- Scientific literature provided by the teacher
- "Farmacologia generale e speciale per lauree sanitarie, PICCIN (as support)
Course syllabus
Phytotherapy: definition. The drug and phytocomplex definitions. interactions with other disciplines (Phytochemistry, plant biology, pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, etc.). Interactions among different components occurring in the phytocomplex. Factors which may influence the variability of phytocomplex. Basic concepts for extraction of active compounds by plant material. The criteria and requisites of medicinal plants: quality, safety, and efficacy. Drugs acting on gabaergic neurotransmission and medicinal plants which induce sleep. Serotonin, catecholamines and their neurotransmission. Dopamine, adrenaline, noradrenaline. Medicinal plants acting on serotonin neurotransmission. Drugs and cognitive impairment. Caffeine: farmacokinetic, mode of action and natural sources. Plants containing xanthines and methylxanthines.
Medicinal plant with actions in the gastrointestinal tract. Gastric infection and inflammation (gastritis and ulcer). Intestinal inflammation, ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Anthraquinones and laxative effects. Plants containing anthraquinones. Plant extracts used for intestinal inflammations: active components and actions. Mild laxatives, gums, and mucilage. Tannins against diarrhea. Anthelmintic plants. Medicinal plants used for nausea. Plants used against hemorrhoids. Plants acting in the urogenital tract infections.
Phyotherapy in cardiovascular diseases and control of dislipidemia. Phytotherapy in the elderly. Phytotherapy to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia. Immunostimulants. Visit to the Museum "Orto Botanico di Brera".
Teaching methods
During the lesson in Phytotherapy (synchronous lessons), besides the use of slides for the conventional lessons, teacher will organize a visit in the Museum Orto Botanico di Brera, which is located in the centre of Milan. The museum contains a variety of medicinal and officinal plants. In this way, students will be able to see plants and investigate morphology and the part of plants used for medicinal purpose. Parts of plants studied in the second part of the course will be seen by students at lessons, when available in the Lab of Pharmacognosy.
Teaching Resources
Books which may be consulted by students:
Pharmacognosy and Phytotherapy: pharmacological basis and applications. G. Mazzanti, M. Dell'Agli, AA. Izzo. Piccin, 2020.
Capasso F., Grandolini G. Izzo A. Fitoterapia. Springer, Milano.
Accessing to the following Ariel site, it's possible to download all the material used for lessons, including all the slides used during the course:
Models for studying the biological activity of natural substances
BIO/14 - PHARMACOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 48 hours
Professor: Camera Marina
BIO/15 - PHARMACEUTICAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Dell'Agli Mario
Please contact via email to arrange a meeting
Department of Pharmacological and Biomolecular Sciences "Rodolfo Paoletti"